Do I understand the very simplistic insrtructions that came with the Hub, that one can plug a cable into it and into your computer and DL the latest SW/FW into the batteries?
As far as I know the battery firmware can only be updated when in use on the aircraft. I believe the manual's reference to updating firmware is for the charging hub itself, but at this point there's no new / different charging hub firmware version to which you can upgrade.
The charger has two usb (not mini) so you can charge you controller and phone through the same outlet, you are talking about the charger correct? Or are you talking about the powerbank adapter? that has two usb ports so you can charge a controller or phone from a battery.
Airwolf13 Posted at 2017-3-27 11:04
I'm talking about the NEW advanced 'Mavic charging Hub', and it has ONE micro USB profit for 'updating FW"
Ah, my apologies kind Sir, I was unaware you were speaking of the advanced, thank you for your patience with me. You would be more knowledgeable than I. I do not have one I update the firmware through the drone.
Airwolf13 Posted at 2017-3-27 11:04
I'm talking about the NEW advanced 'Mavic charging Hub', and it has ONE micro USB profit for 'updating FW"
You are correct, I have that on my regular hub, I just never noticed it and I cannot read the print in the little booklet. I am sorry for the hassle.
Sometimes with the new firmware updates they do update the batteries, we have not had to update recently, but two versions ago we did, I am guessing this is so you could update all four at once but that seams like a hassle as you would have to plug it into your computer and fire up DJI assistant 2 which is a drag. If the batteries need updates the app will tell you when you insert the battery into the drone and it will update immediately from the drone; a simpler solution in my opinion.