Jason Lane
Flight distance : 260144 ft
Actually, to be more accurate, the Vision Positioning System comprises the two cameras + two ultrasonic sensors on the bottom of the Mavic. The primary function of the VPS is to provide extra accuracy for positioning of the aircraft. When the Mavic is close enough to the ground below, it uses the cameras to "see" the ground below and uses that information to maintain a stable position, and the ultrasonics to measure its height from the ground. This allows it to hover more accurately than with GPS alone, when the ground is close enough for the VPS to work.
"For example, if I fly up a hill and fly above the tree line - Will I be able to see my height from the ground/the trees/or will it only work when landing?"
The VPS height is displayed on the screen automatically whenever something is within range of the ultrasonic sensors (13m). But also note that it won't necessarily pick up the branches and treetops accurately. |