United States
Mike, the TK-102 is the one I ordered from China. I will definitely check mine before I install it (actually I'll check both units).
The fact that the Phantoms lights are flickering when the power is of is a sign of radio frequency interference effecting the Phantom. My concern is what will the effect be when the Phantom is powered in flight, and what other RF source effect it.
The only time I have seen a device effected by a RF when powered off was one of my son's Hess trucks. I was testing a Ham radio base station connected to a base antenna inside the house. When I keyed the mic the Hess truck on the other side of the room turned on, lights, horn etc. The base station antenna was radiating almost 100 watts of power. I was surprised the Hess truck did that because like your Phantom it was off. GSM handsets radiate only about 1 watt of power.
I would test the unit by removing the props and starting the Phantom and placing the TK-102 near it and listening for changes in motor speed. I would do this at a number of different RPMs. I am really concerned about this as you don't which item is the problem. Is the TK-102 producing the interference at a level of frequency it shouldn't, or in the Phantom susceptible to some frequency or level it should not be. The real problem is which ever device it is, it is more than likely a harmonic if a higher frequency so you would need a frequency counter to find it. The frequency of that harmonic will also determine what components of systems within the Phantom are effected. This kind of issue could also be the cause of fly a ways if a susceptible Phantom encountered the right harmonic at the right power level in flight.
Also who is your cell provider? |