A little sad after today's flight...
1695 9 2015-2-17
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United States

I've flown a good 30 flights with my inspire, now, and have experienced no problems.
(Except it's  failing of advance calibration when trying to calibrate, which I resort to doing basic calibration and it works)
Anyway, I was flying today and got hit with a shabang of problems.

Calibrated my compass like normal and did an IMU calibration 2 days ago.
(no flights between) which hasn't been a problem in the past. (Received inspire on the 3rd of January)

About 120 ft in the air, my 'ready to fly GPS' starts flashing red and says compass error or something of that matter (forgot the whole warning message, kinda freaked out)
I started flying her back and then it switched back to 'ready to fly GPS'  not too long after I began its decent.
(I've flown this exact spot so I don't think its structure or electrical problems)
I brought her down anyway, rebooted everything, calibrated compass and IMU, got the 'ready to fly GPS' and
Took off. I started flying for maybe 4 minutes and the camera tilts left making the horizon diagonal.
I hit the c1 button and it adjusted it to normal. Continued until my battery hit 30% and grounded her.
Popped in my second battery, same spot. Still did a compass calibration and took off.
After a minute or so I get a flashing red saying that it's turning into ATTI mode. So I turned the controller to P to kinda compensate.

She handled like she normally would in ATTI I hovered and did some test maneuvers, she checked out, so I continued on the flight.

After a total of 6 different take off and two batteries we all in all had a good day.

Come to editing, however, I saw a peice of one clip have slight static'

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United States

Stopped me from typing.

.....having slight static, but otherwise all the rest of the footage was good.

Anybody have any input??
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United States

That sucks, was it extremely cold where you were flying? My issues with this seem to happen more when its cold and windy
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United States

info.rossfeighe Posted at 2015-2-18 15:19
That sucks, was it extremely cold where you were flying? My issues with this seem to happen more whe ...

Yea it does ha
But nope pretty good weather, warm and dry. Maybe a little breeze, nothing more than weve flown in before.
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Chris Con
Flight distance : 501175 ft
United States

Shakyamunifilms- You mentioned you had failed advanced IMU calibrations. Just verifying that you know the correct way to do an advanced calibration?  TX (controller) and inspire 1 should both be on a non magnetic surface. The tx should be laying flat and neither should be touched at all during the IMU calibration.  Just verifying you were aware of all those things.
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United Kingdom

had the same thing during a flight the other day, in my case I got a weak video signal warning at the same time as the compass issue and switch to ATTI, also immediately prior to this I had some weird gimbal snapping moments.  When I played back the mission log I found it actually flicked into and out of ATTI mode for very short periods of time several times over a 20 second period however it was only reported as a noticeable warning once.

I haven't had any issues with IMU calibration or any other problems during flight except this one flight but unfortunately it instantly removes confidence in the machine.

I wish they would sort out the modes of failure, there is no need to disable GPS for bad compass data because you don't need a compass to hold a GPS position.  They also need to make the un commanded mode change alerts more noticeable and show warnings in the log playback to help debugging.
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Flight distance : 4862615 ft

I had the same issue, but only on my backside. On the front side I flown 1km without any problem, but on the backside I run into those problem at 500m. I got the weak signal warning, the switch to Atti mode and wired gimbal movements for some seconds. I guess this is because of obstacles like trees and me with my iPad in the way and bad error handling in the flight or remote controller in case of weak signal. I think the best we can do at the moment is to point the antennas in an unobstructed way to the Inspire until we get a firmware update.
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United States

Chris Con Posted at 2015-2-18 17:20
Shakyamunifilms- You mentioned you had failed advanced IMU calibrations. Just verifying that you kno ...

Hey Chris, yea I always perform the calibrations away from obstructions and without any magnetic interference. I even run my phone like 30 ft away, because I do forget it's in my pocket at times.
It will reach 99% then begin to fluctuate between 99,97,and 98. Then it fades out and automatically starts the basic calibration which proceeds to 100% and gives me a 'basic calibration complete' message.
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Chris Con
Flight distance : 501175 ft
United States

shakyamunifilms Posted at 2015-2-18 23:18
Hey Chris, yea I always perform the calibrations away from obstructions and without any magnetic i ...

Ok.. was just checking. Blade Strike and the other admins here have said that "flipping into ATTI mode" for a few seconds was due to a firmware change with the newest firmware where if the compass and the imbue don't match up perfectly all the time it will go into ATTI.  The next firmware release that they are currently beta testing will solve that problem though.. So hopefully your problem will be solved sooner than later..

Also note that when you do an advanced IMU it always follows it up with a basic, so there might be a couple times where you think advanced failed, but it actually worked and then headed to basic as expected.
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United States

Chris Con Posted at 2015-2-18 23:30
Ok.. was just checking. Blade Strike and the other admins here have said that "flipping into ATTI  ...

Thats good at least!

Honestly, , I'm not completely let down, just a little disheartened. Because we did complete our flight's objective. I also had no real trouble with controls just the TX indications.

My main concern, is the gimbal tilt and static like footage. I was lucky it only occurred in a small portion of footage that I didn't need and that the gimbal tilt fixed itself after c1 was pressed. But Im taking a hike up this beautiful mountain next week (2 day hike) and I would really be livid if all my footage displayed this static lol.
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