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3067 52 2017-3-31
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Flight distance : 986716 ft
United States

OK, I am seriouly frustrated and it is not just the mavic.

The last P4 I had that was a refurbished that was sent to me would not record the homepoint using the Go4 app and I figured it was a bad tramitter in the P4 because I tested it with the iphone 5s, 6+, 6+ and what I normally fly with the iPad Pro 9.7 LTE with cellular activated.  None of these worked and so I figured it was just a bad transmitter from the bird.

I have friends at DJI and they just took it in here locally and are sending me another one.

Now I have the Mavic.  it sets the homepoint at the bird just fine on take off. Howeer, IT WILL NOT set a HP, EXACTLY like it woldn't for the P4 and witht the same tests. I tried with all the above mentioned devices. "GPS signal too weak, cannon set homepoint".

This is now the brand new Mavcic.  First, I want to buy the refresh but I wont spend more money on something that is not working and I will just return it if it's not going to work.

I called the regular call center and since they barely understood the question, the upgraded me to a higher tier tech who DID know exactly what I was talking about but the problem was new to her.

My "friends" and DJI are production specialists who know the birds in and out and he was in fact working on a celebrity fix and at the time had a P4 and a P4O+ in front of him and I asked him to test the homepoint. He thougtht I was crazy.  The P4 (the older one) worked, he was able ot set the homepoint but the P4P+ he replicated my problem to a T and was not able to set the home point.

For pople that are on boats, shooting commercials, or if there god forbid is a glitch homepoint sent far away, there is no way to fix it.  And if you accidently sent one at the bird, you better get it home on your own and without RTH because you wont be able to RTH it.

This is not an unserious problem and to the uninitiated they will just call it a "fly away".  It wouldn't be.  

Not being able to set a dynamic HP or follow me use is not okay on a brand new machine.

So unless there is an ancknowledgement of the issue from DJI at a minimum or a firmware update that fixes it, I won't be ordering my $12K I2, let alone the Mavic.  I believe there are lot of people using the Mavic because they are first time consumers that are unaware of this issue.  That is my working theory.

It is important to mention that the tier 3 person I spoke with was able to replicate the problem several times.  So there is an issue. I don't know if it's bird wide, or if it's a certain carrier but it's definitely AT&T and Verizon I believe.

It might be a settting on the phone. I DO not know but I won't fly a bird that doesn't have an atti mode and that won't set a HP so I can't even test it.
Here are my working theories:

1) you guys changed transmitter from the bird and it was in my refurb P4 and my new Mavic and not strong enough for the iphone)
2) just a software glitch that needs to be fixed
3) I had a third that escapes me now. Ugh.  Add any other threroies.  

Anyone that has a Macvic or maybe a P4P+ (which I have not done), please do this and report what happenes. Go to the MC settings (the thing that looks like a fan) and see if you can set a homepoint at the location of the RC and have it say "homepoint set" (only people with iphones and LTE ipads).  If you have an Android phone, it won't replicate the problem. Different software, diiferent hardwar and please report back your finding.  Also if you want to check "Follow Me" that also uses the GPS in your phone or tab.

PLEASE DJI, let me know.  


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Second Officer
Flight distance : 98537 ft
United States

Take a deep breath and try again. I'm trying hard to understand the problem, but my old brain doesn't filter as well as it once did.
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Flight distance : 727641 ft

Follow me mode doesnt work for me as well. GPS signal is always weak. I used an iphone and an ipad in different areas.
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Flight distance : 986716 ft
United States

Griffith Posted at 2017-3-31 12:24
Take a deep breath and try again. I'm trying hard to understand the problem, but my old brain doesn't filter as well as it once did.

That you don't understand isn't because you're not as young as you used to be. Most people don't understand the problem which IS the problem.

I have spoken with the higher up techs at DJI and they are either lying or don't know why it's doing it.

