Second Officer
Flight distance : 388642 ft
United Kingdom
Aardvark Posted at 2016-12-6 01:44
How are you going to fit that lens to the P4 ? You'd have to gut the camera, would the imaging chip need changing for mono ? Otherwise Bayer filter would likely block IR to a degree. I can only think of one similar example, most DSLRs have an IR block filter, because all the imaging chips are sensitive to IR. And those into astronomy imaging might remove that filter.
And then how would the gimbal cope ?
In most of the recent Sony sensors, the red pixels are sensitive to both red and near infra red, but not far IR (thermal), the green pixels also pick up a fair amount of near IR.
Normally there is a IR cut filter on the back of the lens to block the IR from reaching the sensor, all you need to do to collect IR is to remove the IR cut filter, better than changing the lens as it is so light it will have no effect on the gimbal. If you want IR only then you need to also add a visible cut filter so that the red pixels only see IR, but if you are only doing it to get interesting photos then you can leave it receiving both IR and visible colours.
These where taken with my Gitup Git2 Action Camera with the IR cut filter removed (very easy to do):
Near IR only, visible removed by visible cut filter, photo taken in sunlight:
Near IR + visible: