Flight distance : 45187 ft
It may be a random check by customs on DHL to validate paperwork and that you are an actual person and the final recipient of the package. Not seen this before for individual air shipments but it not unusual for surface container shipments from China to UK to be delayed a week or so whilst they do comprehensive checks.
In any case, you are protected under the EU data protection directive and have a right to know what the information is required for, who it will be shared with and how long it will be kept. The directive can be summarised in several principles below. No doubt there will also be national data protection laws in your country. If I was you I would use them and ask for more information before freely submitting your personal data.
- Notice: subjects whose data is being collected should be given notice of such collection.
- Purpose: data collected should be used only for stated purpose(s) and for no other purposes.
- Consent: personal data should not be disclosed or shared with third parties without consent from its subject(s).
- Security: once collected, personal data should be kept safe and secure from potential abuse, theft, or loss.
- Disclosure: subjects whose personal data is being collected should be informed as to the party or parties collecting such data.
- Access: subjects should granted access to their personal data and allowed to correct any inaccuracies.
- Accountability: subjects should be able to hold personal data collectors accountable for adhering to all seven of these principles.