DJI, open letter re I2 reliability
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3100 41 2017-3-12
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Flight distance : 91811 ft
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United States

DJI ,I bought the p4p and had several serius problems .You did refund me .So I am sitting on a credit and have the rest to buy the Inspire 2 .Something I am very excited about .The problem is how reliable is the I2 ? Is it now bug free ? I am reading that there are numerious problems with the I2, landing gear ,props and connecting with the App,etc.. . Have you fixed these problems ? how can you assure me that I will have a problem free I2 like I did with I1 .I would find it hard to imagine that you would sell new I2 knowing that there are still problems .The order is pending in my cart and I want it so bad but just could not go through what alot of my fellow piolts are going through .I could never imagine hand catching a drone for instance.We all saw the damage to Enrique Iglesias hand when he caught the I1 .I still have the I1 and never had a problem the same with my P4 .Please let me know where things stand on a new Inspire 2 .I think a lot of us would like the answer and a timeline if things have not been fixed .
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 1423930 ft
United States

Hi perryb  Personally if I were you I would save your money for extra batteries for your 2 good aircraft and wait a couple of months until the I2 gets straightened out if and when it ever does. Just my 2 cents.   Safety first! Ken
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Flight distance : 91811 ft
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United States

Highasakite Posted at 2017-3-12 12:31
Hi perryb  Personally if I were you I would save your money for extra batteries for your 2 good aircraft and wait a couple of months until the I2 gets straightened out if and when it ever does. Just my 2 cents.   Safety first! Ken

Thanks ,I am leaning that way but wanted to see if they have fixed anything .
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United States

I have the I2 and love it. The only issue I have encountered is the propellers being noisy. However, there are easy short terms fixes for it until they get everything worked out. If you are wanting to get it I would go ahead and get it.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 5110079 ft
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United States

I bought the Inspire 2 and have not regretted the decision, it has been solid, no issues so far. Hit a speed of 55mph in sport mode today. Only got the X4S camera
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Flight distance : 61860 ft
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United States

I received the I1 when it first came out and I received the I2 in January - I Love both of them but the I2 is worlds apart from my I1 - I have had some minor issues with each of them but the benefits far outweigh the issues.  My vote would be go for it - you will love it...  Amazing aircraft.
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Brad Jones

United States

I had mine drop from the sky yesterday, from 269' up. And looking at the video on the way down, it appears the left landing gear arm broke mid-flight causing major gimbal issues and causing the aircraft to drop 269' to its death. It was my 9th flight with the I2. Hopeing DJI examines mine very closely. No way we should be having $3600 machines falling from the sky. I'm just lucky it didn't kill someone.
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Flight distance : 42014 ft
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United States

Well,  you sure have your proof on the problem.
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DJI team
Flight distance : 112405 ft
United States

Brad Jones Posted at 2017-3-13 16:00
I had mine drop from the sky yesterday, from 269' up. And looking at the video on the way down, it appears the left landing gear arm broke mid-flight causing major gimbal issues and causing the aircraft to drop 269' to its death. It was my 9th flight with the I2. Hopeing DJI examines mine very closely. No way we should be having $3600 machines falling from the sky. I'm just lucky it didn't kill someone.

I've responded to you on another thread.
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Flight distance : 768448 ft
United States

Hello Perrb,
    I want to first start by telling you that everything I'm about to write is simply based on my own experience and expectations.  I think that when you posted your question, you were looking for consolation and confirmation of issues.  Here is what I can I tell you.

1.  The propellers rattle.  I don't think it's all that bad, and I can't hear it on mine, but it's a big enough issue that people don't want to hear it.

2.  It may have obstacle avoidance sensors, but they really slow it down.  It is so slow it irritates me and the benefit of having them on doesn't outweigh the performance.

3.  Sport mode is great, but it's still sluggish off the start line.  Also, sport mode use to mean 68 mph.  It now means 55 mph (a meager 10 more miles than an inspire 1).

4.  The overall feel is just simply sluggish.  People tell me it's a more responsive feel, but if you fly an inspire 1 and then treat the inspire 2 the same way, you will see what I'm talking about.

