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Mavic goes into auto landing and can't get it to stop!
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14386 47 2017-3-16
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The last flight I was up several hundred feet filming some footage of work and when I was flying back to land the mavic went into auto lading and it was still way out there and I could not cancel it with stick up or tapping the x or anything , the only thing that saved it was pushing forwards seemed to slow the decent and I got it close enough I walked towards in and put my hand out and caught it but it didn't stop coming down !!!
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No one else with this issue?
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Flight distance : 291575 ft
United States

Bump to get you some help
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Ex Machina
First Officer
Flight distance : 1806362 ft
United States

Two things I can think of that can cause unexpected auto-landing: battery depletion and No Fly Zones. Check your logs and warnings for clues.
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Odd thing is once it starts you can't stop it full stick up and hitting the x and nothing. Flight log shows mode change to landing like 500 feet out battery was at 65% if remember correctly and there was a warning of class d air space but just said fly with caution. Flew it in that exact location several time without issue
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Jason Lane
Flight distance : 260144 ft

The other thing that can cause an unexpected auto-landing is if you have a problem with your VPS sensors. See this thread:

Separate to whatever caused the auto-landing, DJI seems to have removed any way to cancel an auto-landing sequence. See this thread, and the video I posted there:
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Andrew F
United States

Ugh. DJI changed the latest firmware and took away the ability to abort autolanding. This is a MAJOR negative and needs to be resolved.
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Flight distance : 231217 ft
United States

Andrew F Posted at 2017-3-18 10:51
Ugh. DJI changed the latest firmware and took away the ability to abort autolanding. This is a MAJOR negative and needs to be resolved.

I now abort auto landing by switching from P-mode to S-Mode this works for me
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Andrew F
United States

Ex Machina Posted at 2017-3-17 07:44
Two things I can think of that can cause unexpected auto-landing: battery depletion and No Fly Zones. Check your logs and warnings for clues.

They removed the ability to abort autolanding. This is a MAJOR mistake for many reasons. We need to be able to abort autolanding.
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Jason Lane
Flight distance : 260144 ft

SkunkWerxs Posted at 2017-3-18 10:58
I now abort auto landing by switching from P-mode to S-Mode this works for me

That was the one thing I didn't think to try during my testing today :-)
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Flight distance : 231217 ft
United States

Jason Lane Posted at 2017-3-18 11:20
That was the one thing I didn't think to try during my testing today :-)

Hope it works for you
I know it works on android
I can in a while ago from a quick flight and stopped the auto landing by doing that
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Andrew F
United States

Andrew F Posted at 2017-3-18 10:51
Ugh. DJI changed the latest firmware and took away the ability to abort autolanding. This is a MAJOR negative and needs to be resolved.

Good news is that .04 allows for aborting of autolanding - so I have downgraded my firmware. DJI needs to fix this mistake, ASAP.
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Flight distance : 231217 ft
United States

I'll check if it works on my apple iphone 6S tomorrow ---- Snowing Now crapppppp
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Jason Lane
Flight distance : 260144 ft

SkunkWerxs Posted at 2017-3-18 11:25
Hope it works for you
I know it works on android
I can in a while ago from a quick flight and stopped the auto landing by doing that

I'm on Android as well.

Actually, as I was editing the video, and watching the part when I tested auto-landing while in Sport mode, I thought to myself "You should have tested flicking into Sport mode to cancel an already-started auto landing sequence." hehe But it's night time now here, so it'll be several more hours before I do that test.
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Flight distance : 231217 ft
United States

Jason Lane Posted at 2017-3-18 11:38
I'm on Android as well.

Actually, as I was editing the video, and watching the part when I tested auto-landing while in Sport mode, I thought to myself "You should have tested flicking into Sport mode to cancel an already-started auto landing sequence." hehe But it's night time now here, so it'll be several more hours before I do that test.

