Flight distance : 65535 ft
United States
Gary Mac Posted at 2016-12-9 06:39
There is a setting that determines how hard the drone brakes when you "let go" of the stick. I don't recall which setting it is, but you can adjust it so that it "coasts" more. On the up-side, it makes for smoother videos. On the down-side, it takes longer to stop (unless you apply opposite stick), so you may accidentally "coast" into something.
The safest thing to do is to gradually let off the stick. Think of it like driving smoothly, you don't just let go of the gas and mash the brake, you let off the gas and slowly apply the brake for a smooth stop. When you are pushing forward on the stick, you are applying the gas. The INSTANT you move the stick in the opposite direction (allowing the spring to return it to the middle position) you are actually applying brake. So, apply that brake slowly by easing the stick back to the middle (the middle is full brake applied for that direction). That will prevent the shaking of the gimbal. Practice it a little and you'll see how easy it becomes.
Thank u so much for everyone's tip I really appreciate it n will do still got to find out what happened to tripod mode though |