So the gimbal is held on by 4 little rubber grommets, at first I didn't think it was secured at the front but it is. There is a little mark on the left hand side by the front left sensor, nothing big, I would considered it a blemish. But there are a few dust particles inside the lens. I thought the blades would be difficult to put on, but they are not, they work similar to a child proof medicine bottle. Push in and turn, just make sure you hold the motor itself. Gimbal clamp and cover were perfectly on. The battery on the remote was 35% when received and the battery is at the 25% mark or less. Right now charging the controller and battery. It is too dark to fly. First thing I did was purchase the DJI Care Refresh. This thing is well put together and is my first drone, so I'm taking my time with each part. I have read the manual at least twice cover to cover and have read the quick start. After the batteries are charged I will do an upgrade. I don't think I will be flying in the house tonight, but hopefully get a flight in tomorrow. I'll also pick up a small camera back at Staples or somewhere for 30$ CAD, couldn't justify paying 80$ USD for the Combo pack. This thing is well built and solid, it is worth the wait, but if you are anything like me being impatient it is hard to wait. I ordered on Sept 30, receive notification on Nov 8, and it arrived 7 days later. This thing had to go through customs in China, USA and Canada. USA was the longest customs line of any, Canada is quick, probably cause the US checked it well over. The box it came in was about 12" x 12" x 6" for just the Mavic Pro. |