Jason ,
I just want to make it clear again what I did ---- when flying around in P-Mode -- I pushed RTH button ,
Mavic was way above me coming down --- controller said RTH  initiated and then auto landing initiated --- I let it come down to about 6 feet and switched from P-Mode to S-Mode then Back to P-mode The Controller said auto Landing and I believe RTH has been canceled ----- what ever it said ---- it cancelled the auto Landing
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Jason Lane
Flight distance : 260144 ft

SkunkWerxs Posted at 2017-3-18 12:03
Jason ,
I just want to make it clear again what I did ---- when flying around in P-Mode -- I pushed RTH button ,
Mavic was way above me coming down --- controller said RTH  initiated and then auto landing initiated --- I let it come down to about 6 feet and switched from P-Mode to S-Mode then Back to P-mode The Controller said auto Landing and I believe RTH has been canceled ----- what ever it said ---- it cancelled the auto Landing

Ah... Well that is actually a different story. That's aborting the landing portion at the end of an RTH. I did actually test that today using the Pause button, and thankfully that does still work (as it did before).

What I'm talking about specifically is the auto-landing that's initiated by holding down the left stick, or by pressing the Land button on the screen. I found no way to cancel once this was initiated. But I did not try flicking into Sport mode during the landing sequence, so I will test that tomorrow, just to be sure.
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Flight distance : 231217 ft
United States

Jason Lane Posted at 2017-3-18 12:10
Ah... Well that is actually a different story. That's aborting the landing portion at the end of an RTH. I did actually test that today using the Pause button, and thankfully that does still work (as it did before).

What I'm talking about specifically is the auto-landing that's initiated by holding down the left stick, or by pressing the Land button on the screen. I found no way to cancel once this was initiated. But I did not try flicking into Sport mode during the landing sequence, so I will test that tomorrow, just to be sure.

Sorry I didn't explain to the nitty gritty --- I was pulling down on the left stick to come down faster and it initiated auto Landing --- as it was about to stop and hover for that little moment B4 it continues to soft slow descent landing speed ---- I flipped the switch and BINGO it canceled and I continued to fly a little more
Sorry this is so dragged out ---- Ya know what --- I be right Back I'm going to go and check it again --- give me 10 mins  I'll be right back
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Flight distance : 231217 ft
United States

Jason Lane Posted at 2017-3-18 11:38
I'm on Android as well.

Actually, as I was editing the video, and watching the part when I tested auto-landing while in Sport mode, I thought to myself "You should have tested flicking into Sport mode to cancel an already-started auto landing sequence." hehe But it's night time now here, so it'll be several more hours before I do that test.

Just came in from checking----what ever auto option you initiate on the Mavic ---- flipping from P-mode to S-mode then back to P-Mode WILL Cancel any mode you were in and the Mavic will go into hover waiting for stick command from the Pilot---- just tested and proved it   
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Jason Lane
Flight distance : 260144 ft

SkunkWerxs Posted at 2017-3-18 12:46
Just came in from checking----what ever auto option you initiate on the Mavic ---- flipping from P-mode to S-mode then back to P-Mode WILL Cancel any mode you were in and the Mavic will go into hover waiting for stick command from the Pilot---- just tested and proved it   

Well that's a bit of good news! I think we'd all still like DJI to return the ability to cancel using throttle up or Pause, but at least now we know there is SOME way to cancel the auto-landing.

Thanks for helping to test!
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Flight distance : 231217 ft
United States

Jason Lane Posted at 2017-3-18 12:52
Well that's a bit of good news! I think we'd all still like DJI to return the ability to cancel using throttle up or Pause, but at least now we know there is SOME way to cancel the auto-landing.

Thanks for helping to test!

I would like it back too
But I work with what I have
By the way --- you can do the same in litchi
Just thought you should know
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Flight distance : 3419 ft

SkunkWerxs Posted at 2017-3-18 12:28
Sorry I didn't explain to the nitty gritty --- I was pulling down on the left stick to come down faster and it initiated auto Landing --- as it was about to stop and hover for that little moment B4 it continues to soft slow descent landing speed ---- I flipped the switch and BINGO it canceled and I continued to fly a little more
Sorry this is so dragged out ---- Ya know what --- I be right Back I'm going to go and check it again --- give me 10 mins  I'll be right back

Reading this it seems to me like this "bug" was introduced in one of the last firmware versions, correct me if im wrong. Pulling down the throttle sometimes resulting in autoland, i mean. Im still on .200, never had this before and still don't. Anyone had this at or before v .200?
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Andrew F
United States

SkunkWerxs Posted at 2017-3-18 10:58
I now abort auto landing by switching from P-mode to S-Mode this works for me

Interesting. Didn't work for me in .05.
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Flight distance : 231217 ft
United States

MacIak Posted at 2017-3-18 13:17
Reading this it seems to me like this "bug" was introduced in one of the last firmware versions, correct me if im wrong. Pulling down the throttle sometimes resulting in autoland, i mean. Im still on .200, never had this before and still don't. Anyone had this at or before v .200?

