Gimbal disconnected.
2539 12 2016-6-2
Uploading and Loding Picture ...(0/1)
Flight distance : 16762 ft

I have no connection between kamera and the Pilot app. Flying works fine, but no pictures can be taken.
I have removed gimbal, and removed battery and then replaced battery, and started up without gimbal. Then turned "off" and connected the gimbal/camera and started up again. It worked the first time, but today it tells me "gimbal disconected" whatever I do. I have altso reinstalled Pilot app.
Anyone who can help?

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First Officer
Flight distance : 3636782 ft
United States

Does everything else work on the DJI go app ?  (Telemetry, altitude  etc)   Was there any updating done at all ?  Make sure you have a good cable between the RC and the Device  ( I pad or whatever )  

Also is the camera on , does it show signs of life when you turn it on ? does it do the Dance ?  If it does the dance you have a good connection to the Gimbal.  

You say no pictures can be taken, but you also have NO video on the screen correct ?  

Also are we talking X3 or x5 and if so do you have both cameras or just the one ? Was it purchased as a pro or did you bump your X3 inspire to and X5 pro ?

Also can you record pictures and video  to the Sd card or storaage device on the X5 , but just cant see Live video ?

What type of device for the Go Pilot App ? Is it I pad, or android device ?

Let me know these basics and we will go from here


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Flight distance : 16762 ft

Donnie Posted at 2016-6-2 14:22
Does everything else work on the DJI go app ?  (Telemetry, altitude  etc)   Was there any updating d ...

Hi Donnie
Everything you asks for works. Altitude, distance and so on. It does the dance, I have changed cable, switched between iPad and iPhone.
The camera menu is "greyed" out. Nothing there works. Cannot switch between stills and video, for example.
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Flight distance : 16762 ft

Donnie Posted at 2016-6-2 14:22
Does everything else work on the DJI go app ?  (Telemetry, altitude  etc)   Was there any updating d ...

It has to be said that I put on the X5 6 weeks ago, but this problem in only 3 days old.
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Flight distance : 16762 ft

post@himmelfoto Posted at 2016-6-2 14:37
It has to be said that I put on the X5 6 weeks ago, but this problem in only 3 days old.

It was purchased as an X3.
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First Officer
Flight distance : 3636782 ft
United States

post@himmelfoto Posted at 2016-6-2 07:46
It was purchased as an X3.

Do you still have the X3 to see if it works ?  If you do try ...
Also can you take pictures with the Camera and video ?  This will tell me if it is a camera problem ore a video tramsmission problem . Or is this impossible .

When you took the gimbal off where you sure to plug everything back into place ?

Did you do an update or change anything right before it happened ?

If you did update to 1.8 did you make sure it was for the Pro and the X5 and not the Raw ?

Can you list all the versions that are on your system  on the "About " page , so we can make sure you are on compatible versions .

Also if you recently did an update can you look at the hidden file ?  I need to know what is on lines 0800 and 1500.  I have seen many X5 loose the video with a bad video transmission module .
If you simply re load the latest Aircraft firmware ( 1.8 or 1.7 )  it will load the hidden file, since you are just re loading the existing it will only take like 3 minutes.  Just make sure you use the correct one.  I have included a link on how to view hidden files.

Did your Go app update to the most recent ?  If not make sure you have the most recent Go app


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Flight distance : 1515312 ft
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United States

Donnie Posted at 2016-6-3 00:26
Do you still have the X3 to see if it works ?  If you do try ...
Also can you take pictures with th ...

Excellent Donnie,
Thanks again for all your assistance.
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Flight distance : 16762 ft

Donnie Posted at 2016-6-2 18:26
Do you still have the X3 to see if it works ?  If you do try ...
Also can you take pictures with th ...

Thank you for using your time on me.
I can start telling you that the status now is that I can start up the inspire without the memory card. Then everything is normal. Then I put in the card, and I can operate both camera and video as normal.
It sort of works for me this way, but of course the drone is not to be in this stage. I will try to install the newest  
firmware although I did that many weeks ago.
You have many questions for me, and I do not have the skills to answer in a short time.
But I will follow the link you gave me.
I will remove end reinstall Pilot app and so on.
Thanks for your time.
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Flight distance : 16762 ft

post@himmelfoto Posted at 2016-6-2 22:22
Thank you for using your time on me.
I can start telling you that the status now is that I can sta ...

I can not take pictures or doing any video when it is in the wrong modus. I have to start up without memory card as explained.
I do not have the X3.
I did not do any upgrade right before.
The next couple of questions you ask is moore heavy stuff for me. I will come back to it later on.
Thank you.
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First Officer
Flight distance : 3636782 ft
United States

post@himmelfoto Posted at 2016-6-2 15:27
I can not take pictures or doing any video when it is in the wrong modus. I have to start up witho ...

Sorry I am a bit confused , what are you doing to get it to work normally ?  Not loading the memory card for the X5 ?  
Be sure when you are tunring ON the system you do it in this order, it is important

1- RC transmitter
2- Then aircraft
3- Last the Go app....Now the I pad can be on but do not open the Go App until very last .  

Wow , that is strange, get me the other information I requested and I will do my best to help you.


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First Officer
Flight distance : 3636782 ft
United States

DJI-Ken Posted at 2016-6-2 13:15
Excellent Donnie,
Thanks again for all your assistance.

No problem, I just hope I am not loosing anything in translation with  forum member "Post "  

Thanks Ken- donnie
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Flight distance : 16762 ft

Donnie Posted at 2016-6-2 22:54
Sorry I am a bit confused , what are you doing to get it to work normally ?  Not loading the memory ...

Hi Donny
I start up the inspire in this order you mention, but the GoApp i haven't have any concern in which order.
Today I am going to use it in work, and I just have to rely on its strange way to start with all camera functions to work.
Then, in the weekend to come I will try all your helpful advice.
Hope my english writing is OK for you to understand.
Kind regards Morten Woldstad
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First Officer
Flight distance : 3636782 ft
United States

post@himmelfoto Posted at 2016-6-3 00:40
Hi Donny
I start up the inspire in this order you mention, but the GoApp i haven't have any concer ...

You are doing fine, ( English )  I just want to make sure I am understanding You.  I had a Head Injury some time back and I need to read things several times for it to sink in.  The forum is good therapy for me.

Also when you say memory card , do you mean the SD card, I know the X5Raw uses a SSD card but not the X5 ,  Make sure that you have these formatted and clean when you are about to start the aircraft .  If you have old upodates on the SD card it will think there is an update.  The MACS ( If you have one ) are notorious for not wiping off the data on the memory card.
I think the problem is in the memory card, what it is  there must be some data on it, so when you start up it is thinking update and wont work.  Make sure you wipe clean the Memory card and thenstart the aircraft.

Try another new Formtted SD card and see if it starts nomally , can never have enough SD cards anyway !

Try this before doing all the hidden file Link I have given you. You have not damaged the video module if you can see it with your system of putting the Memory card in last .

So all I really need you to do is let me know what is on the "About " Page of the Go app ( sample below ) and try another SD card.  I know you are busy, just get back with me after the weekend or when you can.

dont worry about the hidden file stuff for now.   

Let me know after the week-end


In the Screen shot below, the latest update for my I pad air  is 2.7.3   This is a older screen shot for example of what I need to know, you can take a screen shot or just list them.  

about page 1.8.PNG
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