5.  You can no longer fly with 1 battery.  Most people didn't, but you can no longer.

6.  The white propellers get stuck a lot.  You will have trouble getting these off.  

7.  The case is simply a block of foam.  Some will disagree with me, but it is what it is.

8.  Everything is extra........ everything......   absolutely nothing included except batteries.

All in all, I would have to say that it flies like it looks....... heavy and slow.  I wish I could say more, but I have far more fun with my Inspire 1.  The Inspire 1 feels nimble, quick, and responsive.  The inspire 2 feels slow, sluggish, and unresponsive.
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I 2 Fly
Flight distance : 8176 ft
South Africa

"The inspire 2 feels slow, sluggish, and unresponsive"

For the price of the Inspire 2 compared to my P4 P... yes I have to agree it feels "heavy" and not so responsive....  Lots of hype over the I2 but still needs some sorting out.  And yes everything is extra and expensive.  I'd love to have the SSD but heck look at the price and then add the licenses cost.
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Flight distance : 91811 ft
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United States

Thank you all for your feedback .It appears that the bad outweighs the good .I nearly pulled the trigger but then saw GabeZ and Brad Jones post and I am going to wait a while .Of course nothing from DJI ,I did not think they would tell me that the I2 is reliable .I just can not spend nearly $4k and have what happened to Brad .I think it is an amazing machine and maybe in 12 weeks things will be better and the bugs sorted .Again thank you all for your valuable input .
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Flight distance : 91811 ft
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United States

Brad Jones Posted at 2017-3-13 16:00
I had mine drop from the sky yesterday, from 269' up. And looking at the video on the way down, it appears the left landing gear arm broke mid-flight causing major gimbal issues and causing the aircraft to drop 269' to its death. It was my 9th flight with the I2. Hopeing DJI examines mine very closely. No way we should be having $3600 machines falling from the sky. I'm just lucky it didn't kill someone.

Sorry Brad but thanks for your help.I am holding off buying .
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Flight distance : 768448 ft
United States

Hi Perry,
   One thing I forgot to mention was that the last firmware update caused a lot of problems with most cameras. The x5s cameras developed a buzz (prevalent among other issues) and the x4s cameras starting sticking and becoming unresponsive to pitch and yaw.  I was unfortunate enough to have my x4s camera start sticking when I tried to adjust pitch.   I'm still waiting for it to come back from service.

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Flight distance : 91811 ft
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United States

GabeZ Posted at 2017-3-14 16:18
Hi Perry,
   One thing I forgot to mention was that the last firmware update caused a lot of problems with most cameras. The x5s cameras developed a buzz (prevalent among other issues) and the x4s cameras starting sticking and becoming unresponsive to pitch and yaw.  I was unfortunate enough to have my x4s camera start sticking when I tried to adjust pitch.   I'm still waiting for it to come back from service.

Confirms I made the right decision .Hope they fix your problem fast .
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 3 ft
United States

perryb,  I'm in the same boat about waiting until they get the bugs out of the I2 as well as fix their firmware with the camera's gimbal buzziness.  My first couple of P4's had to go back immediately due to manufacturing issues and not even flown.  Luckily I got them from Best Buy and they are really good about exchanges, at least in the USA (Canada is another matter with them!).

If you check Best Buy online, they will sell the I2 at some point as I see they recently added it to their website.  If you are a better member of BB they have a longer exchange period from 15 days to 30 days (I think?).  Get their credit card and you may even get enough back to make up for taxes.  I'm also wagering that the Inspire 2's that show up there may be out of the initial beta stage to hit the retail Best Buy stores too.  Maybe even props that fit right and don't wobble lending to Jello effects.  How long it take for them to appear is another matter as Apple Store's still haven't gotten any Mavics in since last October or earlier.

