Flight distance : 328602 ft
After receiving my Fly M ore combo about a week ago, I finally caught some good weather to take the Mavic out for some flights. I noticed a couple issues:
-When ascending immediately after takeoff, I noticed that the Mavic doesn't perfectly hold it altitude for a moment. (For example, I will ascend to 5m, and it will very slowly descend on its own (sticks neutral). If I fly up and down a little bit it seems to "shake out" and starts to hold itself better. Not a huge issue, but calling it out in case it's a symptom of something worse.
-When I'm up in the air hovering, taking some time-lapse video or taking photos, I noticed that the Mavic will drift slightly, turning very slowly counter clockwise. It's slow enough that on my small iPhone 7 screen if you're not paying attention its easy to miss, but if you look closely it's quite obvious. This is a concern to be because I've heard great things about Mavic's low light performance and wanted to try out some longer exposures. Unfortunately when I did, I was having a really hard time taking anything that didn't look blurry (even after focusing)
Anyone else run into this issue?