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Thanks for Saving me $1400 on the Phantom 4
3429 34 2016-4-20
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United States

Just wanted to say thanks to your terrible customer support and piss  poor company policy of not promptly sending replacement items for those  that get delivered DOA and make your customers wait after spending a  large amount of money.. I have decided to return my Phantom 4 and get a  refund. I refuse to waste my hard earned money or time on your repair of  a product that should have worked from the start. Or maybe fix your  policy to take better care of your customers so that you keep them.  Again thanks for showing me that I DO NOT WANT TO SUPPORT A COMPANY LIKE  DJI. BUYERS BEWARE... THEIR CUSTOMER SERVICE IS AS BAD AS EVERYONE  STATES. I should have paid better attention to the reviews. Shame on me  for not paying mind to other people pain and shame on DJI for not doing  the right thing.
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Flight distance : 2972497 ft
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United States

I would like to add that in the past 10 months I have purchased a P3P, P3A for a nephew and a P4.  Updated all with current firmware, and had a couple of minor issues, but got super advice from a myriad of great sources on this forum.  All the DJI products have been for me as advertised and even better

Had a crash issue, that was most likely out of warranty (Dozens of hours of wear and tear on  a device that is a flying laptop).............had to contact customer support (USA) and the experience was nothing short of stellar.  
They kept me up to date, were curtious at every step of the process, responded to my emails....gave me specific instructions and gave me more far consideration then I believe was necessary.  

Some people may be dubious of what I am saying......and that's each his own.  But this guys from Indiana thinks that what DJI is doing is an awesome job.

They've made me and several of my friends DJI lifers.   Just wanted to post my story...........
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Flight distance : 430686 ft

And that's the problem with DJI. it's a roll of the dice in terms of what kind of service you will get if you need it. Overall, I would say that is not good customer service if it is so inconsistent and ranges from outstanding to anger inducing frustration. It still shows that as a company they really don't put a lot of stake in it one way or the other.
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United States

Tmygun Posted at 2016-4-21 08:12
I would like to add that in the past 10 months I have purchased a P3P, P3A for a nephew and a P4.  U ...

Haven't had too deal with dji but the bird handlers on this forum are awesome ,without them I'd be lost.
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United States

Last years experience with DJI was the worse experience I have ever had with any company.   Bought a Phantom 3 from a store on Amazon.  Drone never worked out of the box.  DJI said to send it back.  I did on the first week of July.  Could get no info on the repair all summer.  Most of the time they would not even answer.  Finally in September got the Phantom back.  Firmware was still screwed up.  Finally got in touch and all they would tell me is that they do not support firmware upgrades.  Told me to go and study the tutorials.  Ended up just returning the unflown Phantom to the store I bought it for a 50% loss.  I was done.  All fall and this past winter kept wanting a drone.  When the Phantom 4 came out with so many features I bit again.  Phantom 4 works great but I am not upgrading the firmware to go through that again.   I heard that DJI moved into a big new facility and fixed its customer service issues.  Reading these forums that past month I read so many horror stories.  So maybe its a hit or miss thing.  It should not be that.  Spending $1400 should get you excellent
support  24/7.   
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Flight distance : 168540 ft
United States

well, my history is mixed. 2 years ago , the service was terrible, 6 weeks to respond. By the end of 2015, they improved dramatically to 1- 2 weeks response time. Now, they are getting back to the poor service. My P4 came with a defective IPad holder. Opened ticket on March 28, more than 3 weeks, 4 calls, and still have not got my replacement part, not even the shipment confirmation.
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DJI Team
Hong Kong

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DJI-Tim, I'm not sure who you are directing your post at. But I think you might want to remove his full name and personal email from that photo you posted.
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United Kingdom

Had my first run in with DJI support yesterday through a chat. Took 30 minutes to reply to each of my message and at the end told me to try something and just ended the chat before I could see if it worked. It did not and the drone has been booked by the seller to be collected and returned in the morning for a refund.
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United Kingdom

Terrible company, I'm giving up, getting a full refund goodbye DJI
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United States

jyurkyandsons Posted at 2016-4-20 17:27
Haven't had too deal with dji but the bird handlers on this forum are awesome ,without them I'd be ...

I'd second the sentiment.
We have a great group of experts on this forum. Thank you!
Reading and learning the pitfalls and shared knowledge steer me straight. My experiences with P3A and now P4 have been 99% positive. I am amazed every time I send these mechanical birds / flying cameras in the air.
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Flight distance : 512251 ft
United States

I have to say I haven't been super impressed with support. All I really want is some confirmation that my problem is being dealt with. The first guy I spoke to on the phone said he was going to send me an email to reply to. I never got the email. Called back later in the day and talked to someone else, AFTER creating my own ticket on the website. She told me to upload the receipt and said they would send out a replacement UV filter. Great. She said I would get an email confirming it and another with shipping info. I haven't received anything. The ticket on the site hasn't been updated. It's been like 2 days.
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United States

madaerial Posted at 2016-4-21 11:22
I have to say I haven't been super impressed with support. All I really want is some confirmation th ...