I don't need to take a deep breath.  There is a problem that some people are getting blamed for.  Some DJI techs don't understand themselves and that the high level techs are working on but I just bought mine and I am wanting to buy an I2 like yesterday but won't until I know I can set a homepoint with it on Go4.
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Flight distance : 5858166 ft
United States

I had this problem after my phone ( Android ) went to 7.0 Then I lost that ability to change the home point I recently bought a Shield k1 and it's back again and works like it should. maybe there is some permissions that need to be changed in the IOS App to allow for this ? just a thought it's odd though because IOS  from what people say is more stable and dependable than android

good luck hope you find a fix

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Flight distance : 986716 ft
United States

Silverado101980 Posted at 2017-3-31 13:44
I had this problem after my phone ( Android ) went to 7.0 Then I lost that ability to change the home point I recently bought a Shield k1 and it's back again and works like it should. maybe there is some permissions that need to be changed in the IOS App to allow for this ? just a thought it's odd though because IOS  from what people say is more stable and dependable than android

good luck hope you find a fix

I have a hunch that it's some weird setting in the phones and iPads too like family sharing location services but I called Apple and went through the gamut of things to try unsuccessfully.

It's certainly very odd.  Thanks for the well wish.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 10774613 ft
United States

Griffith Posted at 2017-3-31 12:24
Take a deep breath and try again. I'm trying hard to understand the problem, but my old brain doesn't filter as well as it once did.

It took me a couple of reads too, but I think he's saying that he can't change /  update the home point to the controller's current location when he uses an iOS device with GPS. I'd test it out myself but my iPad Mini 4 is the wifi-only version.
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Flight distance : 231217 ft
United States

I use android v6.0.1 K1 Shield and iphone 6 Plus not with the latest IOS - 10
all working perfectly well
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Flight distance : 986716 ft
United States

DroneFlying Posted at 2017-3-31 14:17
It took me a couple of reads too, but I think he's saying that he can't change /  update the home point to the controller's current location when he uses an iOS device with GPS. I'd test it out myself but my iPad Mini 4 is the wifi-only version.

This is correct.

Thanks for willingness.

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Flight distance : 986716 ft
United States

SkunkWerxs Posted at 2017-3-31 15:17
I use android v6.0.1 K1 Shield and iphone 6 Plus not with the latest IOS - 10
all working perfectly well

Your iPhone 6 without iOS 10 is working?

That is interesting.

Maybe we need an Apple update then.
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Flight distance : 231217 ft
United States

ArtistFirst Posted at 2017-3-31 15:22
Your iPhone 6 without iOS 10 is working?

That is interesting.

Yes Bro -- I'm not kidding you
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Flight distance : 986716 ft
United States

SkunkWerxs Posted at 2017-3-31 15:27
Yes Bro -- I'm not kidding you


Didn't think you were.

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Flight distance : 231217 ft
United States

Correction ---- IOS I'm running is 10.2.1 on iphone 6 Plus all Mavic Mode's and operations working
The latest IOS for the iphone is 10.3 and I will not install it cause my friend said it does have issues
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Flight distance : 5858166 ft
United States

SkunkWerxs please tell me your Mavics name is Aurora
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Flight distance : 986716 ft
United States

Silverado101980 Posted at 2017-3-31 18:26
SkunkWerxs please tell me your Mavics name is Aurora

Hmm, I wonder if I have a backup that can get me there so I can check it.

Thanks for the advice.

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Alex's Mavic
Flight distance : 5423 ft
United States

I am experiencing the same issue as well as follow me will also tell me that the gps signal is too weak.  I am using iPhone 7Plus on AT&T.  I asked to use my friend's phone on T-mobile and it worked perfectly on his phone and my drone.  Speaking to DJI tech support is like talking to a  wall.  You get as many opinions as many people that you speak to.  After you disagree with them they tell you to send the drone in and don't even want to listen.

How do you guys escalate it to senior level techs? Tier 3?  Getting DJI on the phone is next to impossible.
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Flight distance : 4931706 ft
  • >>>

Alex's Mavic Posted at 2017-4-5 19:13
I am experiencing the same issue as well as follow me will also tell me that the gps signal is too weak.  I am using iPhone 7Plus on AT&T.  I asked to use my friend's phone on T-mobile and it worked perfectly on his phone and my drone.  Speaking to DJI tech support is like talking to a  wall.  You get as many opinions as many people that you speak to.  After you disagree with them they tell you to send the drone in and don't even want to listen.