You are correct pulling down the throttle till the AC is about 2 feet from the ground will put you in auto landing --- and it came into play within one of last two FW updates
I wish I was you meaning ,  never updated from .200 it work better for me too
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Flight distance : 231217 ft
United States

Andrew F Posted at 2017-3-18 13:22
Interesting. Didn't work for me in .05.

.50 <-----???? whats that
Well it works now ----- for Fact Android
I will test apple iphone 6s tomorrow -- Snowing out now
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 545817 ft
  • >>>
United Kingdom

This video (not mine) shows the issue

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Jason Lane
Flight distance : 260144 ft

Andrew's referring to firmware v01.03.0500

Are you using this newest firmware? I assumed you were, but probably should have asked.
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Jason Lane
Flight distance : 260144 ft

MacIak Posted at 2017-3-18 13:17
Reading this it seems to me like this "bug" was introduced in one of the last firmware versions, correct me if im wrong. Pulling down the throttle sometimes resulting in autoland, i mean. Im still on .200, never had this before and still don't. Anyone had this at or before v .200?

Yes, the inability to abort the auto-landing seems to have only come in with v01.03.0500  Prior to that, we were able to abort the landing by throttling up.

Initiating auto-landing by holding down the left stick while within 0.5m of the ground has been a feature since the original firmware, I believe.
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Flight distance : 231217 ft
United States

Jason Lane Posted at 2017-3-18 22:08
Andrew's referring to firmware v01.03.0500

Are you using this newest firmware? I assumed you were, but probably should have asked.

Jason ,
Yes --- I'm on the latest FW
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Flight distance : 3419 ft

Jason Lane Posted at 2017-3-18 22:10
Yes, the inability to abort the auto-landing seems to have only come in with v01.03.0500  Prior to that, we were able to abort the landing by throttling up.

Initiating auto-landing by holding down the left stick while within 0.5m of the ground has been a feature since the original firmware, I believe.

What I mean is: Being unable to abort AND holding throttle down coming from altitude. Both were not an issue in the earlier firmware. maybe the newer firmware messes op logic giving manual input (holding throttle down) higher priority than VPS data and completely disregarding data from the ultrasonic sensors saying that the aircraft is NOT in landing position. I personally think nothing wrong with the sensors, just monkey programming.
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Jason Lane
Flight distance : 260144 ft

MacIak Posted at 2017-3-19 03:48
What I mean is: Being unable to abort AND holding throttle down coming from altitude. Both were not an issue in the earlier firmware. maybe the newer firmware messes op logic giving manual input (holding throttle down) higher priority than VPS data and completely disregarding data from the ultrasonic sensors saying that the aircraft is NOT in landing position. I personally think nothing wrong with the sensors, just monkey programming.

Well, I believe the issue of Mavics going into auto-land at high altitudes has nothing to do with software changes. The software logic has been the same since the beginning. Basically "If VPS height is less than or equal to 0.5m, and throttle is held down for 3 seconds, then initiate auto-landing." The only thing that causes Mavics to incorrectly enter auto-landing at altitude is a faulty reading or interpretation from the VPS ultrasonic sensors. I personally believe those Mavics with this issue have faulty ultrasonic sensors. DJI released a "fix" for the problem in the newer firmwares, but it seemed more like a workaround than a real fix. And several people who had this VPS issue still had the issue even after the firmware fix, and ended up having to send their Mavics back, anyway.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 872572 ft

Jonnywoods Posted at 2017-3-18 08:37
Odd thing is once it starts you can't stop it full stick up and hitting the x and nothing. Flight log shows mode change to landing like 500 feet out battery was at 65% if remember correctly and there was a warning of class d air space but just said fly with caution. Flew it in that exact location several time without issue

I'm glad I'm not the only one with a glitch with erroneous restricted air space!!!

My house is on the edge of a park; it is not an 'official park' (not subject to any bylaws wrt Parks and Rec....) as it is classified as a green space for drainage.