Local stores that sell the I2 have a "Take it up with DJI if defective" attitude which I don't care for after same-day sale.  Another uses some 3rd party for warranty evaluation, and another works out of a P.O. Box in some Pack-and-Ship place.  Good luck with defective stuff there.
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Flight distance : 9674836 ft
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I believe the I2 is better than the I1, the camera, at night, is quite amazing. I had some weird issues until one day it just went crazy and ruined on the ground. I am still waiting for a replacement from DJI...
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Flight distance : 768448 ft
United States

Elektrica Posted at 2017-3-15 14:56
I believe the I2 is better than the I1, the camera, at night, is quite amazing. I had some weird issues until one day it just went crazy and ruined on the ground. I am still waiting for a replacement from DJI...

Better how?  Better build quality?  The camera is minutely better than the x3 if you have and x4s and minutely better than an x5 if you have an x5s.  

Anyway.... for all those following my camera woes, it looks like DJI wasn't able to save my camera.  They quoted the value of an entire camera replacement in the invoice.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 22488593 ft
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perryb Posted at 2017-3-14 10:40
Thank you all for your feedback .It appears that the bad outweighs the good .I nearly pulled the trigger but then saw GabeZ and Brad Jones post and I am going to wait a while .Of course nothing from DJI ,I did not think they would tell me that the I2 is reliable .I just can not spend nearly $4k and have what happened to Brad .I think it is an amazing machine and maybe in 12 weeks things will be better and the bugs sorted .Again thank you all for your valuable input .

I completely disagree with the negative posts. I have both craft and the I2 is a fantastic aircraft but if you aren't interested in investing time to discover its advantages stop reading.

Certainly the I2 is as not as portable so if you want mobility and fly in good light, P4P is more than adequate.

The prop and app stuff is history. The gimbal buzzes at start but that's something DJI doesn't tell us about

Its stability in the wind and IQ is insane.

Your money, your choice. Looks like you are a populist. But I'm writing this to have a fair balance of opinions.
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Flight distance : 91811 ft
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United States

Hi Mike ,I am not a populist,I just asked for some advise  .I have been on this board for many years .My P4P did a fly away and I lost all communication . When I reconnected she was over my local town at 700 feet .She had flown a long distance by herself . I have never been so scared in my life .I did get control and eventually the RTH worked  .All was posted .If she had crashed someone could have been badly hurt . I do not want a repeat of the incident ever again .Hence my open question to DJI who have not responded.   
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Flight distance : 91811 ft
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United States

fansa84fe8a4 Posted at 2017-3-14 17:29
perryb,  I'm in the same boat about waiting until they get the bugs out of the I2 as well as fix their firmware with the camera's gimbal buzziness.  My first couple of P4's had to go back immediately due to manufacturing issues and not even flown.  Luckily I got them from Best Buy and they are really good about exchanges, at least in the USA (Canada is another matter with them!).

If you check Best Buy online, they will sell the I2 at some point as I see they recently added it to their website.  If you are a better member of BB they have a longer exchange period from 15 days to 30 days (I think?).  Get their credit card and you may even get enough back to make up for taxes.  I'm also wagering that the Inspire 2's that show up there may be out of the initial beta stage to hit the retail Best Buy stores too.  Maybe even props that fit right and don't wobble lending to Jello effects.  How long it take for them to appear is another matter as Apple Store's still haven't gotten any Mavics in since last October or earlier.

Thanks for the tips but I am like you waiting .Best Buy are a good company to deal with ,never had a problem on a return .Can not say the same for DJI .
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Flight distance : 9674836 ft
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GabeZ Posted at 2017-3-15 15:28
Better how?  Better build quality?  The camera is minutely better than the x3 if you have and x4s and minutely better than an x5 if you have an x5s.  

Anyway.... for all those following my camera woes, it looks like DJI wasn't able to save my camera.  They quoted the value of an entire camera replacement in the invoice.

