Phantom 3 standard flyaway
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10717 51 2016-4-11
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Flight distance : 220774 ft
United Kingdom

Hi folks,

My 1 month old phantom has just disappeared while it was well within the operating range. It was up 120 m high and 400m away and suddenly it just blacked out which have never happened before. No signal breakup or lost signal, it was just a sudden blackout with "no signal sign". There wasn't anything indicating it either got attacked by a bird or something like that,  it just vanished. It always flew home bef9re but not this time.

DJI refuses to talk to me, and I feel very frustrated as I believed in their safety features. Please let me know if anyone experienced the same issue when the drone just blacked out and disappeared without a trace.

Flight records csv doesn't show anything everything was working normal
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Flight distance : 450843 ft
United Kingdom

Bird strike could be a real possibility, was flying with someone else a few weeks ago when theirs did exactly that. seagulls flying well above must have taken a dislike to it and knocked it down, thankfully it was relatively close by and easy to find.  Hope you locate it ok!
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Flight distance : 9991457 ft
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If you are wanting to deal with DJI, it would be to your advantage to have some understanding of what went wrong and the knowledge is useful to all Phantom Pilots to prevent similar occurrences.

Go to
Follow the instructions to upload your flight record.

If you are using an Android phone or tablet, the flight records are in Internal Storage/DJI/dji.pilot/FlightRecord
They are all txt files and the file name includes the date.

Come back and post a link to the report it provides and some of the experienced people here will probably be able to analyse it and give you an understanding of the cause of the incident and perhaps point you to a likely area to search for the Phantom.
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Flight distance : 2408 ft
Hong Kong

Sorry for your issue. Could you tell me the date that you contacted our tech support and the person who refused to talk to you? It would be better to post your case number or tracking number here if you have.Thank you.
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Flight distance : 220774 ft
United Kingdom

Thanks for all the responses guys. I have already sent them in the logs and they said there is nothing wrong with the aircraft. That was my understanding too. Then what explains the aircraft jist suddenly disappeared at 120 m high without a trace? Again it's unlikely it was a bird attack as the aircraft was flying steadily
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Flight distance : 220774 ft
United Kingdom

DJI-Paladin Posted at 2016-4-12 03:39
Sorry for your issue. Could you tell me the date that you contacted our tech support and the person  ...

case number is 190394
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Flight distance : 2408 ft
Hong Kong

sertax Posted at 2016-4-12 14:50
case number is 190394

Thanks for your information.Our colleagues will get in touch with you.
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Flight distance : 220774 ft
United Kingdom

labroides@yahoo Posted at 2016-4-11 21:55
If you are wanting to deal with DJI, it would be to your advantage to have some understanding of wha ...
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Flight distance : 220774 ft
United Kingdom

This is what I had done so far:

1. Searched the forest and drove around the nearby houses on the same day
2. Went back a few times and expanded the search in a grid pattern


3. Put up an advert on the local paper's facebook page (they charged £30 for a single post on their fb!!!)
4. Been putting up adverts on gumtree:
5. put out posters in the sorrounding are (golf clubs, schools, shops etc...)

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Flight distance : 9991457 ft
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Thanks ... There's no smoking gun evidence that jumps right out at me so I have to read between the lines a bit.
What can you say about wind conditions while you were flying?
Were you flying very gently or simply going about as fast as the Phantom would go?
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Flight distance : 220774 ft
United Kingdom

labroides@yahoo Posted at 2016-4-12 09:39
Thanks ... There's no smoking gun evidence that jumps right out at me so I have to read between the ...

Wind was alright, defo well below 20mph.

It had just suddenly cut out without any warning. Will post the last video to youtube at lunchtime
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Core User of DJI
Flight distance : 9991457 ft
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sertax Posted at 2016-4-12 19:16
Wind was alright, defo well below 20mph.

It had just suddenly cut out without any warning. Will p ...

Here's what I have so far ...
There are some gaps and assumptions but the record doesn't have much to go with.
We may be able to refine the analysis if you can fill in a few blanks.