I generally sit on the sidelines on issues of DJI's customer service because, I take into consideration some of the realities of corporate growth and technological innovation that maybe, some of the "complainers" fail to understand.  

I was in the computer software business myself and witnessed uncontrollable overnight growth that sounds fantastic but, in reality, can be quite crippling.  We as customers really need to understand what this company has accomplished and the incredible innovation that sits before you when you slide that battery in for a flight!  I've had my issues since the P2 Vision, the P3, Inspire 1 Pro, OSMO, no adapter plate and firmware upgrades, etc., etc. but, I know what I hold in my hand when I point my Inspire due east at sunrise and fly out over the ocean to capture some great video.  Uncontrollable growth breeds internal punishment.  This company has done some pretty cool stuff.  That have brought a ultra-high-tech product to a worldwide market that, for the most part, stands up pretty damn strong in my eyes.  I commend their performance and, at the same time, sympathize with all of their customers that have had a less than positive experience.  Things always work out in the end.  Hey, by the way, when are they going to ship my X5 Adapter?  I ordered that thing two weeks ago!
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That's why you purchase from best buy or apple, so you can return it right away and get a new one.
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Flying Poptart
Flight distance : 734577 ft
United States

TJ10 Posted at 2016-4-21 14:30
That's why you purchase from best buy or apple, so you can return it right away and get a new one.

Thats what I always say too....
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First Officer
Flight distance : 20145135 ft
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United States

RELAX!! I have a new issue and I am going to sort it out on my end before I scream. There is a resolution to everything. Let's work it out.
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Username Here
United States

picro88@hotmail Posted at 2016-4-20 23:43
DJI-Tim, I'm not sure who you are directing your post at. But I think you might want to remove his f ...

I've got to agree. Why would they post any personal info on the internet?
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Username Here Posted at 2016-4-22 10:40
I've got to agree. Why would they post any personal info on the internet?

It's not the first time they've done it. I've seen it maybe one or two other times when DJI is replying in forum posts they post up screen shots of case responses with personal details in it. Maybe in an attempt to show everyone else that they are trying to resolve the issue?
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windwardbound Posted at 2016-4-22 04:08
I generally sit on the sidelines on issues of DJI's customer service because, I take into consider ...

Hooray, someone at last who understands the enormity of the task.
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I guess I've been incredibly lucky, I'm not to saying that I haven't had a few problems since buying my first DJI product but I would say the vast majority of the issues I did have could be added up to a steep learning curve on my end most of which were solved by RTFM.

To date I've purchased 5 DJI systems and the real issues I've had that couldn't be solved by RTFM were just as many,

-A late shipment due to supply demands, shipment in turn couldn't be recieved by myself and was returned to sender, a refund was recieved within 24hrs of the FedEx tracking showing reception on DJI's end.
-One bad battery (one bad cel) which was replaced without question.
-A crash, 100% pilot error (clipped a catcus flying FPV) DJI repaired the bird free of charge, turn around time was less than ten days, 6 of those days in transit, two days were Sat/Sun.
-An HDMI issue after the latest update, a work around was provided and I can fly without issue while waiting for a proper solution.
-Another Crash, 100% Pilot error (flying backwards into a rock face) and awaiting parts.

Pretty minor issues all in, DJI has been there to help in almost every case even when they didn't need to. My "Customer Service Experience" has been Excellent to date and I have no reason to think they will go downhill from here, all indications prove otherwise.
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Flight distance : 52638 ft
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Here's your solution then: go attempt to find another equally capable RTF Quadcopter offering the technology built-in to the Phantom series for the same price. You won't. And spare us the "what's coming out soon" hype. Fact is, you won't find it.
DJI absolutely has had some customer service problems. But the fact remains, this is still the best aerial photography platform for the buck. DJI is a technology company and has clearly learned from their mistakes in the QA arena. That can be the steepest learning curve for many successful companies. I'm not a DJI fanboi, but I am a realist. Maybe aerial photography isn't for you?
It sucks that the OP had these issues, but going off the deep end isn't helping or achieving anything. How the heck does DJI know that you didn't brick the brand new flying laptop yourself as soon as you received it? There's a process involved in ANY return of an item of significant value, especially in the technology world. Sure, there are examples where people received faulty products and they had no fault in that other than the frustration involved. There are also 4X (or more) that many people that are trying to take advantage of their warranty when they caused damage to a product out of sheer negligence.
This hobby is NOT for complete novices. One must be relatively tech savvy to understand, operate, and maintain a Quadcopter packed with technology.
At the end of the day, we all made a decision to invest in this technology. The good, the bad, and the ugly.
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windwardbound Posted at 2016-4-22 02:08
I generally sit on the sidelines on issues of DJI's customer service because, I take into consider ...