I found the X5S to be truly impressive at night, compared to the X5 (Not R). Compared to the I1, I would say better built quality and I found it more stable than the I1, personally speaking. The deployment is also faster. My camera was also damaged badly, but beside the fact that it the crash was clearly the machine's fault, I did have DJI Refresh on both camera and drone
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Flight distance : 768448 ft
United States

Elektrica Posted at 2017-3-15 23:47
I found the X5S to be truly impressive at night, compared to the X5 (Not R). Compared to the I1, I would say better built quality and I found it more stable than the I1, personally speaking. The deployment is also faster. My camera was also damaged badly, but beside the fact that it the crash was clearly the machine's fault, I did have DJI Refresh on both camera and drone

Not to shake the thread again, but wouldn't motor failure be considered a quality issue perhaps?  I suppose we'll see what DJI diagnoses.
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Flight distance : 768448 ft
United States

Mike-the-cat Posted at 2017-3-15 16:45
I completely disagree with the negative posts. I have both craft and the I2 is a fantastic aircraft but if you aren't interested in investing time to discover its advantages stop reading.

Certainly the I2 is as not as portable so if you want mobility and fly in good light, P4P is more than adequate.

I suppose the post being negative would be your perception of my experience? lol...... just my 2 cents.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 22488593 ft
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GabeZ Posted at 2017-3-16 15:20
I suppose the post being negative would be your perception of my experience? lol...... just my 2 cents.

I don't have any issues with critical posts or those pointing out bugs and have posted a number of these myself. What I think isn't helpful is when people (who might be understandably frustrated for very good reasons) use a forum like this to vent.

Already the Inspire section is a little less of a ghetto than Mavic or Phantom spaces, so I hope it stays that way, more or less.

My guess is that many of us fly for enjoyment and want to try to make our experience as good as possible.  When this forum started 3 years ago, it had more serious hobbyists on board who were keen to post informative material. Today, almost half the posts are rants. Not so cool. So I hope you can contribute to making this space great again
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Flight distance : 768448 ft
United States

Mike-the-cat Posted at 2017-3-16 16:30
I don't have any issues with critical posts or those pointing out bugs and have posted a number of these myself. What I think isn't helpful is when people (who might be understandably frustrated for very good reasons) use a forum like this to vent.

Already the Inspire section is a little less of a ghetto than Mavic or Phantom spaces, so I hope it stays that way, more or less.

There's a reason people rant and post concerns on this forum.

Here are Pros:

1.  Social media is great for customer service, and there's no such thing as bad feedback.  Had everything been pleasant, DJI wouldn't have progressed the way it has today.  So please, rant on.  At least DJI actively participates.

2.  People have a chance to see DJI interact with customers and even resolve issues.  This gives customers a higher satisfaction rate when they see that a company cares enough to try and resolve issues.

3.  For those that DJI seems to have otherwise neglected, it gives them a chance to redeem themselves.  A company that can save face is a company that continues to do business.

4.  Customers can be heard..... they simply can be heard.  That doesn't always work on a phone call where your waiting 30 minutes for the next available agent to pick up.

Here are the Cons:

1.  Not everyone will want to hear about your experiences, and they may even try to challenge, criticize, or otherwise fuel your post.  Last I checked, DJI moderated their forum, so no real worries.

2.  People only want the positive experience.  Show me the world through rose colored glasses!  I'm sorry, but nobody makes a perfect product, so you may have to fantasize a bit.

3.  People only want the negative experience.  Poor on the problems... show me what I'm getting into!  I may be pessimistic, but I'm also a realist.  At least I won't be surprised when my camera breaks... *cough*

Anyway...... love for the forum is strong no matter what I read.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 22488593 ft
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GabeZ Posted at 2017-3-16 17:02
There's a reason people rant and post concerns on this forum.

Here are Pros:

OK - nice response...
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Flight distance : 91811 ft
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United States

GabeZ Posted at 2017-3-16 17:02
There's a reason people rant and post concerns on this forum.

Here are Pros:

Hi GabeZ ,I like what you said .I have posted good and bad over the years .I feel and may be wrong the earlier products from DJI seemed more reliable with less issues .I hate to say this but my I1 is still on one of the first firmwares and flies like a dream .I have read as new firmware comes out so does new problems .I have 3 drones that fly with no issues I1,P4 ,P2v+ They are all amazing and very reliable .I wonder if DJI just over stretched themselves trying to keep ahead of the competition with these new drones .
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Flight distance : 61860 ft
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United States

GabeZ Posted at 2017-3-13 18:39
Hello Perrb,
    I want to first start by telling you that everything I'm about to write is simply based on my own experience and expectations.  I think that when you posted your question, you were looking for consolation and confirmation of issues.  Here is what I can I tell you.

