Flight distance : 799718 ft
MacIak Posted at 2017-1-19 13:43
I can also confirm (created a thread before) this is happening. It sneakily uploads stuff constantly to mothership (malware??). Just observe the "outbound" arrow on data.. this is very, very disturbing.
Active app detectors don't even see it yet it is active. After force-kill the misery starts again when switching network to wifi, switching on the phone or coming out airplane mode or...just because.
PLEASE!!! Update go4 to stop this, never had an app doing this.
DJI: Update not only DJI GO 4, but ALSO DJI GO 3 (DJI GO 4 crashes on my SONY XPERIA Z ULTRA) and stop this auto-switch-on and auto-data-transmission behaviour !!!!!
.......... and, DJI, please get me right: I AM HAPPY with my Mavic PRO, until now it works flawless (well, tracking-functions could be improved ;-) ), it´s the best drone available right now, but app-behaviour stinks and DJI GO app is "part of the game" !