IPad Air 2 32 GB With Cellular QUESTIONS
1163 8 2016-12-6
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Flight distance : 2010249 ft
United States

Looking to buy an I Pad Air 2 and quit fighting my Android tablet. I would like to be able to use GPS so I know need to get the cellular model.
Can someone plesase list for me all the benmefits of having that GPS?? It's use in litchi for one?? Anything that its good for. The cellular versiom is a lot more expensive.
Can't wait to get this all figured out and working...
Also, is 32 gigs enough if I regularly offload data? I want to be able to record mt RC screen sometimes,
Thanks so much!!
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Core User of DJI
Flight distance : 3313248 ft
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Having a cell in the tablet will allow dynamic update of the Tx home point, that's about all it adds.  32 gigs is lots of memory, I have this and have never filled it.
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Core User of DJI
Flight distance : 26781877 ft
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Your Phantom has a perfectly good GPS that it uses for flight.
GPS in the tablet will only give you follow-me flying and the ability to change the home point to the current location of the controller.
It won't make any difference to normal flight.
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Flight distance : 165105 ft

Along with the valid advice above:

If you activate the Cellular option, then you may also Stream live video of your flight, to your Facebook account or YouTube channel as well. ;-)

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Flight distance : 234915 ft
United States

I use the iPad air two as well, I have gone through many tablets android cheeps  cheepi a Samsung tablet as well .by far my iPad air 2 , works so good I am so happy with it I cannot express the difference in the video quality and just overall it does it not hardly ever ever lag and a or ever I've never crashed it the app is never crashed nothing bad to say about it by one I have the 32 gig with cellular data as well I find that using the GPS what it does is it if you walk away from where you're standing when you launch your phantom it'll show you where you're currently located. The only thing I don't like is that doesn't have a HDMI output but I bought one of those adapters anyways yeah by one piece out!!
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 3 ft
United States

I just use my iPad Air 2+ Cellular and it is only the 16 GB model.  Only use it for the drone so not that many apps or sundry stuff like music, videos, etc. are on it.  It's about 1/3 full.

The cellular adds things like maps remotely as well as the ability to unlock a NFZ if needed.  Plus, some autonomous apps need it for "Follow-me" modes and some aerial mapping where they reference off the tablet's barometer on the iPad cellular models as the drone's barometer accuracy is pretty poor.  If you do get the cellular option, check your carriers to see who has the best coverage in rural areas outside of towns where you may need maps if traveling.  I have T-mobile and found they offer less rural coverage than Verizon which I should have gotten for my area in the desert.

No sense in buying the non-cellular and later wishing you had.  I've done that with the Android stuff and later wished I had gotten the iPad Air 2+ sooner.  I would have saved some cash that I wasted over the cheaper Androids I bought that didn't work out so well.  Cry once.
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Flight distance : 100226 ft

I use a Cellular Air 2 as well, and very happy with choice on P4P. Screen is gorgeous, no crashes and fits well. Not too heavy, no wobbling and 32 Gb seems to be enough.
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Flight distance : 944275 ft
Puerto Rico

The iPad Air 2 with cellular is the way to go. I use it with my P4 and I haven't any problem or crashes.
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