 Second Officer
United States
I just use my iPad Air 2+ Cellular and it is only the 16 GB model. Only use it for the drone so not that many apps or sundry stuff like music, videos, etc. are on it. It's about 1/3 full.
The cellular adds things like maps remotely as well as the ability to unlock a NFZ if needed. Plus, some autonomous apps need it for "Follow-me" modes and some aerial mapping where they reference off the tablet's barometer on the iPad cellular models as the drone's barometer accuracy is pretty poor. If you do get the cellular option, check your carriers to see who has the best coverage in rural areas outside of towns where you may need maps if traveling. I have T-mobile and found they offer less rural coverage than Verizon which I should have gotten for my area in the desert.
No sense in buying the non-cellular and later wishing you had. I've done that with the Android stuff and later wished I had gotten the iPad Air 2+ sooner. I would have saved some cash that I wasted over the cheaper Androids I bought that didn't work out so well. Cry once.