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So I flew anyway...
1250 4 2015-1-22
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United States

Against the warnings of DJI, I flew my Inspire today. I just cannot take being grounded while waiting for prop locks.

Yes, I made a risk. But yes, it was fantastic!

An odd thing for anyone that has seen some of my other posts, I had NO ISSUES today! In fact, my most recent problem of dropping video did not occur.

Why? Heck if I know. Perhaps it was that there was very little wind during today's flight (below 2 m/s) as oppsoed to 4-5 m/s on my mountian trip last weekend.

Not sure.

Anyway, props were tight after the flight so I plan to go up again tomorrow if the weather is nice.

Anyone else decide to risk it? Anyone not?

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United States

Haha! Yeah, I've been having a hard time keeping my bird grounded. No issues, really! I felt like I had a slight drift going on today, but it wasn't major. However, I did smack some branches with my props! I was able to pull out and everything is fine though. That was a little scary. I can barely see anything on the props... wonder if they are still okay to use?
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United States

They have to cover themselves in every possible way I reckon.  Some people are not going to check and double-check their prop security before flight.  But who can prove that props were not secured after the fact?  DJI will try to accommodate everyone including the absent minded by building in safety measures like prop locks.  As for those who lost props in flight I can't judge them because I wasn't there.  Mine have shown absolutely no signs of loosening but still I do check them before each flight.  I guess any extra form of insurance will be nice.
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United States

It's painful not to!! Haha I've been flying, with EXTREME precaution. I have my go pro looking at the controls and monitor with  my DSLR on a tripod watching the full flight.
If the props come off, 100% my fault. Haha
But if some crazy bug hits me, Im definitely going to be able to cover my ass!!

Is there any type of insurance you guys know of? I'm part of the AMA already. But what if the Inspires that bugged out hit a person or fragile structure? There's no way in hell the pilots going to be able to cover that.  Is DJI liable for damages caused by manufacturing failure??
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While we wait for the official prop locks one can minimize the risk for loosing propellars by adding a washer between the prop and the motor bell. Otherwise there is a1 mm gap there and no friction other than by the treads on the shaft. I have seen the "bird" make powerful throttle adjustments (slowing down motors) when trying to keep in locked GPS position - or stop flight and hold position. I think this might be the cause when loosly fastened props spin off the shaft. The motorspeeds changes are much softer in non-GPS modes.

I have done several flights with washers in place. The props sticks a great deal harder when I am taking them off after flight.

Great flying, great footage.
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