Hello, I have the phantom 4 from 3days ago and we only fly once without problem.
When I turn on the Phantom 4 now the iPad doesnt the image and shows terrible screen (attach image). The phantom 4 sometimes show the image OK but fastly lost.
What can i do?
I have the last version on the FW, RC and the App, and I have the Ipad Mini 4.
19778 Posted at 2016-4-16 07:33
I think that is the Original iPhone 6 cable, however I tryed to use the Android phone with the cable ...
Just out of curiosity, did you fully reboot your iPad? And for the cable, can you see if it is worn around each end or pinched any wear. Also make sure nothing else is running In the background on the iPad.
Record some video to the SD card then download it to your computer, this way you will be able tell if what you are seeing on the iPad is what the camera is recording, if the recoding is all scrambled then you most likely have a camera issue, if the recorded video is ok then it is a transmission back to the iPad issue.
19778 Posted at 2016-4-16 15:53
Camera Sensor Error - Hardware malfunction. Contact DJI Support to for Repairs. What can I do now?
Just do what the message says ! There is something wrong with your image sensor and you need to return your aircraft to DJI for repair probably. At least you need to contact DJI Support about this.
what kind oh ipad are u using.... i tried with my ipad 2 and had bad live transfer of images....but zero problem with my iphone6....maybe the ipad is not fast enough!!????
- The phantom show the Image correctly 1 min today (more or less), after this, the phantom shows the image that you can see in this video
- When the image is black (and green), the camera doesn't take a picture or videos, besides, if I try to take a video sometimes the phantom lost the signal with the RC...
- In Android, I can change the Custom Transmission, Im try to put 4 mpbs, 10, etc and the same problem, the image doesn't show it.- When I connect the phantom to PC, the assistent (on windows and OSX) doesn't show the firmware, always show this picture (attached)
I'm desperate, I've spent a lot of money of Phantom 4 and I only fly 7 min properly, after this the problems doesn't dissapear...
I have downgraded the version using the assistant and the problem persists, after this I used the assistant to update to the last version and the problem continues...
Dear DJI-TIM and others, I've had my drone 5 days and I've had a error message saying hardware Malfunction Left Sensor Error and also Air Encounter Error. I have tried to email and tweet DJI and no response, I am heading abroad very soon and need this resolved as I am travelling for most of the year. My email is info@enjoyoutdoors.co.uk please can someone let me know something!!
My seller havent changed my Phantom 4 with three days with this problem.... He send the Phantom to DJI to repair, I think that I buy one product professional (2000$) and If this has a problem directly the DJI changes for new one. In summary, I bought the P4 in March and I don't work with him, and I'm afraid I'll have a repaired P4 and troubled.
raju Posted at 2016-12-7 18:15
Phantom 4 camera sensor error prabulam sir...pls any help...hardware malfunction please contact DJI support for repair....solution
Hi, you have a camera sensor error? can you take a screen shot of the error code/description and post here?
raju Posted at 2016-12-7 10:15
Phantom 4 camera sensor error prabulam sir...pls any help...hardware malfunction please contact DJI support for repair....solution
You could try calibrating the sensors using the 'DJI Assistant 2' Application and a PC. Also check and make sure the sensor cameras are clean.
raju Posted at 2016-12-7 17:15
Phantom 4 camera sensor error prabulam sir...pls any help...hardware malfunction please contact DJI support for repair....solution
Hello Raju, what sort of mobile device and which versions of mobile OS, Go app, and aircraft firmware are you on? Have you kept them all updated?