It looks like you had a wind from the SSW, blowing in the direction that the Phantom was heading when last recorded.
The last 10% of the flight shows the Phantom at top speed so we can tell it was either still air or a tailwind.
Looking at the first 10% of the flight which is largely in the opposite direction we see that speed for Phantom never gets close to top speed.  
Assuming you were flying hard, the wind speed was at least 10-15 mph @150 ft.
The flight descends towards 10ft at 64% but the altitude is OK because the land falls away toward Cathkin Rd where it is 100 ft below home.
The Phantom climbs from this point to reach 446 feet.
At 60% battery the downlink is lost briefly, 1400 ft from home.
7 seconds later the flight record ends with the Phantom having accelerated to 37 mph.

If my guesses about your flying speed are right, the wind was at least 15 mph and possibly more at the height it was lost.  
Winds are often stronger up higher and at 450 feet one would expect them to be significantly higher than at ground level.
The loss of downlink @ 1400 ft may be a clue that you were nearing the range for your P3S.

We have to guess from there.
If the Phantom went out of range, it would have stopped after 3 seconds and initiated failsafe RTH which would have seen it attempt to come home directly at the altitude it was at (about 450 ft).
Unfortunately RTH is a slow driver and cruises at a lazy 20 mph.

I'm guessing that from this point, the most likely explanation is that your Phantom made little or no headway against the wind blowing at that level and may have even gone further away.
Eventually it would have reached critical low battery and landed.

Were you able to see the Phantom at this stage?
Did you mean that it blacked out or the screen image?

As the battery is approaching 70% the are indications that the wind is about 15 mph @ 325 ft.
When the Phantom gets close to the end of the flight record,
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Flight distance : 220774 ft
United Kingdom

labroides@yahoo Posted at 2016-4-12 10:58
Here's what I have so far ...
There are some gaps and assumptions but the record doesn't have much  ...

That is a very good theory indeed,many thanks for that.

Few points raise.:

It still doesn't explain the sudden loss of both signals (video + controller) at the same time.

RTH altitude was set to 30m so I suppose it would have descended to that altitude first.

Wasn't experiencing difficulties flying to the other direction headwind.

Also after a some time I raced toward the last known location and was expecting it will eventually pick up the signal, but it mever happened battery was on 60% which gave it about 12-15 min flying time...
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Flight distance : 9991457 ft
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sertax Posted at 2016-4-12 21:30
That is a very good theory indeed,many thanks for that.

Few points raise.:

I can't be 100% sure because the flight record only gives limited information to work with.
It would have been good if it was a Pro or Advanced so it could have given a lot more data at distance.

The distance at which the record ends appears to be consistent with normal range limit for the Standard.
The phantom was heading away at full speed so it could have flown completely out of range.
The Phantom will never descend to RTH.  If above RTH height, it just comes home at the altitude it is at.
The speeds recorded show full speed only when heading north/northeast but significantly lower each time it went south, which is a good indication of wind strength and speed (unless you flew fast one way and slower in the other direction.
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Flight distance : 1870 ft
United States

sertax Posted at 2016-4-12 07:30
That is a very good theory indeed,many thanks for that.

Few points raise.:

With my experience as soon as I get close to a neighborhood or subdivision my signal drops because of all the interference. It didn't surprise me to see that you lost your signal when you got close the that group of houses. I have lost my phantom 2 once and what it did was kick into Atti mode instead of entering into RTH. I turned my controller off the signal the RTH so I know I didn't switch it into atti mode. Anyways I had a very similar height, battery power and wind speed as you. I found mine just over 2 miles in the exact direction the wind was blowing. It just kicked into atti until low battery and then landed. Not saying this is what happened to yours but hopefully it helps.
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Murilo Carmello
Flight distance : 1562549 ft

I konw that it´s a little late, but I'll give a advice that I made in my Drone, I put a label with my name and phone in my P3P, this can help
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Michael M
Second Officer
Flight distance : 1984898 ft

Call them they don't answer emails
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Flight distance : 220774 ft
United Kingdom

Michael M Posted at 2016-4-12 16:28
Call them they don't answer emails

Yeah I noticed, doubt they would have any constructive input though
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Flight distance : 220774 ft
United Kingdom

I think best I can do is to look around and put up few posters downwind of the last known location as suggested...

