United States
I'm in the middle of shopping right now. I'm in the United States. I fly the Inspire 1 V2.0 and am also Section333 exempted. There's a company out of Australia named "Allianz". My broker, gave me a quote from them:
It was $875 for a year $1,000,000 bodilyinjury/propertydamage coverage. It was another $300 and some change for hull damage (drone repair/replacement) up to $5,000 with a $250 deductible.
I asked my broker to get me some quotes from AIG, Global Aerospace and Lloyd's as well.
Other than that, I have no idea how good any of those companies are, but am doing the research now. Although, I'm not really sure I know what to look for..
I wish my home insurer, Liberty Mutual, had a policy. They are not the best, but at least I know how they are when dealing with claims.
Hope that helps!