How do you guys escalate it to senior level techs? Tier 3?  Getting DJI on the phone is next to impossible.

can you try to put your friend sim card to your phone then try it again? also can you compare the ios version in your iphone and your friend's phone
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Alex's Mavic
Flight distance : 5423 ft
United States

SIM card switch is not an option as they are two different providers. I am on iOS 10.3.1
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Flight distance : 2883714 ft

Griffith Posted at 2017-3-31 12:24
Take a deep breath and try again. I'm trying hard to understand the problem, but my old brain doesn't filter as well as it once did.

I am with you Griffith. Why say something in 6 words when you can say it in 700!

I cannot set a dynamic homepoint!

This has gotta be a phone issue.  If it were me, I would be trying any other mobile device to see if this fixes it.  Good chance it will.
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Flight distance : 986716 ft
United States

Logger Posted at 2017-4-5 22:17
I am with you Griffith. Why say something in 6 words when you can say it in 700!

I cannot set a dynamic homepoint!

Well it's not that simple.

I have tried it with many mobile devices.

It could be software/firmware. It could be a bad transmitter.  It could be a combination of bad firmwares.

I wish it was simple, but its not.

It's going back and hopefully they will send me one that will transmit a GPS signal.
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Flight distance : 2883714 ft

How many Android devices have your tried?  Borrow an android phone, whack DJIGo on it and see if it work allows you to "set home point as you".  If it does you know you have a config issue with your ios devices or the Go software on same.

I bet if you send your Mavic back you will end up in the exact situation you are now with a different Mavic unit..  Something in your config is amiss. The home point GPS signal is sent along with the normal data stream that you will be able to see if you were to look at your logs. There is nothing special about how it gets sent from RC to Aircraft.  It is the regular data stream along with the rest of the telemetry and will be getting sent so long as you are not  seeing loss of signal.

Have you checked your iPhones privacy setting  IOS     Privacy>Location Services>DJI GO 4    [while in use]  not [Never]
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 98537 ft
United States

I agree that it must be a phone issue and that privacy settings are the likely culprit,
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Flight distance : 986716 ft
United States

Logger Posted at 2017-4-6 00:26
How many Android devices have your tried?  Borrow an android phone, whack DJIGo on it and see if it work allows you to "set home point as you".  If it does you know you have a config issue with your ios devices or the Go software on same.

I bet if you send your Mavic back you will end up in the exact situation you are now with a different Mavic unit..  Something in your config is amiss. The home point GPS signal is sent along with the normal data stream that you will be able to see if you were to look at your logs. There is nothing special about how it gets sent from RC to Aircraft.  It is the regular data stream along with the rest of the telemetry and will be getting sent so long as you are not  seeing loss of signal.

I have.

I also think it's something in the privacy settings.  I've done everything, including factory resetting.

I am going to check with an Android phone tomorrow morning.

I am wondering if it has something to do with the SIM card.

The only thing is that it didn't cause any problem with any of my prior birds but yes, I've checked all of those settings.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 10774613 ft
United States

ArtistFirst Posted at 2017-4-6 18:30
I have.

I also think it's something in the privacy settings.  I've done everything, including factory resetting.

Out of curiosity, why is it so important to you to be able to change the home point after takeoff? Do you often fly from a boat or from some other platform that won't be in the same location at the end of the flight?
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Flight distance : 986716 ft
United States

DroneFlying Posted at 2017-4-6 18:50
Out of curiosity, why is it so important to you to be able to change the home point after takeoff? Do you often fly from a boat or from some other platform that won't be in the same location at the end of the flight?

Several reasons.

First and foremost, yes, I fly from boats often.

Second, if I am shooting something and I move, I want to be able to dynamically change the homepoint.

Thirdly, when I spend money on a product, I want it to do the things it's supposed to do, especially something as important as the transmitter from the bird to the RC (tab/phone).

Let me propose this situation to you. You are flying around a park or something and the app glitches and sets a wayward homepoint 8 miles away.  Your intelligent battery would automatically RTH to that location because it would think "Oh CRAP, I don't have enough juice to make it there, better start RTHing" and it would.  You would of course see that, switch it to atti mode, or I guess "sport" mode on the Mavic and fly it home but without the ability to set a homepoint, you better have a good map (which you probably would because that is set by the birds GPS) but still and you would have to have a good LOS because RTH aint gonna save you because you can't set a homepoint.

