Rc Assistant Issue Fix !!
682 1 2016-10-6
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Michael Starley
Flight distance : 2812 ft

A lot af you guys may already know this.
This is for the pilots that are scratching their heads in disbeleif .

As you may know, I recently posted with an RC Assistant Issue ( Remote Stopped Communicating With RC Assistant ) .
Turns out that the drivers for that software or the remote , or both are designed to work with Windows 7 .

Instead of purchasing a new harddrive , then paying to have 7 downloaded to it , I purchased a good laptop for $100.0 at local pawn shop .
Spent the evening and part of this morning stabilizing the os .

Complete success .

djiwin drivers-exe.
Rc Assistant-exe.
P2 Assistant-exe.

Found software at DJI.com(Official Site ) .
Top of website , Searchbar
Type in Phantom 2 .Hit enter
You will see thumbnail of P2
Under Support(Beside Thumbnail or Picture) you will find all the software we have come to know and love .
Download djiwin drivers-exe. Follow prompts .
After successful download .
Do the same for RC Assistant 1.2
Then P2 Assistant 3.8 (No particular order )

At this point (assuming all has gone well )
You will be able to Recalibrate Joystick Endpoints with software as usual .
Do not be concerned if prompted(In P2 Assistant ) that your MC (Quad) has been upgraded to firmware version 3.14 . That is normal . Firmware is working great on my unit .
Just wanted to pass this info along .
Hope it helps.
                        Michael Starley

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DJI Natalia
Flight distance : 318 ft


Hello Michael Starley, thank you so much for sharing the valuable info, great!
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