Second Officer
Flight distance : 336204 ft
United States
So, my first P3A had some minor issues, so I had Amazon process a replacement. They sent an older one (possibly refurbished). Initial unit was a W322B with a C controller. Replacement unit is a W322A with a B controller. Replacement unit had blank stickers on the box covering up the serial number, model number, all the barcodes, etc, although the unit itself looked perfect.
Anyway, I took the replacement out a couple of times to see if it was good, before sending the original back. The replacement unit seems to fly fine, except close in (within 150 feet) I get poor/loss of signal. As I fly beyond that, signal comes back and it flys great and the same distance as the original unit. The original unit did not have the close in signal errors in the same exact places.
In fairness, since I was just trying to see if the new unit was ok, I flew out of the box -- other than calibrating the compass. It is on old firmware (1.3.2, I think). I'll upgrade once I decide which one I'm keeping. I ran the original unit on the out-of-box 1.5.3+ and upgrade 1.9.6 with no issues.
So, my qustions are:
1 - Anyone else have these close in problems? Is it related to the old firmware?
2 - Any to keep the original (newer) W322B/C controller unit over the older one? I know the B controller is supposed to have a bit more power. In my test flights, each time it did go a tad farther than the C contoller, but not enough to be very meaningful.