The above scenario is not one that I made up, that actually happened to me.  It wasn't a big deal but if a) I didn't know what I was doing, someone would say they had a "flyaway" or if for some reason you couldn't force it out of RTH, it would actually be a flyaway and if you have a malfunctioning bird, who knows? The reason you have GPS on the RC and the purpose of dynamic homepoints is not just for car commercials (ending up a mile from your original homepoint [another reason on more advanced birds]), it's for safety.  I do not like sending up my bird knowing I can't set a homepoint exactly where I am at any point I feel like.   This is probably the most important reason.

Finally, follow me, won't work without a GPS signal being received from the RC from the bird.

So I checked with several iOS devices and I could not get it to work and I finally just checked it with an Android device (a very good one with strong GPS) and this was the result, making me SURE now that it is a bad transmitter.

I have been working directly with the DJI engineers to help them figure out what the hell is going on and now, the person I have been communicating with agrees it must be a bad unit (transmitter).

I am returning it for a refund and then will reoreder it (I've already been given the return label). I usually don't buy from DJI because of their VERY strict return policy but I had a bunch of credits I wanted to use but they have been more than cool so I must give kudos to them.   I am sure my next one will be fine.  I hope.

Hope that answers your question.  Here is the try with the Android device.  Sorry for shooting it portrait. I personally hate that.

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Flight distance : 2883714 ft

Your idea that it is a bad transmitter is illogical. Especially if you pause to give thought to how the system works.
1)You press (homepoint is me) button in APP.
2) App polls attached mobile device for GPS position.
3) App received GPS position from mobile device
4) App sends this info in its data stream to RC which transmits it on to Aircraft.  (This being the same transmission signal you use to fly the aircraft)
5) aircraft acknowledges updated home point and sends confirmation back to RC in standard data stream along with the rest of the telemetry.      

You do not get past step 3.

You have ruled out the OS of your mobile device as the cause by trying an android phone.  

What have you done to prove the mobile devices your are using, actually have a strong GPS at the time you are testging?
For example install a GPS utilty app on your phone and swap between it and DJIGo to ensure phone has good fix first.
Have you ruled out DJIGO4 as the cause. ie latest version. Tried another app like Litchi that supports a true dynamic homepoint continuallly updating automatically as you move.  
Have you tried different geographic locations?  
Have you tried it when  NFZ Limit is not indicated on your RC?Have you tried with mobile data switched on and off?

Just some more suggestions.
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un hombre
Flight distance : 170830 ft

ArtistFirst Posted at 2017-4-6 19:45
Several reasons.

First and foremost, yes, I fly from boats often.

I can confirm the same problem was happening to me a week ago.

My 7 plus was on IOS 10.2 I think and in offline mode. Open space, mountains, lots of sky to have a proper GPS lock. Mine is European unlocked iPhone, Intel modem.

I was a passanger in the car flying Mavic and checking out trace and other mode, and a kilometre later, I decided to update the Home Point to the dynamic one. Well, I got the message saying that it is not accurate enough to get updated.

I thought it is due to phone being in offline mode, but it should not make it more or less accurate than in online mode - it just makes the lock take longer.

Unless it is only iPhone thing, I think it is either phone or app problem.

I will not try to replicate it in Airplane mode turned off, as I loose video on my app in that case... Lol...
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 10774613 ft
United States

ArtistFirst Posted at 2017-4-6 19:45
Several reasons.

First and foremost, yes, I fly from boats often.

Well, to be honest your scenario doesn't really apply to me for a couple of reasons. For one, I've never had my home point spontaneously change on me, at least not that I've noticed. Frankly, I would think you should be spending your energy pressing DJI to fix that issue because it's the root problem in the scenario you described.

I also never intentionally rely on RTH to bring my aircraft back, though based on the comments I read here it's apparent that many people do and I may even be in the minority. And yes, I make sure to have a "good map" when I fly so that I always know where my aircraft is relative to me.

