Prop guards
2583 18 2016-8-26
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Flight distance : 56 ft
United States

Does anyone feel they are needed? I crashed mine yesterday and it spun against an object and stopped (while the other 3 was still spinning). That can't be good. I removed it and reinstalled it. Wondering if prop guards would be good and if it affect performance.

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United States

I installed removable prop guards for 2 reasons.  First, obviously, to help protect the props in a mishap, and secondly to help reduce the chances of stress cracks around the motor mount screws.  Personally, I think the guards change the flight characteristics of the bird a little too much for me, so I hardly ever install them.  I am convinced, however, that the mounts help to reduce the chance of stress cracks.  That's my 2 cents.
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Flight distance : 1515312 ft
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If you are flying in open areas then you may not need them. BUT, if you take off or fly in close quarters, or indoors,  then they can be a lifesaver.
It's a great investment. DJI makes them, and if you use an aftermarket set just make sure the screws  are not too long and go into the motor windings. There are tons of crashes and motor issues due from using aftermarket prop guards and the screws they provide are too long.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 904364 ft
United States

I had them when I was new the the hobby, and they helped a few times when landing and the craft tipped over. Another pro would be it makes it much easier to see in the sky if at least the front ones have a color, mine were red. Also helps you to know which way is front on the craft if these are different color than the rears. Now you will have people on here that will swear they make the drone fly away if it's windy out. This is not true, I've been out many times in a good wind and that never happened to me. It can happen if you fly when it's very windy out and you make the bad decision to fly down wind, with or w/o prop guards this is not good. Than they lose or almost lose their drone and blame it on the guards.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 2480515 ft
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As DJI-Ken says: Nice when close quarter flying, never else.
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Flight distance : 1515312 ft
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wmcvey Posted at 2016-8-27 03:15
I had them when I was new the the hobby, and they helped a few times when landing and the craft tipp ...

I've never heard anyone say they lost their Phantom in the wind because it had prop guards.
There's no way that can happen. Maybe another manufacture if those tiny drones and their prop guards are huge like wings and the wind took it away.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 904364 ft
United States

DJI-Ken Posted at 2016-8-26 16:50
I've never heard anyone say they lost their Phantom in the wind because it had prop guards.
There' ...

I have read many posts that stated just that, you can rest assured. Almost any thread that the subject of prop guards is talked about, there's always one or two posters that have expressed this view. Now I don't agree with that, same as you. I had them on my P3S for months when I first got it and had flown in some fair winds and didn't have any issues with the Phantom. I was just trying to give the OP a heads up that they might get someone reply to their thread stating this, and was trying to put their mind at ease if that happened.
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Flight distance : 1515312 ft
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wmcvey Posted at 2016-8-27 05:40
I have read many posts that stated just that, you can rest assured. Almost any thread that the sub ...

No problem, I have only used prop guards indoors but I still think there's no way a DJI prop guard would make the aircraft fly away with the wind.
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Flight distance : 351575 ft
United States

i always use prop guards, you know when something can go wrong. I have big gashes in my arm from the drone flying into me a couple days ago, because of a small mishap. The cuts may be about 4 inches longer than they should be (they shouldn't be there), and the prop guards probably helped me not get even larger scratches, had they not been there, my arm would have gone straight into the blades as apposed to the small opening in between prop guards, and what was bad could have been worse. Another phantom of mine took a tumble from about 30 feet in the air, and landed on the prop guards, 2 were DEMOLISHED, stuck in the ground, shattered to pieces, but the drone escaped without a scratch. If only my current Drone were like that and didn't have problems even without a 30 foot fall! (I still love your drones, DJI <3 )
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Flight distance : 1515312 ft
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Bilzc10 Posted at 2016-8-27 06:01
i always use prop guards, you know when something can go wrong. I have big gashes in my arm from the ...

