New Osmo Video in Shanghai (China)
1132 1 2016-6-30
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United States

Here's my new video filmed with my friend's Phantom 3, the Sony RX100m3 and my Osmo. To be honest, most of the footage is with the Sony, since it was static shots - however, there's a pretty long walk I did with the Osmo which was sped up to 350%. Despite i'm happy with the result (much better than anything out of a gopro or non stabilized camera), i'm wondering whether I should invest in the Z-Axis. Or just improve my Ninja walk? Thought it was already pretty decent, but perhaps I was walking too fast in this shot. Best thing to do, when possible, is film while on a scooter.....

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Flight distance : 13602 ft

Hi, when you speed up the video, it's inevitable the video will look like bobbing, because the vibration is magnified.  I suggest you try the z-axis stabilizer, since you can always return it if you're unsatisfied.

BTW, it looks strange when you put the subtitle on upper right corner, I didn't notice it at first. Also, the fonts of the Chinese characters could be modified to look nicer.
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