I would also like to reiterate that anything I share on this forum is totally based on my personal opinion as a direct result of my personal experience with my aircraft  (P1, P2, I1 and I2).  I don't always provide input to these forums because if I don't feel I have anything useful to add, why reiterate what's already been said, However, I do read the DJI forum and the Inspire Pilots forum religiously almost every night. I do this in an effort to learn from other pilots experiences.  I am primarily a positive person, I strongly believe in Karma and the Law of Attraction.  Admittedly, It does bother me when I do not see DJI responding to multiple reported issues like the landing gear and other serious matters, but the interaction between the forum pilots is invaluable to me.  I read about the I2 landing gear issue prior to my experiencing the phenomenon and because of the other pilots suggestions regarding what might be causing the issue and various suggestions, (short of hand catch), that could address the problem until DJI provides a solution, were priceless to me and saved my aircraft multiple times...  So, that being said, and again, I am only expressing my personal opinion based on my personal experience with my own aircraft... Here are my thoughts regarding GabeZ's 8 points...

1. Yep - my red props rattle as well, I also do not believe it is a major issue but feel that DJI should step up and replace the props with properly engineered props, (not just insert foam).
2. Obstacle avoidance is one of the I2 features over I1 that I was hoping for the most. I fly in rugged mountains with lots of very hard rocks and very tall trees and depth perception via an iPod through the FPV camera is almost impossible to ascertain. Does it slow the aircraft down? Maybe, I really have no idea, but I purchased the aircraft for its photographic, videography and cinematography capabilities, if I wanted speed I think I would purchase something like a Mavic or P4.
3. Sport Mode, I don't really understand why this aircraft even has a sport mode, first it disables the obstacle sensors which I depend on and secondly, for what I do with the aircraft, speed is the enemy of a great video...  If I was videoing race cars or motocross or something like that I guess the speed would be a significant feature but for what I enjoy in my types of photographing wildlife and mountain / river scenery, etc. I rarely, if ever, need anything faster than mph in the 30s.
4. I was out a couple of weeks ago flying both my I1 and I2 in windy conditions over a creek with lots of trees surrounding it and it was everything I could do to keep my I1 safe and stable enough for the shot yet the I2 was solid as a rock. I Love both of my Inspires but my personal experience is that the I2 is way - way more stable than the I1.
5. Personally, I think it is GREAT that DJI modified the firmware to prevent you from taking off with 1 battery, especially based on the documented crash that was attributed at least in part to the 1 battery situation. One of the features that I absolutely Love about the I2 vs. the I1 is the redundancy of the second battery.  Give me redundancy and backup every day of the week when it comes to flying a very expensive camera around.  anything to give me a one up towards preventing a crash.
6. Yep - My white props are often difficult to get off, but Hey - they don't rattle ;-)
7. Yep - Foam, pretty much - but other more travel worthy cases are out there for sale if that is what is needed.
8. Extra - Extra, read all about it...  Marketing / Profit / $$$, that's what makes for successful businesses... But in order to stay successful, they absolutely have to provide reliable products and I believe that DJI truly needs to understand that Great Customer Service is an absolute Must if they intend to continue to be a successful and profitable company in the distant future.

So there is my 2 cents for what it is worth ;-)  Y'all have a Great Day - Fly Safe and Responsible...
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 22488593 ft
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perryb Posted at 2017-3-16 18:30
Hi GabeZ ,I like what you said .I have posted good and bad over the years .I feel and may be wrong the earlier products from DJI seemed more reliable with less issues .I hate to say this but my I1 is still on one of the first firmwares and flies like a dream .I have read as new firmware comes out so does new problems .I have 3 drones that fly with no issues I1,P4 ,P2v+ They are all amazing and very reliable .I wonder if DJI just over stretched themselves trying to keep ahead of the competition with these new drones .

