You share my view...
I purchased my first P3P going in knowing and expecting the worst of customer service...but I was also a realist. I've looked at the alternatives, the 3DR and the Yuneec (or Blade) that every other vendor is trying to push on me because they have better customer service and readily available parts...yeah, that's all fine and dandy, but I wasn't going to spend $1400 on a quadcopter because of customer service or how the company caters to me when I crash. Unlike some of you, I purchased my P3P, then my P4 because I wanted to buy a quadcopter, and the P3P and P4 fit every spec or exceeded what I thought was superior. It was a great feat of engineer in a little small plastic casing. Granted all the other quads offer the same or similar, but the only strong point the salespeople could tell me was that DJI sucked...why? because of customer service...
I guess I thought I was invincible, that I wouldn't crash it, but I also figured that if I crash, then it will be a huge loss. That I would probably have to buy another one, not fix it up. Maybe fix it up to resell and recoup a bit of money, but if I crash, I figured it will be a loss. And well, as far as manufacturer's defect, there's warranty for that. But every company's warranty is slow, and I rather play my luck and hope that I got a LEAST defective one (and that's with everything that I buy, not just this. I've been lucky in most of my toys so far. knock on wood). Heck, that's why I've exchanged 3 of them already within my 30 day period, to make sure I got the---least defective one. I'm not rich. But I figured it has to be in my budget (which includes taking a TOTAL LOSS, should it happen) for me to go out and spend this much money on a toy. And if you spent your life savings (or a huge part of your savings) on a $1,400 toy, then maybe you need to consider living within your mean (GAWD, I'M GONNA GET FLAMED FOR THIS!). Yes, I know, some of you use it for work, and yes, delay means money loss. But, maybe you're right, this may not be for you. You obviously have a different agenda.
It's like this, I read restaurant reviews to weed out the people who are bashing the establishment because of slow or bad service. I will put up with horrible service for good food. Heck, I'm Asian, and I know how bad services in Asian restaurants are, and yet, as long as they have good food, I'm willing to put up with it. It's hard to find good food these days. Take it from me, I'm fat, I know a little bit about food..... |