Flight distance : 534970 ft
Don't (yet) know about the P4 but the last time I calibrated my P3P compass was around 7months ago!!!
The furthest location I have flown from the original calibration point is around 500 km away. No issues, or message to calibrate so far. (Btw I'm good at flying ATTI. And have reasonable flying spatial skills. I.e. can easly fly my 3D aerobatic helis upside down etc...mow the lawn with them etc... so I figure if I ever have a compass problem, I can bring the bird in on ATTI. )
I'm no expert or compass dance guru, but I firmly believe in - "If it ain't Broken then Don't Fix It" so I'm not planning to recalibrate the compass unless there is a good reason to do so..
The P4 may reqire compass calibration more often (I.e. You get the message to calibrate compass) because it has dual compass, and a small variance between the two may be triggering the message to calibrate. But being forced to do it on every flight doesn't sound right.
Question: Do you get a message to calibrate on the same day and location when doing multiple flights. I.e. If you fly for say 10 minutes then bring the bird in, land. Switch off for say 5 mins or after battery change and start up again?