I am largely consonant with fans413ab842 s post.

The I2 is an improvement of the I1, no two ways about it.

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Viper Pilot
Second Officer
Flight distance : 31644 ft
United States

Those are all good points and we all have different priorities for purchasing and flying these things.  However, that said, I think we all agree that flight safety has to be the #1 consideration.  I'm hoping that we never again hear of failures that result in crashes.  BTW, I think DJI has finally solved all the issues that have caused things like landing gear malfunctions, loss of control, etc etc.    THEY HAVE STOPPED THE SUPPLY OF FLIGHT BATTERIES!!!!!   Soon we will never again hear about I2 flight issues!!!
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Flight distance : 91811 ft
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United States

fans413ab842 Posted at 2017-3-17 00:21
I would also like to reiterate that anything I share on this forum is totally based on my personal opinion as a direct result of my personal experience with my aircraft  (P1, P2, I1 and I2).  I don't always provide input to these forums because if I don't feel I have anything useful to add, why reiterate what's already been said, However, I do read the DJI forum and the Inspire Pilots forum religiously almost every night. I do this in an effort to learn from other pilots experiences.  I am primarily a positive person, I strongly believe in Karma and the Law of Attraction.  Admittedly, It does bother me when I do not see DJI responding to multiple reported issues like the landing gear and other serious matters, but the interaction between the forum pilots is invaluable to me.  I read about the I2 landing gear issue prior to my experiencing the phenomenon and because of the other pilots suggestions regarding what might be causing the issue and various suggestions, (short of hand catch), that could address the problem until DJI provides a solution, were priceless to me and saved my aircraft multiple times...  So, that being said, and again, I am only expressing my personal opinion based on my personal experience with my own aircraft... Here are my thoughts regarding GabeZ's 8 points...

1. Yep - my red props rattle as well, I also do not believe it is a major issue but feel that DJI should step up and replace the props with properly engineered props, (not just insert foam).

Very well written and I agree with what you are saying  . I love reading point of views like yours .Thank you for taking the time .
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Flight distance : 91811 ft
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United States

I thought my request to DJI was fair .I was not attacking just asking them to reassure me that if I spent close to $4,000 that the product was reliable and safe .They have chosen not to answer or reassure me on the I2 . I am disappointed that they will not address my post . As I posted before I am on hold .I sell wine that I grow and make .My wine sells for $150 a bottle .I sell about 1600 cases or 19,200 bottles . I stand behind my product and personally answer any questions from any of my customers that they may have .In 16 years I have only had to  refund about 4 cases due to shipping issues .My product is sound ,DJI ???
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 22488593 ft
  • >>>

perryb Posted at 2017-3-20 20:05
I thought my request to DJI was fair .I was not attacking just asking them to reassure me that if I spent close to $4,000 that the product was reliable and safe .They have chosen not to answer or reassure me on the I2 . I am disappointed that they will not address my post . As I posted before I am on hold .I sell wine that I grow and make .My wine sells for $150 a bottle .I sell about 1600 cases or 19,200 bottles . I stand behind my product and personally answer any questions from any of my customers that they may have .In 16 years I have only had to  refund about 4 cases due to shipping issues .My product is sound ,DJI ???

Hi Perry,

I thought I'd chime in on your latest note because your fine reputation as a wine grower shapes how you think about business and the social intercourse that this forum speaks to.  You strike me as having a fair mind so bear with me.

First, wine growing and production is a centuries old art and involves mature processes no doubt fine-tuned by 21st century advances. In contrast, this whole drone industry is nascent, moving at rocket speed and the technology involved in the product you have in hand would have been inconceivable at the price point we are talking about even two years ago. So cut DJI some slack with imperfection. If you know of a company that can deliver what the I2 can deliver (and its NOT Yuneec, Intel or any of the very expensive boutique manufacturers like Freefly, Autel, etc. ) do pray tell us because I'd LOVE to get my hands on their product.

