Flight distance : 164354 ft
United Kingdom
If you have tried using the Mavic for creating 3D aerial imagery, what app are you using and how are the results?
The reason I ask is that I find the genre fascinating having dabbled very briefly with Altizure. The cost of processing these images seems to vary greatly, but as a starting point, Altizure seems a good place to try as it has a free option albeit with limitations.. I want to try Both Dronedeploy and Agisoft. The standard paid version of Agisoft is probably the least expensive, but the trial version is severely time limited. Dronedeploy seems to be one of the best Apps but is cripplingly expensive.
I understand that to get the best results it is necessary to add oblique images shot as a POI as well as the standard grid images shot with the camera facing straight down. This being the case, how does the the GPS meta data work flying a POI mission when the subject target camera view is not the grid reference relative to where the drone is capturing these images. Grid view shots will be fine as the drone is flying directly over what it "sees".