Gutted !! My warranty replacement Mavic also has blurred edges
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5423 112 2017-2-16
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My warranty replacement Mavic also has blurred edges, the exact reason my first Mavic went back to DJI.
The new one is only has a blurred edge on the right hand side where as the original was blurred on both left and right, so at least I got an improvement.

Anyone elses warranty replaced Mavic arrive without the blurry issue being fixed?

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Flight distance : 609833 ft

exactly the same issue with my first mavic...
Though i've known DJI products for long enough so that when DJI ordered a replacement/repair for this issue. I declined to send it in.. Because im confident ill the same problem with the replacement...
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R&L Aerial
First Officer
Flight distance : 298100 ft
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It's getting to the point were if someone has a mavric that works 100% as it should then it's worth more than a new one..
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Flight distance : 265984 ft
United Kingdom

alirz5 Posted at 2017-2-16 11:07
exactly the same issue with my first mavic...
Though i've known DJI products for long enough so that when DJI ordered a replacement/repair for this issue. I declined to send it in.. Because im confident ill the same problem with the replacement...

So you plan to put up with it or wait longer until there's a 100% fix and then return it?
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Flight distance : 609833 ft

VAS67 Posted at 2017-2-16 11:26
So you plan to put up with it or wait longer until there's a 100% fix and then return it?

i've been getting a lot of hate of these forums for some reason. Im out of the return window now (going on three weeks now). There are many other threads reporting the same issue of blurred corners, water paint effect videos, tilted horizon.
Most people seem to be ok with that. i am not. I own a phantom 3 pro also and that makes videos that are 100 times better than the mavic. I bought the mavic for the portability however it was never mentioned by DJI that this takes garbage videos.
I'm not willing to accept a low quality product for such a hefty price. I've opened a case with paypal for a refund. We will see how that goes.

My advice to anyone how has issues even with replacements, is to ask for a refund.Thats the only thing that will push DJI to do anything about this problem. This being DJI, will never address a real problem with their drones. Their answer is, if you want better video, buy an Inspire with the X5 camera!!Or you can ask for another replacement and see how that goes.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 1638323 ft
United States

R&L Aerial  Posted at 2017-2-16 11:08
It's getting to the point were if someone has a mavric that works 100% as it should then it's worth more than a new one..

My sentiments EXACTLY!  I wouldn't let the Mavic I have now go for anything but a hefty sum.  
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Flight distance : 265984 ft
United Kingdom

alirz5 Posted at 2017-2-16 11:52
i've been getting a lot of hate of these forums for some reason. Im out of the return window now (going on three weeks now). There are many other threads reporting the same issue of blurred corners, water paint effect videos, tilted horizon.
Most people seem to be ok with that. i am not. I own a phantom 3 pro also and that makes videos that are 100 times better than the mavic. I bought the mavic for the portability however it was never mentioned by DJI that this takes garbage videos.
I'm not willing to accept a low quality product for such a hefty price. I've opened a case with paypal for a refund. We will see how that goes.

I too came from Phantom 3 Pro, as soon as the Mavic was launched I was interested in it. Camera specs on paper seem very similar, which I was pleased about as I was more than happy with the P3 Pro footage, even at 1080p....
The reality is the Mavic (or at least the 2 I've had ) don't even come close. I've opened up another support ticket and will see where that takes me..
I'm try to hold faith as there are many Mavic video's out there which seem excellent in picture quality, I just need one of those.
I have also seen many with blurry edges, maybe those guys are happy with the quality, who knows?
Each to their own I suppose.

My biggest regret is selling my P3 Pro before my Mavic arrived, I wish I still had it ;-(
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DJI Natalia
Flight distance : 318 ft


VAS67 Posted at 2017-2-16 13:23
I too came from Phantom 3 Pro, as soon as the Mavic was launched I was interested in it. Camera specs on paper seem very similar, which I was pleased about as I was more than happy with the P3 Pro footage, even at 1080p....
The reality is the Mavic (or at least the 2 I've had ) don't even come close. I've opened up another support ticket and will see where that takes me..
I'm try to hold faith as there are many Mavic video's out there which seem excellent in picture quality, I just need one of those.

Very sorry to hear about your experience, please let us know your ticket number and previous case number, we'll help you follow up the case.
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Wandering Cloud
Flight distance : 839633 ft
United Kingdom

I am on the same boat. The last two Mavics all have various problems and I am waiting for the third to be delivery hopefully within next week.  I also like to know if my warranty and care refresh will be extended because almost two months has been wasted in the process. Anyone from DJI care to answer?

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Flight distance : 265984 ft
United Kingdom

DJI Natalia Posted at 2017-2-17 00:21
Very sorry to hear about your experience, please let us know your ticket number and previous case number, we'll help you follow up the case.