Last video as promised:

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United Kingdom

hi sertax looking at flight logs just now plus youtube video to get an idea where to search with mine when i go up.
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United Kingdom

just looked at map i know the are to look at now was flying up there last week myself near nature reserve.

this is a link to my video.
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Flight distance : 220774 ft
United Kingdom

mm6chm Posted at 2016-4-13 09:59
just looked at map i know the are to look at now was flying up there last week myself near nature re ...

Nice video

I have spent several hours in the bushes but no luck
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Flight distance : 220774 ft
United Kingdom

DJI-Paladin Posted at 2016-4-12 07:59
Thanks for your information.Our colleagues will get in touch with you.


The drone has been found, but it had sustained excessive damage indicating it had been dropped out of the sky. I have replied to the email thread please advise on what happens next!!!
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Flight distance : 2408 ft
Hong Kong

sertax Posted at 2016-4-19 01:30

The drone has been found, but it had sustained excessive damage indicating it had been dropp ...

It would be better to send the drone back for RMA.  
Monday to Friday, 9:00AM-5:00PM (German Time GMT+1:00)
Online SupportMonday to Friday, 11:00AM-6:00PM (Netherlands Time UTC/GMT +1)

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Flight distance : 220774 ft
United Kingdom

DJI-Paladin Posted at 2016-4-19 02:53
It would be better to send the drone back for RMA.Email:   Phone:+49(0)97479304200  Monday to Frida ...


I have sent the drone back to the repair center and theyare claiming I had performed a mid air CSC with the drone. This is a nonsense, how could I have done that if I had lost control with the drone and the last action was the control  stick was fully forward.

This is mental, I am very disillusioned in DJI's conduct in this matter
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Flight distance : 2408 ft
Hong Kong

sertax Posted at 2016-5-4 18:36

I have sent the drone back to the repair center and theyare claiming I had performed a mid a ...

Actually the result is based on the flight data which contains all the drone's and RC's statuses, commands and movements status and RC commands from the beginning. You also can contact our support for more detailed explaination. Thank you
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Flight distance : 220774 ft
United Kingdom

DJI-Paladin Posted at 2016-5-4 11:51
Actually the result is based on the flight data which contains all the drone's and RC's statuses,  ...

Yes but they don't seem to comprehend that was drone not under my control anymore, so how could I have performed this manoeuvre?

It is clear from the logs I had posted that the last action was a full ahead.

Is there a phone number so I can  call them?
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Flight distance : 2408 ft

sertax Posted at 2016-5-4 19:20
Yes but they don't seem to comprehend that was drone not under my control anymore, so how could I  ...

You can call +49(0)97479304200 and provide your RMA number then.
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Core User of DJI
Flight distance : 9991457 ft
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sertax Posted at 2016-5-4 21:20
Yes but they don't seem to comprehend that was drone not under my control anymore, so how could I  ...

I'd be wanting to see their evidence pointing to CSC.
It sounds a bit like they are pulling explanations out of a hat.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 518084 ft
United Kingdom

labroides@yahoo Posted at 2016-5-4 13:34
I'd be wanting to see their evidence pointing to CSC.
It sounds a bit like they are pulling explan ...

I strongly agree with this.

Why wouldn't the flight record show the same?  If it was possible to send a CSC command, why wouldn't that be in the flight records in the app?

Could it be a bug in the firmware?  It's not as if there aren't bugs judging by the number of very secretive nature of firmware updates that come out.
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United States

I had some thing happen to me yesterday. i was flying my Chroma Blade about 30 feet above the ground trying to get a picture of a ground hog. All of a sudden my Chroma turned Sideways in the air. it fell and landed in a bush. I could not figure out what caused it to crash. i went and picked it up and there was some blood and a caouple small feathers on it. I think it hit a bird.  Lucky it landed in a bush and did not hit the ground. I also have a Phantom 3 pro and a Phantom4   
The phantoms are MUCH better drones
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Flight distance : 220774 ft
United Kingdom

nigelw Posted at 2016-5-4 13:50
I strongly agree with this.