A few weeks ago I flew it around a bit then I flew it out in front of the house approx 50m, back and forth etc.  Then at one point I tried to fly it back to me so I could land it on the driveway- but it would not move.  I looked at the RC and it indicated a controlled airspace and would not allow me to fly it back to me!!  I even saw a circle around my back yard/'park' appear!  Freaked me out b/c I knew this was complete garbage (I am also 35km from the closest airport and 20km from a hospital helipad!) and I was afraid that by some map glitch I was going to be shutout from flying around my own property!!

Because of this error I had to land 50m on the street and walk it back.  When I restarted everything, there was no error and was able to fly anywhere I wished.  Wierd.  Wierd!

I haven't seen this appear again as the weather got cold and snowy and I hadn't flown it since.  Now that the weather's turned good due to spring, I can finally fly it.

My theory is that DJI's been experimenting / updating the 'NO-FLY' zones and at some point they must have pushed a map change temporarily.  Strange since I'd assume that this sort of map/zone data would be a firmware data thing.  But 100% I was prevented from flying b/c an area that is not a no fly zone magically became one!!

I like the concept for safety reasons but I am hesitant to accept this feature on my Mavic because I've experienced this glitch.  Also...what if the local authority (in Canada) told DJI that a certain area was prohibited when it is not (ya in Canada they can do this!). We would be prevented from flying and unable to convince DJI to correct the issue!  
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Jason Lane
Flight distance : 260144 ft

4wd Posted at 2017-3-18 14:07
This video (not mine) shows the issue

I made that video and posted it yesterday. And now, thanks to @SkunkWerxs' tip, I have done a follow-up video, explaining that the Sport mode switch does work to cancel an auto-landing:

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United Kingdom

Did you sort this problem with the drone auto landing as mine is doing the same and haven't found any help so far
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Core User of DJI
Flight distance : 40479718 ft
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I am with .0700 and today my drone tried Auto landing at 47% battery   at nearly 3 km away in the mountain NO way to cancel sequence - I have tried S and P switched them several times trying higher speed to be able to bring it back - But NO - speed also was limited ???
It needs certain amount of luck to be able to preserve this otherwise Marvelous machine from software suicide ;)
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Flight distance : 5427717 ft

alex_markov Posted at 2017-9-10 09:58
I am with .0700 and today my drone tried Auto landing at 47% battery   at nearly 3 km away in the mountain  NO way to cancel sequence - I have tried S and P switched them several times trying higher speed to be able to bring it back - But NO - speed also was limited ???
It needs certain amount of luck to be able to preserve this otherwise Marvelous machine from software suicide ;)

How did you manage to return it? Did  you had still control ?
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Flight distance : 1726486 ft
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New Zealand

alex_markov Posted at 2017-9-10 09:58
I am with .0700 and today my drone tried Auto landing at 47% battery   at nearly 3 km away in the mountain  NO way to cancel sequence - I have tried S and P switched them several times trying higher speed to be able to bring it back - But NO - speed also was limited ???
It needs certain amount of luck to be able to preserve this otherwise Marvelous machine from software suicide ;)

Scary! What do your logs say, must be an explanation for it surely? 700 is a good firmware in general, any warnings on the screen prior?
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Core User of DJI
Flight distance : 40479718 ft
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No single warning, at 69% asked to RTH because of distance I canceled it  (as usual) but at 47% it starts  Auto lending and that's it , problem is that there is no way to cancel this obvious error (Auto lend should start at 10%)   Lucky enough I manage to come back to home point descending all the time (2 km is not very far) .
Forget it I just saw that I am no alone ;) and I'll live with it  - for 600 km and 100+ flights it happened for the first time - hopefully, last ;)
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 10774613 ft
United States

alex_markov Posted at 2017-9-10 14:12
No single warning, at 69% asked to RTH because of distance I canceled it  (as usual) but at 47% it starts  Auto lending and that's it , problem is that there is no way to cancel this obvious error (Auto lend should start at 10%)   Lucky enough I manage to come back to home point descending all the time (2 km is not very far) .
Forget it I just saw that I am no alone ;) and I'll live with it  - for 600 km and 100+ flights it happened for the first time - hopefully, last ;)

Please upload the flight log (TXT file from your mobile device) to PhantomHelp using these instructions and then post a link to the link in this thread.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 1563980 ft
United States

Why do i think landing has something to do with this turn this setting off. My friends was in some fog and same thing wanted to auto land. A quick told him to turn that setting off and Bam it just hovered there
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 1563980 ft
United States

Landing protection* ^^^ disable dont have these problema anymore
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