I cannot disagree, prop guards will increase your chances of less or no damage for sure.
Who knows, maybe one day the FAA may decide they want prop guards on all drones.
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Flight distance : 351575 ft
United States

DJI-Ken Posted at 2016-8-26 18:04
I cannot disagree, prop guards will increase your chances of less or no damage for sure.
Who knows ...

im ready for that day >:^D
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Flight distance : 1515312 ft
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Bilzc10 Posted at 2016-8-27 06:07
im ready for that day >:^D

And top and bottom of the props will have to be protected  too. Maybe some kind of mesh that the holes must be smaller than your finger
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Flight distance : 351575 ft
United States

DJI-Ken Posted at 2016-8-26 18:16
And top and bottom of the props will have to be protected  too. Maybe some kind of mesh that the h ...

I actually wouldn't mind the option for 'top props'. A few older drones of mine didn't have this, but had prop guards that went higher than the props so if it smacked into the ceiling it wouldn't scratch the ceiling or crash the drone. Maybe something that snapped on to existing props just as added protection for indoor flights.
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DJI-Ken Posted at 2016-8-27 06:50
I've never heard anyone say they lost their Phantom in the wind because it had prop guards.
There' ...

There have been plenty of reports of Phantoms being blown away and/or not being able to fight the wind because of prop guards.
Here's one example with a flyer who had no idea what he was doing and it shows how easy it is:  
Prop guards make a big  increase in windage.
They act like sails and catch the wind.

Prop guards give a false sense of security and may encourage users to fly close to obstacles and even people.
In general if you think prop guards are a good idea, flying somewhere else is a better one.
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DJI Team
Flight distance : 1515312 ft
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labroides@yahoo Posted at 2016-8-27 08:09
There have been plenty of reports of Phantoms being blown away and/or not being able to fight the w ...

As I said, I fly with prop guards sometimes indoors. I don't see a reason to fly with them in open areas ans especially high up.
Anyways, I guess that one may have been affected by the wind.
I'd have to test for myself in heavy wind with DJI prop guards to see the difference with or without the guards.
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Flight distance : 28612 ft

United States

i love my guards i had tehm on my p1 and now on my p3...
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Flight distance : 700846 ft
United States

I bought clip on guards long ago.  I almost never use them, but have a few times.  I always leave the mounts on the body though to beef up the mechanicals.  That video only proves that he flew in to high a wind.  I am not convinced that there would have been much difference in the outcome without them.  It was mostly inexperience that caused it to the whole thing.  I was watching some of the trees as he was drifting by them.  They were really moving around.  Lastly, once he brought it low enough to hold position, RTH should have been cancelled immediately.  When he got below roof line and out of the wind. RTH accelerated it without the wind in the proper direction for home.  Overriding the controls or turning RTH off would have allowed him to make a soft landing in the street and saved the day.  He obviously learned something.  By the way, the first time I saw that video (quite awhile ago) I don't think he had decided the protectors had caused it.  I don't remember all of those added notes in the video.
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When I found out how RTH works I never let the quad land with RTH. As soon as it is within a certain distance i take control again to land it where I want. This because of the 5 to 10 meter radius to the Home point. I think it's a good habit.

But wow, his nerves must have been vibrating like guitar strings. Glad he got it back and didn't panic. And got some good video shots.
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United States

AG0N-Gary Posted at 2016-8-28 05:19
I bought clip on guards long ago.  I almost never use them, but have a few times.  I always leave th ...

I agree.  How much the prop guards act as "sails" is subject to opinion unless you did an objective test on a moderately windy day with them on and off.  You shouldn't be flying in that high of winds in the first place.

The stance of the landing gear is pretty narrow and even in little to no wind, I've found you have to be very very careful on the landings to avoid the copter tipping over.  In my opinion the biggest benefit of the guards is to protect the props in case of a tip over on landing which means it doesn't matter if you are flying in open spaces with no wind or not.

What I'm wondering on the snap ons if it really does help prevent cracking  too as opposed to the 6-screw strong arms. They should make a 6-screw version of the snap on mounts!

Maybe the biggest downside of the prop guards is the additional weight but what does that really amount to at most, 1-2 minutes of less flying time?
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