But yes, thanks, you did answer my question.
Use props
Flight distance : 986716 ft
United States

Logger Posted at 2017-4-7 00:55
Your idea that it is a bad transmitter is illogical. Especially if you pause to give thought to how the system works.
1)You press (homepoint is me) button in APP.
2) App polls attached mobile device for GPS position.

First and foremost, my other hobby is building UASs and I do know what I am saying.  
There is a transmitter and receiver for every GPS connection. The one that does most of the work has a RECEIVER in the bird and it transmits from the RC/tab/phone and that is your bird GPS.

The GPS from for "Follow Me" and dynamic HPs sends from a transmitter in the bird to a RECEIVER (GPS) at the RC/phone/tab and it gets it's receiver from the tab/phone which is why you need a tab or a phone with a good GPS in order to do GPS for follow me and HP.

Of course, I have tried many areas that are not NFZ's although it wouldn't matter as you can see I can perfectly set a bird homepoint in the NFZ.  My house is close to a small airport so right in front of my house is an NFZ.

How do I know I have a good GPS connection aside from knowing because everything works properly?  Because: (and by the way, a diagnostic tool such as the one caputred below is also used when I was testing the Android version).  I know how to troubleshoot and to even fix. If it was a bird I built, I would spent the $20 to change the transmitter but it's not. It's a very expensive photo bird that I just bought retail and I used a diagnostic test to make sure I was getting GPS with the Android too.  I didn't know I needed to point out all the obvious things one does when troubleshooting.  You'll just have to trust me (or not) that I know how to troubleshoot, never mind that I have been working on this issue with a person at DJI who is not your average "answer the phone" tech at Carson who also knows.  She used me to test this because of my knowledge.

And here is a video it not working with one of the 5 iOS devices it didn't work with:

I'm sorry if I feel defensive but for some reason, I always JUST DO around here. I post something seeing if anyone has any ideas and frankly your ideas are fine, but I guess it was the post about the gimbal cover by Hallmark which wasn't even in this thread. I know these birds, I know how they work, I build them, I am speaking directly with a high level engineer at DJIl. I am not the only one with this problem. Not everyone has it but plenty do. Look at the forums. My guess is there was a batch of transmitters and that's it but I am not sure but what I am sure of is that I tried about 7 different devices in about 5 locations, and I tried a new SIM card, new settings and even factory reset my personal phone just in case it was a setting,  It was at factory setting and nothing on it but the GO 4 App.  It could still very well be coding and it just happens to be in both Android and iOS but when it didnt work in the  above post with the Android phone, that was my last straw.  So I am making the decision to trade it out as was offered to me by DJI because it is not working no matter what we do.  

Here is the iOS setting and yes, this one was tried in an NFZ, it doesn't matter but for your knowledge it also didn't work in non-nfzs. At the end of this video I was going to that diagnostic tool from above to show I was getting good GPS signal from my phone but I forgot that I had erased and reset the phone.

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Flight distance : 986716 ft
United States

DroneFlying Posted at 2017-4-7 02:25
Well, to be honest your scenario doesn't really apply to me for a couple of reasons. For one, I've never had my home point spontaneously change on me, at least not that I've noticed. Frankly, I would think you should be spending your energy pressing DJI to fix that issue because it's the root problem in the scenario you described.

I also never intentionally rely on RTH to bring my aircraft back, though based on the comments I read here it's apparent that many people do and I may even be in the minority. And yes, I make sure to have a "good map" when I fly so that I always know where my aircraft is relative to me.

I SHOULDN'T BE PRESSING DJI to fix something that happened in a different bird about 3 years ago ONE TIME.  I should be getting the non-working transmitter fixed or get the code to have it work.  With all due respect, are you even being serious?

I also don't "RELY" on RTH for getting back but I want it for all the reasons I've stated in this thread.
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Flight distance : 986716 ft
United States

un hombre Posted at 2017-4-7 01:08
I can confirm the same problem was happening to me a week ago.

My 7 plus was on IOS 10.2 I think and in offline mode. Open space, mountains, lots of sky to have a proper GPS lock. Mine is European unlocked iPhone, Intel modem.

