Great job on laying it all out! Interesting to see the difference in settings, although I never bothered playing around with them myself. I expect the default settings to capture OK results to a .dng, and then optimize it in post. As far as I can see the camera usually keeps the ISO at the lowest setting (100) during midday shooting, which is the single most important factor for me. The camera has alot of noise due to its sensor size, even at iso100. I am actually a bit disappointed by this, really wish I could capture less grainy shots with the P2V+.
But anyway, you could have the best settings in the world, but they can never compete to what you can achieve with a raw file and some post processing, as I've experienced so many times from many different cameras through my years as a photographer. I shoot and use raw files almost exclusively on all my cameras, .dng support was actually one of the things that made me pull the trigger on a V2+!
Here are two of my best shots so far, having only had the drone for two weeks:
EDIT: Aerial Real Estate by MNYFOTO, on Flickr
Bruskorvet hyttefelt, Maurseth by MNYFOTO, on Flickr
Both of them have about an hour of post work gone into them, which really makes a huge difference in the end result! Basically I've imported them and applied a DJI Preset I've made in Lightroom, made some adjustments, and then edited different parts of the image in photoshop.