United States
theGrindLab.com Posted at 2017-2-1 10:22
You can get a similar motion blur from footage shot at multiple frame rates by applying the same ratio of fps to shutter speed, but you may need to change the frame rate on your timeline in post. Like, if you use the 180 degree rule to shoot at 24fps, you would shoot at a shutter speed of 1/48 (or more likely 1/50, as 1/48 may not be an option). If you want to shoot at 60fps, to apply the same 180 degree rule for shutter speed, you would set shutter speed to 1/120 (and in many cases 1/100, as 1/120 may not be an option). Your motion blur may not look the same on a 60fps timeline but if you apply the footage to a 24fps timeline, the motion blur should look the same/close. Of course, you have to have an editor that does so properly. In this situation, if you prefer to work on a 60fps timeline, I am not sure you will accomplish what you want though. I didn't type this out to eloquently, so I hope it makes sense.
Makes sense, I'll try this on FCPX!
Thanks! |