You share my view...

I purchased my first P3P going in knowing and expecting the worst of customer service...but I was also a realist.   I've looked at the alternatives, the 3DR and the Yuneec (or Blade) that every other vendor is trying to push on me because they have better customer service and readily available parts...yeah, that's all fine and dandy, but I wasn't going to spend $1400 on a quadcopter because of customer service or how the company caters to me when I crash.  Unlike some of you, I purchased my P3P, then my P4 because I wanted to buy a quadcopter, and the P3P and P4 fit every spec or exceeded what I thought was superior.  It was a great feat of engineer in a little small plastic casing.  Granted all the other quads offer the same or similar, but the only strong point the salespeople could tell me was that DJI sucked...why? because of customer service...

I guess I thought I was invincible, that I wouldn't crash it, but I also figured that if I crash, then it will be a huge loss.  That I would probably have to buy another one, not fix it up.  Maybe fix it up to resell and recoup a bit of money, but if I crash, I figured it will be a loss.  And well, as far as manufacturer's defect, there's warranty for that.  But every company's warranty is slow, and I rather play my luck and hope that I got a LEAST defective one (and that's with everything that I buy, not just this.  I've been lucky in most of my toys so far. knock on wood).  Heck, that's why I've exchanged 3 of them already within my 30 day period, to make sure I got the---least defective one.  I'm not rich.  But I figured it has to be in my budget (which includes taking a TOTAL LOSS, should it happen) for me to go out and spend this much money on a toy.  And if you spent your life savings (or a huge part of your savings) on a $1,400 toy, then maybe you need to consider living within your mean (GAWD, I'M GONNA GET FLAMED FOR THIS!).  Yes, I know, some of you use it for work, and yes, delay means money loss.  But, maybe you're right, this may not be for you.  You obviously have a different agenda.

It's like this, I read restaurant reviews to weed out the people who are bashing the establishment because of slow or bad service.  I will put up with horrible service for good food.  Heck, I'm Asian, and I know how bad services in Asian restaurants are, and yet, as long as they have good food, I'm willing to put up with it.  It's hard to find good food these days.  Take it from me, I'm fat, I know a little bit about food.....
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United States

meetjoeasian Posted at 2016-4-26 22:55
You share my view...

I purchased my first P3P going in knowing and expecting the worst of custome ...

This is a $1400 flying piece of intelligent machinery with real time FPV and the ability to move your attached 4K camera...not a $1400 toy. Respect the bird.
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meetjoeasian Posted at 2016-4-27 12:55
You share my view...

I purchased my first P3P going in knowing and expecting the worst of custome ...

Well written, and very true. You buy a Phantom to fly it, not repair it.
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Flight distance : 986716 ft

meetjoeasian Posted at 2016-4-27 10:55
You share my view...

I purchased my first P3P going in knowing and expecting the worst of customer ...

You had me until "fat Asian". Never seen one not competing. ;)
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United Kingdom

Never purchased any Drones before, complete novice.

So last month I see Apple selling the P4.

Now I take notice, because me and Apple do regular business.

I trust them, the support is 2nd to none (Ikea are next best, but don't sell drones). When I purchase from them, if I am not happy at all, I return it for refund or replacement. No messing about.

Although I live in the countryside, I can be at an Apple store by train within the hour.

I probably would not own a P4 right now if it wasn't for Apple selling them.

I think DJI should be aiming to achieve this kind of status.
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United States

The idea that poor ol' DJI just got too big too fast is nonsense.  The product is lacking because they released it before it was complete, in search of profits and press, without a proper customer support system IN PLACE.

A good example, the DJI Go app, which is required to fly, obviously lagged behind what was originally advertized.  I wonder if DJI is financing Lichi and Ultimate Flight just so they can get the additional $20.  (Wait, Lichi just raised their price by 25% over the weekend - but what value was added?  Hmmm...)

DJI seems to be run by marketeers who are essentially business types with no interest in the product, who think success is measured only by profit.
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United States

DJI-Tim Posted at 2016-4-20 23:29

Tim - you might want to remove all personal info from this post.
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Flight distance : 261033 ft
United States

Flying Poptart Posted at 2016-4-21 14:39
Thats what I always say too....

Or amazon. They'll let you send anything back.
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Flight distance : 165105 ft

Let us know which brand and model you end up buying... I'd be curious enough to want to learn what you think is a better buy.
I know there are a lot of players now.