Second, you are privileged to live in an ecosystem that still has some civility and a school system doesn't have cut throat do or die ethos those in the East live with from the time they are born. DJI emerged from this environment and its pratices still carry some of those marks. See ... naire/#1d13ad42b48f

The piece also explains their annoying habit of changing platforms without informing customers.

While DJI is now an international company with very strong US representation in its marketing front end, its had to transform from a total different culture in 4 short years (DJI has been around for 11 years but its first large scale commercial success was the P1 which was released in 2013). Have you written a manual in Chinese before? Do you know how to deal with irate Chinese customers with cultural differences in what they want? That's what many English speaking users are asking for.

No doubt, a horde of readers will call me a mindless DJI fan-boy but hey, I am. This is the first consumer electronics company from China that is hands down, a market leader and a thought leader.

Criticism, is something that any company worth anything will have to live with. And to be fair, DJI's service WAS crap a few years ago. I remember servicing a faulty Phantom and getting really dissed with their attitude. This said, I've personally seen how they have improved and yeah, there is room to go for sure. I'm just suggesting that it might be better to just state the grieviances and leave the angst at the door.

DJI is employing deep learning in the background all the time to improve. So be a little patient.  Solutions will come. Not tomorrow but at least, we have something to look forward to. Cheers.
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Dr Jon
Flight distance : 463012 ft

Adding my 5 yuan worth.

I have noticed there are now 3 almost full time DJI staff watching these threads and doing their best to get resolution for the issues. Also one very highly educated camera expert that was very helpful in discussing the logic of the D-Log changes. When i first bought my first DJI drone the silence was deafening.

So there is hope and change does takes time.     
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Flight distance : 91811 ft
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United States

Mike-the-cat Posted at 2017-3-20 21:09
Hi Perry,

I thought I'd chime in on your latest note because your fine reputation as a wine grower shapes how you think about business and the social intercourse that this forum speaks to.  You strike me as having a fair mind so bear with me.

Hi ,Get what you are saying .I am not criticizing or attacking them .I am asking them to say that I2 is safe to fly and will not crash due to there bugs .If so many DJI people are reading this forum why can they not answer .You talk about China ,I spent half my adult life in S.E. Asia .I owned a large Computer Company,ironically I specialised in  airline reservation systems .When I sold we had 450 people working on several airline systems around the world .Kind of think I understand a chinese manual and there culture .A lot of my staff were from China and Hong Kong .Wine growing has been around for centuries but what we do in the field and the winery bares no resemblance to anything that was even around 5 years ago . Technology is amazing  . Thanks for your input though .
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GabeZ Posted at 2017-3-15 15:28
Better how?  Better build quality?  The camera is minutely better than the x3 if you have and x4s and minutely better than an x5 if you have an x5s.  

Anyway.... for all those following my camera woes, it looks like DJI wasn't able to save my camera.  They quoted the value of an entire camera replacement in the invoice.

Maybe the resolution is only a little better but resolution is nothing without dynamic range and that's where this sensor shines.

I had one weird incident with my I2 but so far it's been solid and worlds better than the I1.

Keep in mind this forum tends to concentrate "issues" in a small place - we have no idea what percentage of I2's have any particular issue.
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perryb Posted at 2017-3-21 14:54
Hi ,Get what you are saying .I am not criticizing or attacking them .I am asking them to say that I2 is safe to fly and will not crash due to there bugs .If so many DJI people are reading this forum why can they not answer .You talk about China ,I spent half my adult life in S.E. Asia .I owned a large Computer Company,ironically I specialised in  airline reservation systems .When I sold we had 450 people working on several airline systems around the world .Kind of think I understand a chinese manual and there culture .A lot of my staff were from China and Hong Kong .Wine growing has been around for centuries but what we do in the field and the winery bares no resemblance to anything that was even around 5 years ago . Technology is amazing  . Thanks for your input though .