Hi Natalia

Previous case number CAS-423271-K1X8W7

Current ticket number 432992 ( as yet i've had no response)

See what you can do

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R&L Aerial
First Officer
Flight distance : 298100 ft
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United States

DRONE-flies-YOU Posted at 2017-2-16 13:11
My sentiments EXACTLY!  I wouldn't let the Mavic I have now go for anything but a hefty sum.

Now that it's working good I'm holding onto my mavric like grim death!!!
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R&L Aerial
First Officer
Flight distance : 298100 ft
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United States

DRONE-flies-YOU Posted at 2017-2-16 13:11
My sentiments EXACTLY!  I wouldn't let the Mavic I have now go for anything but a hefty sum.

Ok, years ago I bought a used phantom 1, amazing! then I bought the phantom 2 v3, wonderful!!  then I bought the phantom 3, I was blown away!!!  Then I bought the inspire 1, I thought I had a futuristic drone from terminator!!  Then I bought the phantom 4, how can it get any better then this??? Then I bought the phantom 4 pro, defective, bought 2nd p4 pro, defective!! Bought 3rd p4 pro defective!! got my money back. Finally I bought the mavic, grounded for 2 months with VPS issues. Is it just bad luck or do I see a pattern forming here?????
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Flight distance : 71716 ft
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United Kingdom

my mavic shipped back for out of focus lower right yesterday with UPS, looks like its going to be a long road.......
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 1204754 ft
United States

I love my Mavic but admit the camera is a little disappointing which is why I'm hanging onto my Autel XSP, it's camera is better, it's just not as portable. Yesterday I noticed in some of my videos where the sun glared in there are spots that others have shown to be dust in the camera...not good. I'm not going to worry about it though and take any chances on returning it, just going to live with it and try to not position it in such a way to have glare.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 1638323 ft
United States

R&L Aerial  Posted at 2017-2-17 06:23
Ok, years ago I bought a used phantom 1, amazing! then I bought the phantom 2 v3, wonderful!!  then I bought the phantom 3, I was blown away!!!  Then I bought the inspire 1, I thought I had a futuristic drone from terminator!!  Then I bought the phantom 4, how can it get any better then this??? Then I bought the phantom 4 pro, defective, bought 2nd p4 pro, defective!! Bought 3rd p4 pro defective!! got my money back. Finally I bought the mavic, grounded for 2 months with VPS issues. Is it just bad luck or do I see a pattern forming here?????

LOL 2 P4Ps for me & a few Mavics.  I got really, really lucky with Best Buy ecommerce.  I was able to order a new Mavic & just return the old/pick up new within 2 days of a problem.  It was like that right at Christmas & just after (for me at least).  I've noticed "sold out" everywhere, everytime before that & now after like it's October 2016 all over!
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 1638323 ft
United States

PimpDawg Posted at 2017-2-17 08:18
I love my Mavic but admit the camera is a little disappointing which is why I'm hanging onto my Autel XSP, it's camera is better, it's just not as portable. Yesterday I noticed in some of my videos where the sun glared in there are spots that others have shown to be dust in the camera...not good. I'm not going to worry about it though and take any chances on returning it, just going to live with it and try to not position it in such a way to have glare.

No biggy, seriously, since using filters ruins the nice flare from the sun anyway.  I love the Polar Pro Vivid filters I've got, but they ruin sun flaring by smearing them.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 23 ft
United States

DRONE-flies-YOU Posted at 2017-2-17 09:00
No biggy, seriously, since using filters ruins the nice flare from the sun anyway.  I love the Polar Pro Vivid filters I've got, but they ruin sun flaring by smearing them.

Good to know. I emailed Polar support about getting the 16+PL vivid filter and they wanted $40! I didn't even think about it, it's too much.
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First Officer
Flight distance : 1837356 ft
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United States

R&L Aerial  Posted at 2017-2-17 06:23
Ok, years ago I bought a used phantom 1, amazing! then I bought the phantom 2 v3, wonderful!!  then I bought the phantom 3, I was blown away!!!  Then I bought the inspire 1, I thought I had a futuristic drone from terminator!!  Then I bought the phantom 4, how can it get any better then this??? Then I bought the phantom 4 pro, defective, bought 2nd p4 pro, defective!! Bought 3rd p4 pro defective!! got my money back. Finally I bought the mavic, grounded for 2 months with VPS issues. Is it just bad luck or do I see a pattern forming here?????

I was reading your post and agreeing with you to the point of your question. I think DJI has a great product but the demand has exceeded their ability to keep up.  Anytime you have a product packed with this much technology things will happen.

My Mavic flew perfectly and I had the blurry lower right side of my video issue unfold. Just sent it back to the shop for repair/ replacement. I hope I get a good one because it is just amazing little drone to keep in my car.

My Inspire 1 worked perfectly and a problem devolved with my X3 camera. DJI replaced it under warranty in a smooth and fast customer service. Again, things happen and DJI has backed the products I purchased so far very nicely!

