Flight distance : 6055745 ft
DJI reject warranty claims without proper testing:
The told me they test by trying if the craft still works after crash, if it does it's not warranty...
See: http://forum.dji.com/forum.php?m ... age%3D1&lang=en
Dear Rob
We have been testing your Inspire1 and can not find a fault, hence there is no component failure, so it can not be classed as warranty.
However, as a final decision, we are getting the flight logs investigated by our R&D department in HQ. The software you have is for retrieving the flight log…not to display it. Currently (due to the product been new) R&D are the only people that can investigate the flight data. This may take a little while due to the Chinese New Year. We hope to have the ability to check the flight logs once R&D have finalised the software.
Once we have the information from R&D then we will make a final decision.
We thank you for your understanding in this matter
-- Best Regards,
Dave Hollins