I think mike-the-cat is right you are only here venting, truth is you have a P4 it flies great, yet over on the P4 forum there are still many still having problems, you have an I1 flying great yet over on the I1 forum lots still having problems, this is not the wine industry, but just like the wine industry we still get corked wine crap wine, and many other problems with wine, do you think we should all stop drinking wine until the powers of the wine industry tell us we will never have any problems with wine anymore.

Just because somebody tells you a bottle of wine costs $150 doesn't make it any more palatable than a $10 wine.

You are looking for someone from dji to guarantee if you buy an I2 that you won't have any problems because you have paid $4000, if they could tell you that ( Which they won't ) then they wouldn't need to have warranty you wouldn't need to insure it, And the real Santa Clause will deliver it to you.

You spent many many weeks on the p4p forum with similar ranting, I don't think its possible for your needs to be met by dji in the very near future,

You really need to stop being so negative and start watching all the good stuff being produced by owners of I2 fabulous videos amazing photography, guys who know how to operate manage their great aircraft, guys who know how drones work pitfalls and all, people who are progressive can think for themselves learn as they go along and are making a great success from owning what is truly a great machine..
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hallmark007 Posted at 2017-3-21 15:42
I think mike-the-cat is right you are only here venting, truth is you have a P4 it flies great, yet over on the P4 forum there are still many still having problems, you have an I1 flying great yet over on the I1 forum lots still having problems, this is not the wine industry, but just like the wine industry we still get corked wine crap wine, and many other problems with wine, do you think we should all stop drinking wine until the powers of the wine industry tell us we will never have any problems with wine anymore.

Just because somebody tells you a bottle of wine costs $150 doesn't make it any more palatable than a $10 wine.

I am not venting,if I was what do I have to gain ? You must read all the daily reports of problems . Yes I had a very bad experience on my p4p+ .If you read my post you would see what happened .It could of caused a major problem . After many weeks DJI did refund my money ,even though I was with in 7 days it was very hard to get the refund .Would BMW or Ford etc knowingly sell you a car that they knew had a fault that could cause a crash ? No of course not .Is it the same with DJI ? you answer that question .Please do not judge my piloting skills ,very unnecessary and not needed.  If you seriously think there is no difference between a  $10  bottle of wine and one at $150 .I am not sure I can take you seriously anyway  .I do not think you have any idea on how wine is made .It is like comparing a $50 drone to a P4.They both fly !!!!
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United States

I decided to join the party again.  I think there are a lot of assumptions and perceptions festering within the posts of these threads.  I'll be the first to play devil's advocate and say that I understand where Perry is coming from.  He is not looking for a guarantee.  He is looking for reassurance and hoping that DJI will respond to his questions.  Of course DJI can't guarantee the aircraft won't have issues.  Of course they can't guarantee that it won't crash.  What they can guarantee is that it will operate as intended and be safe for the consumer excluding any anomalies or poor use of control.  I think it's fair to say that DJI can help him as he did receive the refund and does have working aircrafts that are just fine.  No matter how you look at it, a refund will always be implied as a companies failure to meet your expectations/needs regardless of the reason. This is considering a small margin of consumers that simply changed their mind, no longer needed it, etc.  When I look at this from an analytical standpoint, DJI has just as much to gain from putting a sales rep or two on these forums as they do a tech rep or two.  The sales rep could re-assure they buyer, Perry, that he is making a sound purchase.  And the tech rep could confirm that they will resolve any reasonable issue should it arise.  DJI may be the leader in the drone industry, but there are many other companies that produce aircrafts that will capture a shot comparable or better than the Inspire 2.  What you get with the Inspire 2 is a cost affective camera (and yes, this is excluding all the many issues I have with it myself).  Additionally, as a leader in the industry, that means that consumers hold DJI to a higher standard than other companies.  That means DJI will suffer the criticism when they make a mistake or drop the ball.  Why?  Because other companies are supposed to be the ones making the mistakes and dropping the ball.

Personally, I'm waiting this one through.  If DJI can't improve upon the Inspire 2 by the beginning of 2018, I'm bailing on this aircraft.  I have no reserve about selling it and finding something better. Believe me..... there is something better.
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