I would love to say it's only happening to me on iOS because then I could definitely chalk it up to a bad firmware or code or something and wait patiently using an Android device but yesterday a perfectly GPS sending Android phone did this:

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Second Officer
Flight distance : 10774613 ft
United States

ArtistFirst Posted at 2017-4-7 06:50
I SHOULDN'T BE PRESSING DJI to fix something that happened in a different bird about 3 years ago ONE TIME.  I should be getting the non-working transmitter fixed or get the code to have it work.  With all due respect, are you even being serious?

I also don't "RELY" on RTH for getting back but I want it for all the reasons I've stated in this thread.

I SHOULDN'T BE PRESSING DJI to fix something that happened in a different bird about 3 years ago ONE TIME.  I should be getting the non-working transmitter fixed or get the code to have it work.  With all due respect, are you even being serious?

Yes, I was being serious. You've posted multiple times about this lately and I just wanted to understand why being able to dynamically change the home point was so important to you.

I also don't "RELY" on RTH for getting back but I want it for all the reasons I've stated in this thread.

Ok, so you've spent all this time trying to get DJI to fix something that you don't rely on? Got it.

P.S. I think I like your indignant posts better; at least they're short and easy to understand.
Use props
Jason Lane
Flight distance : 260144 ft

You're right; You're definitely not the only one having this issue. I've never had a problem myself, but I've read many have (seemingly more on iPhones).

Now, I'm definitely not trying to attack you, and I appreciate all the testing and troubleshooting you've been doing, so try not to get defensive about this, but... I'm also struggling to see how this could be a fault of the transmitter. Unless we're getting confused in our terminology here... By 'transmitter' it sounds like you're referring to the RC, which to me sounds like an unlikely culprit. So what exactly do you mean when you say the problem is in the transmitter?

I think we all agree that for Follow Me and HP to work the app needs to get the GPS co-ordinates from the phone's Location Services, and then it sends those co-ordinates to the Mavic, right? The app presumably also asks the phone's Location Services for a "signal quality" before it trusts the given co-ordinates and sends them to the Mavic. One theroy I have is that perhaps the threshold is set too high, or that it's somehow misreading the signal quality level for some reason in certain software/hardware configs.

BTW, in Android we have a settings for choosing what Locating Method the phone's Location Services should run in. ie:
- GPS, Wi-Fi, and mobile networks
- Wi-Fi and mobile networks
- GPS only

Did you check these settings when you tested on Android? And does IOS have equivalent options for Location Services?
Use props
Flight distance : 231217 ft
United States

Silverado101980 Posted at 2017-3-31 18:26
SkunkWerxs please tell me your Mavics name is Aurora

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Flight distance : 986716 ft
United States

Jason Lane Posted at 2017-4-7 07:40
You're right; You're definitely not the only one having this issue. I've never had a problem myself, but I've read many have (seemingly more on iPhones).

Now, I'm definitely not trying to attack you, and I appreciate all the testing and troubleshooting you've been doing, so try not to get defensive about this, but... I'm also struggling to see how this could be a fault of the transmitter. Unless we're getting confused in our terminology here... By 'transmitter' it sounds like you're referring to the RC, which to me sounds like an unlikely culprit. So what exactly do you mean when you say the problem is in the transmitter?

I am not being defensive. I am trying to explain because people that don't seem to understand how this works are making claims that make no sense. I am not directing that to you.

It is REAL simple and I will explain short and concise with this preamble:  I have been working with including building birds for many years including ones with GPS receivers and transmitters in both directions which all of the latest DJI products have. Now I will break it down real simple and you will all just have to trust that I know what I am doing on the phones (with the diagnostics on the GPS and how to set GPS on an Android phone which one person was telling me how to do. I laugh at this stuff because if you actually knew how much diagnostics I went through, that is like asking someone that knows how to fix an engine from the inside out, did you check the tire pressure first?).

It breaks down this simply:

GPS is a handshake.  Just like when you put an HDMI cable in your Apple TV and one in your TV.  The Apple TV TRANSMITS a signal to your TV and your TV receives it.  This is called an HDMI handshake. Literally that's the term.