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United States

waynekerryattew Posted at 2016-4-21 12:53
Terrible company, I'm giving up, getting a full refund goodbye DJI

lol good luck with another company. I bought a Yuneec before buying the P4. The remote controller was so ridiculously flawed (and wouldn't charge/turn on due to manufacturing flaws) that the only reason for this badly flawed RC to be sold was extremely poor quality control at Yuneec. They obviously did not test, turn on, or otherwise touch the RC, or they would have noticed the battery charging ports were going sideways into the RC, making it impossible to plug in, and the Micro USB charging port was not connected to the battery terminal inside the RC. I also called their customer service, and was treated like s***, and was told that If I had purchased the drone directly from Yuneec (instead of through Amazon), then I somehow would not have gotten a defective drone. What?!?! That suggests they send their defective ones to Amazon for them to sell/deal with returns of. After that, I was told to send the controller to them, wait 5-6 weeks, pay $120, and they would fix my RC (the one I had already bought and wouldn't even turn on out of the box!!) and they would get it back to me. That is a hugely ridiculous policy, As the broken RC was obviously manufacture error. Needless to say, I returned the whole drone and went with DJI instead (and am so glad I did). As I said, good luck with another company...
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 1095955 ft
United States

Well, I have quite enjoyed the Phantom 3 and still plan to purchased the Phantom 4.

I would like to suggest how they can solve the customer support and repair process if their was ears on that topic.
Offer 24/7 customer support.
Text-enable your customer service.
Include a live chat option.  
Make sure you have a good multi channel ticket management system in place.
Hire great customer reps, support them and give them some flexibility.
Make sure you have enough customer service reps during peak times.

Another sound option since you are providing a retail product is that you need to expand your product repair facilities.
Now granted, yes this could be a very expensive process if DJI choose to have their own facilities, but one key way to reduce this overhead is to provide small businesses with the option to be certified repair/replacement locations.  When you encounter an customer with a repair request, you could location a smaller location able to handle the repair process. This would speed up the repair process and reduce the time wait for the customer.

But sadly, this will fall on deaf ears, but if you want to make a corporation get even bigger, you need to act like a corporation and not a small business.
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United States
Offline Posted at 2016-4-27 20:09
The idea that poor ol' DJI just got too big too fast is nonsense.  The product is lacking because th ...

Seriously?  If you say that then it goes the same with every product on the market.  Even though companies test their models out internally, it cannot give them the real picture of every aspect of every different mode of usage out there.  That comes from the the hundreds of thousands to the millions of consumers that will give their products the real test.  Then, that's when the real feedback comes in.  This is when they have to go to work, and this is when they have a time limit to fix any flaw and glitch.  

When was there ever a perfect iPhone released?  This is the price you pay for wanting the latest and greatest, and being the first.  I know that.  I've waited IMPATIENTLY to be the early adopter for many products.  I've waited in line at 3:00AM to be the first to have the latest iPhone many times.  And I can tell you this from personal experience, there has yet to be an iPhone released without a problem.  Heck, they've even released a O/S patch for the iPhone on the day of release.  I've also prematurely updated a firmwares and O/S's to have them brick my devices because I couldn't wait for a new feature.  But hey, I understand the cost to being the first to experience something.  Yes, I could have waited 6 months until they get all the bugs and the fixes out.  Or, prime example right now, buy a P3 (now that the P4 is out) because DJI has spent the past plus year fixing and perfecting the P3.  But if you were the first one to buy the P3, you would have complained then, but the people who are buying the P3 now aren't.  Weird how technology works egh?

I work for BMW, and when the current M5 was first released, a recall was immediately issued within 2 weeks of the first delivery.  BMW told all the owners do not drive their M5's because it can cause a fire.  Hell, imagine how you'd feel if you just dropped $110k on a car and was told to not drive it, and that there was currently no fix for at least another month.  In any case, you can always live on the safe side and buy what's been proven.  That is why the P3 is better than the P4, NOW.  The people who are buying the P4 will be experiencing issues and problems the P3 buyers did when it first launched.  And it will be the same with the P5, P6.....and so on.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 1095955 ft
United States

meetjoeasian Posted at 2016-4-27 13:13
Seriously?  If you say that then it goes the same with every product on the market.  Even though c ...

This guy gets it!
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United States

Seriously?  Are you saying that we, as customers, after seeing an advertizement stating certain features are included, shouldn't assume that those features are included, that if the features are included, they won't necessarily work, and that we should NOT further assume that the product will be safe when used properly?

What planet are you living on?  I don't think you've ever worked in any consumer industry because what you're describing above is what lawsuits are made of.  I'll bet your M5 issue, if it actually happened, generated more than one lawyers salary.

Sure, no product is perfect.  I don't believe I said anything like that.  What I did say is that certain errors are the obvious result of a premature push to market.  If a product is cutting edge experimental, it should be labelled as such!  The P3 was labelled as RTF.

The customer doesn't know if a product is premature until after he lays down his hard earned money.  Rich kids can afford to experiment and throw away the rejects but most of us are looking for a working tool that performs AS ADVERTIZED.
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