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Flight Data duplicate aircraft in DJI Go android.
953 1 2016-11-19
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Flight distance : 2883714 ft

For some reason I have duplicate aircraft entries in my Flight Data in Android DJI GO. My mavic shows up twice with the same name in each. Is there a way to fix this. I would like to consolidate them in to one. Currently one entry has 66 flights, the other 2.
Is this something that can be fixed by DJI on the server perhpas if I pass my email?

I understand that currently, flight data is platform specific. So my 68 flights in android DJI GO will never be visible to DJI GO on my Android. This is a real shame. It is one thing to put up with the mobile phone size for convenience and mobility when flying. It would be great to be able to reveiw my flight logs on my iPad afterwards though.

Does DJI GO have any plans to make Flight Data cross platform?     


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Flight distance : 2883714 ft

...I still have duplicate aircraft.
Though I have just managed to fix the issue where Flight Log was not visible across platforms. I just completed my first flight with using my iPad Air 2. Once completed I went to sync the record and lo and behold all the Andoid flights have appeared on ios DGI GO!   All I can conclude is that I needed the iPad to be connected to the controller by USB for either a flight or a certain period of time for the associations to be made.  So cross platform syncin is all good for me now.   
Duplicate aircraft is still there though, with the unwanted copy showing just 2 flights. Will probably just delete the 2 flights in the hope it clears the extra aircraft from the list.
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