Why wouldn't the flight record show the same?  If it was possible to  ...

You are absolutely right. Their official analysis:

The data shows that the aircraft was operating ok but it suddenly started to descend after 866s as seen on Image1. On Image2 the top shows the movement of the drone, while the bottom show the controls. Here we can see that a CSC was given (also known as Combined Stick Command), meaning that if there are 3 lines combined at the bottom then a CSC has been given. Image3 shows the speed of the Motors, as seen on the image these all stop after 866s, right after the CSC command has been given.

My response to them:

Thank you for your reply.

You may have noticed that the flight record ends at 589s according to the flight data in my phone. After this the screen went dark and it said ni signal, and it never recovered. The flight record clearly oroves this.

After that another 277s seconds elapsed during which the drone was beyond my control!

If what you are saying is true, than the remaining 277s should show in my flight record which is not being the case.

It is clear that the drone broke off the controller and went totally crazy

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Flight distance : 220774 ft
United Kingdom

labroides@yahoo Posted at 2016-5-4 13:34
I'd be wanting to see their evidence pointing to CSC.
It sounds a bit like they are pulling explan ...

I couldn't download the flight data at home, and they lured me to sending in the drone, so I am completely  at the mercy of them
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Core User of DJI
Flight distance : 9991457 ft
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sertax Posted at 2016-5-5 01:05
I couldn't download the flight data at home, and they lured me to sending in the drone, so I am co ...

Where was the drone found?
Was it close to where the flight record ends at Mary Slessor Wynd and the treed area just south or there or had it traveled some distance further?

This should provide an indication of how far away the Phantom was when the alleged CSC happened.
The flight record ends with the Phantom 520 metres from home and pretty close to the control limit for a P3 Standard.
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Flight distance : 220774 ft
United Kingdom

labroides@yahoo Posted at 2016-5-4 22:21
Where was the drone found?
Was it close to where the flight record ends at Mary Slessor Wynd and t ...

Course of events based on the flight data from the phone and their report:
Battery was on 2 bars when I got it back

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Flight distance : 220774 ft
United Kingdom

Attached is their report:


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Core User of DJI
Flight distance : 9991457 ft
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That just looks like some sloppy investigation at DJI.
It's all very well to say that CSC was the cause but when the circumstances make that look very unlikely, they need to look a little closer rather than just making a quack assumption.
Don't roll over and let them pass this off.
DJI need to explain how you managed to trigger CSC at a distance of 735 metres from home when no other control input had any effect fo 3.8 minutes

The questions for them are:  
Why was the Phantom zipping away at full speed when contact was lost.
Why did it continue at least another 400 metres and why was RTH not initiated when signal was lost?
How was CSC activated when it was out of range at 735 metres?
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Flight distance : 220774 ft
United Kingdom

labroides@yahoo Posted at 2016-5-5 09:03
That just looks like some sloppy investigation at DJI.
It's all very well to say that CSC was the ca ...

That's exactly my point too.

They are not even looking at the gps coordinates, where the drone was at the time, furthermore they are not willing to provide the entire flight log from the drone so I can analuze myself.

They are trying to masquerade their faulty product with this nonsense.

I have been trying to call them on the number DJI Paladin gave me, but it's constantly saying the office is closed as it's out of hours.

The only European number I can call is in Germany but they don't have anything on the case number there.

They stopped replying to the emails, what do I do now? I feel I did everything  get this right ((
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Flight distance : 292579 ft
New Zealand

Hi mate, I don't know if it's the same problem, but my Phantom3st just dropped out of sky too, like 2 weeks ago after updating firmware. it was only 40 meters away, 15 high, and just stopped working and fell down. Since then I was looking for other people having similar problems and this might be one of them. Sorry for your crash!
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