All the best
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 1638323 ft
United States

thehippoz Posted at 2017-2-17 09:23
Good to know. I emailed Polar support about getting the 16+PL vivid filter and they wanted $40! I didn't even think about it, it's too much.

Why that one?  I haven't even used that one yet since the light hasn't been bright enough.  I suspect that's a summertime use, as ND8-PL is too much unless there's NO clouds.  I pretty much keep the ND4-PL on it at all times right now since the sun sits so low in the sky.  However, I also can't stand a super slow shutter speed since it makes the footage look like crap at all corners (especially the bottom 2 since that's where the topography is).  I stick to more like 3-4x framerate.  It's too easy to add "crap" to your footage later on in post, but impossible to correct that.  This is a moving drone with a slightly larger cellphone camera, not a DSLR.
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R&L Aerial
First Officer
Flight distance : 298100 ft
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United States

RichJ53 Posted at 2017-2-17 09:47
I was reading your post and agreeing with you to the point of your question. I think DJI has a great product but the demand has exceeded their ability to keep up.  Anytime you have a product packed with this much technology things will happen.

It could be bad luck, very bad luck but I'm really looking forward to a bright future with DJI, I have made tons of money with my inspire pro and I can't wait to see what new products DJI comes out with.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 23 ft
United States

DRONE-flies-YOU Posted at 2017-2-17 10:06
Why that one?  I haven't even used that one yet since the light hasn't been bright enough.  I suspect that's a summertime use, as ND8-PL is too much unless there's NO clouds.  I pretty much keep the ND4-PL on it at all times right now since the sun sits so low in the sky.  However, I also can't stand a super slow shutter speed since it makes the footage look like crap at all corners (especially the bottom 2 since that's where the topography is).  I stick to more like 3-4x framerate.  It's too easy to add "crap" to your footage later on in post, but impossible to correct that.  This is a moving drone with a slightly larger cellphone camera, not a DSLR.

Just wanted to try it out. I have a full set of pgy already 4-32 the cpl and uv. But the nd16 has a defect in the lens. Figured might as well replace it and see what the hype was about.
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First Officer
Flight distance : 1837356 ft
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United States

R&L Aerial  Posted at 2017-2-17 10:38
It could be bad luck, very bad luck but I'm really looking forward to a bright future with DJI, I have made tons of money with my inspire pro and I can't wait to see what new products DJI comes out with.

Sounds like you had some bad luck for sure. Did you purchase from DJI or a dealer? Maybe a bad batch of products (which does not speak highly of QC)

Love the products too and always happy to see the next advancement of drone technology
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R&L Aerial
First Officer
Flight distance : 298100 ft
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United States

RichJ53 Posted at 2017-2-18 10:07
Sounds like you had some bad luck for sure. Did you purchase from DJI or a dealer? Maybe a bad batch of products (which does not speak highly of QC)

First 2 p4 pro's I bought from authorized DJI dealers on eBay, I thought I was getting old stock so I bought the 3rd p4 pro directly from DJI China, it was the worst one out of the 3. The battery was loose, the propeller locks were loose and the gimbal motors  sounded like I was shaving a heavy beard with an old electric razor.
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DJI Natalia
Flight distance : 318 ft


VAS67 Posted at 2017-2-17 05:55
Hi Natalia

Previous case number CAS-423271-K1X8W7

Thanks, we'll escalate it for you and keep you updated as soon as possible.
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Wandering Cloud
Flight distance : 839633 ft
United Kingdom

DJI Natalia Posted at 2017-2-19 01:05
Thanks, we'll escalate it for you and keep you updated as soon as possible.

Hi Natalia,

Do you know the answer to my question by any chance?

Q: I am on the same boat. The last two Mavics all have various problems and I am waiting for the third to be delivery hopefully within next week.  I also like to know if my warranty and care refresh will be extended because almost two months has been wasted in the process. Anyone from DJI care to answer?

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Flight distance : 265984 ft
United Kingdom

Wandering Cloud Posted at 2017-2-19 05:41
Hi Natalia,

Do you know the answer to question by any chance?

Yes I would like to know too as many other Mavic owners must also be thinking the same thing.
For me 6 weeks of Mavic ownership has gone by and my second Mavic has yet to be authorised for return, at best it will be 2 weeks before I get a working Mavic back. That will be 2 months of refresh wasted and warranty wasted...
Some may argue the warranty has not been wasted as replacements are being distributed however warranty claims are painfully slow and take too long. Remember (well in my case anyway) these Mavics are faulty out of the box. I'm Just happy that DJI Natalia has offered to speed up the claim for my second Mavic, the mods really do help in these situations as they proved with my first Mavic claim.

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Second Officer
Flight distance : 2370988 ft
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United States

My replacement Mavic also has blurry edges on the right.

