Zenuse X5S Mechanical Controls - Use?
1368 9 2017-2-16
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Flight distance : 935135 ft
United States

I am a new Inspire 2 owner. My bird has the Zenmuse X5S camera. I have only flown it a few times but the camera controls in the DJI Go 4 app seem to be functioning properly. My questions are regarding the mechanical controls on the X5S camera itself. It has an AF/MF slider switch as well as 2 rings - apparently for focus and apeture. Do these need to be set a specific way? Are they only used with the optional DJI Focus Handwheel adapter? Or is there a specific setting that it needs to be on when you are not using that accesssory?

I have read through the documentation but did not see any reference to these controls.

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Flight distance : 7083891 ft
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United Kingdom

Leave the AF set to auto and put the rubber protector ring around the aperture control ring and leave it alone. You don't need to use them at all as you can do everything from  the DJI Go app. The lens is a standard camera lens made by another manufacturer for DJI and is rebranded. As such, it has all the standard manual camera controls such as MF aperture and focus, but you don't need them on the Inspire.
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Flight distance : 935135 ft
United States

Electro-Nick Posted at 2017-2-16 07:34
Leave the AF set to auto and put the rubber protector ring around the aperture control ring and leave it alone. You don't need to use them at all as you can do everything from  the DJI Go app. The lens is a standard camera lens made by another manufacturer for DJI and is rebranded. As such, it has all the standard manual camera controls such as MF aperture and focus, but you don't need them on the Inspire.

Thank you for the response. Hopefully the rubber protector ring is there and I just didn't see it. I'll double check when I get home but all that I remember in the box was the extra cover (maybe 2 covers) for if you remove the included lens. The website "In The Box" section does not list a protector ring.
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Flight distance : 7083891 ft
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United Kingdom

It'll most likely be on the lens, it kind if blends in .  Wouldn't worry if it isn't there tho'.
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NJ Flying Slow
Flight distance : 765909 ft
United States

Mine came in a zip lock bag in the case.
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DJI team
Flight distance : 112405 ft
United States

Cobra44Magnum Posted at 2017-2-16 11:48
Thank you for the response. Hopefully the rubber protector ring is there and I just didn't see it. I'll double check when I get home but all that I remember in the box was the extra cover (maybe 2 covers) for if you remove the included lens. The website "In The Box" section does not list a protector ring.

You can always supply a picture of what you have on the camera, just in case you need another set of eyes to ensure it's not being overlooked. I've had to do that a few times when it's small enough to gloss over.
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Flight distance : 935135 ft
United States

Thanks for the replies. I found it in a plastic bag in the bottom of the container. It is in place now. The AF/MF switch is on AF and the aperture ring is on "A". The focus ring may have been moved but it has no markings for reference so hopefully it is okay. I am able to control the focus through the app so I assume that the ring isn't doing anything in this configuration.
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DJI team
Flight distance : 112405 ft
United States

Cobra44Magnum Posted at 2017-2-16 19:09
Thanks for the replies. I found it in a plastic bag in the bottom of the container. It is in place now. The AF/MF switch is on AF and the aperture ring is on "A". The focus ring may have been moved but it has no markings for reference so hopefully it is okay. I am able to control the focus through the app so I assume that the ring isn't doing anything in this configuration.

The ring is primarily used for balance.
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Flight distance : 935135 ft
United States

DJI-Jamie Posted at 2017-2-16 22:39
The ring is primarily used for balance.

Oh, okay. It rotates so I assumed it was a focus ring. Thanks again for the responses. I am enjoying the I2 and look forward to getting more use out of it as the weather improves.
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Flight distance : 7083891 ft
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United Kingdom

There's a screwed-in ring in the front of the lens - that's what DJI Jamie is referring to for balance, leave it in. Also leave the lens hood in place, obviously remove the lens cover cap!

Just  Set the Lens focus switch to AF and leave it there., put the thin black rubber ring over the aperture control ring and then forget about it and the focus ring. you don't need to  set or use them as everything you need to control on the lens  is done via the DJI Go app.
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