I contacted support and he asked me to do the following, has anyone done this and fixed it?  Doesn't seem to make sense.

I see for this one can you try these steps please.
1. factory reset via the DJI Assistant 2.
2. firmware refresh via DJI Assistant 2.
3. Manual relinking of aircraft and remote controller.
4. IMU calibration.
5. Gimbal calibration.
6. Compass calibration.
7. Process a format of SD card via the DJI GO app. Then process a reset camera settings.

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DJI Natalia
Flight distance : 318 ft


Wandering Cloud Posted at 2017-2-19 05:41
Hi Natalia,

Do you know the answer to my question by any chance?

Generally speaking, the DJI Care Refresh service starts from 2 days after shipment if you purchased the aircraft and service together from DJI online store, or it will starts with the date showing in agreement service if you purchase the Care separately from online or other channels.
For your case, please feel free to send an e-mail to to confirm more information, thanks.
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DJI Natalia
Flight distance : 318 ft


VAS67 Posted at 2017-2-19 08:16
Yes I would like to know too as many other Mavic owners must also be thinking the same thing.
For me 6 weeks of Mavic ownership has gone by and my second Mavic has yet to be authorised for return, at best it will be 2 weeks before I get a working Mavic back. That will be 2 months of refresh wasted and warranty wasted...
Some may argue the warranty has not been wasted as replacements are being distributed however warranty claims are painfully slow and take too long. Remember (well in my case anyway) these Mavics are faulty out of the box. I'm Just happy that DJI Natalia has offered to speed up the claim for my second Mavic, the mods really do help in these situations as they proved with my first Mavic claim.

I do understand your feelings, also please e-mail when you get it back to confirm whether DJI Care team could do something for you.
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Flight distance : 13602 ft

R&L Aerial  Posted at 2017-2-18 10:14
First 2 p4 pro's I bought from authorized DJI dealers on eBay, I thought I was getting old stock so I bought the 3rd p4 pro directly from DJI China, it was the worst one out of the 3. The battery was loose, the propeller locks were loose and the gimbal motors  sounded like I was shaving a heavy beard with an old electric razor.

I'm sorry to hear this, did you contact our support for exchange?
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DJI Natalia
Flight distance : 318 ft


yoengel Posted at 2017-2-19 18:30
My replacement Mavic also has blurry edges on the right.

I contacted support and he asked me to do the following, has anyone done this and fixed it?  Doesn't seem to make sense.

For all the pictures from SD card, you notice the same situation that it's blurry at the right side?
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Flight distance : 13602 ft

Wandering Cloud Posted at 2017-2-19 05:41
Hi Natalia,

Do you know the answer to my question by any chance?

I'm sorry to say that, no, it won't be extended.
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Flight distance : 609833 ft

yoengel Posted at 2017-2-19 18:30
My replacement Mavic also has blurry edges on the right.

I contacted support and he asked me to do the following, has anyone done this and fixed it?  Doesn't seem to make sense.

That's DJI BS. Perhaps a factory reset has the slightest chance of fixing any software setting causing the problem. All other steps are not related to the camera and a waste of time for this issue. DJI is yanking our chains as always...
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Flight distance : 13602 ft

yoengel Posted at 2017-2-19 18:30
My replacement Mavic also has blurry edges on the right.

I contacted support and he asked me to do the following, has anyone done this and fixed it?  Doesn't seem to make sense.

No, it doesn't.  calibration gimbal or IMU or compass won't fix an issue in the camera. I always facepalm myself when I see these answers.   

Just send it in, this clearly is not an issue you can fix yourself.

Did you get this answer through email, online chat or phone?   
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 1204754 ft
United States

DJI-Thor Posted at 2017-2-19 19:57
No, it doesn't.  calibration gimbal or IMU or compass won't fix an issue in the camera. I always facepalm myself when I see these answers.   

Just send it in, this clearly is not an issue you can fix yourself.

any thoughts on my camera's issues?
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 2370988 ft
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United States

DJI Natalia Posted at 2017-2-19 19:34
For all the pictures from SD card, you notice the same situation that it's blurry at the right side?

All images are blurry on the right, unless I focus on the right, in which case, the left side goes blurry.
I first noticed it on this video.  The golden gate bridge to the right was always blurry.

Blurry on right

Blurry on right

Focus on the right side, left blurry

Focus on the right side, left blurry
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 2370988 ft
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United States

DJI-Thor Posted at 2017-2-19 19:57
No, it doesn't.  calibration gimbal or IMU or compass won't fix an issue in the camera. I always facepalm myself when I see these answers.   

Just send it in, this clearly is not an issue you can fix yourself.

It was an online chat with Anthony.  I just sent in a repair request.  Is there a way to expedite this?  I had to wait a month already for the first replacement.  Thanks.
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