With something that is GPS and not hardwired like an HDMI handshake it works the same but with one caveat, the transmission is sent through a TRANSMITTER and a RECEIVER. So you have something called a GPS transmitter and a GPS receiver. ... lJpna5YDBoCvHHw_wcB

GPS services on your Mavic Pro:

There is the GPS in the bird.  It reads GPS signals and then sends it to the receiver in the remote and you get your GPS signal for maps, following the bird, and SETTING THE HOMEPOINT at the bird (WARNING: Do not try to set an HP at the bird until you know you can set one back to the RC), which as you can see I am having no trouble with. So the GPS for the bird and the transmitter from the receiver accepting that handshake is working just fine.  

THEN, you also have a GPS transmitter from the bird which sends out a signal to the hopefully working GPS RECEIVER on your RC which is not in the RC but in the tab/phone you are using.  I am getting perfectly good GPS signal on my many devices and locations I've tried but the it keeps saying the signal is too weak.

Result: I can't set dynamic homepoints as shown in the video when the transmitter is 1 foot away let alone 1 mile.  This is a first for me with a DJI product.

At first, I thought it was a bad setting but I have tried all settings (including resetting to factory).  Then I thought it was bad code but it also doesn't work with the Android phones.  I have tried two now both with perfectly working GPS reception so when it tries to handshake with the birds TRANSMITTER at the GPS RECEIVER at the RC, it says "Signal weak" when it is most certainly not weak.

I still have a sneaking suspicion that it might be firmware or code somewhere (or maybe the Intel chip but then why not with the Androids?  Or maybe the SIM card but again, why not with my other birds and why not with the Androids?. It's definitely obvious to me that at least 80% or more with this issue don't even know it and or it might have just been a bad batch of transmitters that were installed in the Mavic batch I bought from and that would explain why it is happening to some, not others.

It's admittedly strange but it's as simple as that.

RC - Bird GPS is fine

Bird to RC GPS is weak and not working which means no "Follow Me" or dynamic HP.  When I get my new one and it works, I'll know it was indeed the transmitter.  

I said I would make it concise which I did but over and over again to try and get it into some people that for whatever reason love to argue around here but thats the way it is.  If I owned this bird for 3 years, I would crack it open and change the transmitter but since that is not the case, I will get a new one that works since I have essentially not flown it.
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Flight distance : 986716 ft
United States

Well shoot.

I tried on pretty much every iOS device to no avail.

I tried on a couple Android to no avail and I just succeeded (kind of), it was weak but it was working on  a Samsung S6.

I guess maybe it is the firmware. I don't know. My friend at DJi is rolled back to like 3 firmwares ago and he is having no problems on his iOS device and he is going to upgrade now and see if the problem comes in.  UGH!  I almost didn't want it to work because now what? lol.

According to him, and the other DJI rep who is high level tech, both think there is something wrong with the hardware but now that that happened, I have my doubts.

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Flight distance : 1515312 ft
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United States

ArtistFirst Posted at 2017-4-7 11:16
Well shoot.

I tried on pretty much every iOS device to no avail.

I tried my iPhone, iPad and Android tablet and all work fine resetting the home point to your location.
I don't think it's firmware, you said it does the same thing when outside of a NFZ as well so I would think it's something with your RC.
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Flight distance : 986716 ft
United States

DJI-Ken Posted at 2017-4-7 11:43
I tried my iPhone, iPad and Android tablet and all work fine resetting the home point to your location.
I don't think it's firmware, you said it does the same thing when outside of a NFZ as well so I would think it's something with your RC.

Thanks for the input Ken I guess it will be going back.  I am trying for fun to roll back .450 then 50. then .55 before I sent it in but I spoke to a couple other DJI friends who all have working iOS as well and also on Android systems but I was thrown for a loop when it kind of worked with a S6 someone lent me to try on.

I am sending it back today and then will rebuy immediately.

Thanks for checking.
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Flight distance : 986716 ft
United States

DJI-Ken Posted at 2017-4-7 11:43
I tried my iPhone, iPad and Android tablet and all work fine resetting the home point to your location.
I don't think it's firmware, you said it does the same thing when outside of a NFZ as well so I would think it's something with your RC.

Hey Ken.

I don't know if you can facilitate this but the I ordered through you and got it from Enjoy.

Enjoy has Fly More packages now.  The way I am doing it now is sending it back, getting a refund and my credits back and then buying it all over again.

Is there a way I can just exchange it out with Enjoy in Los Angeles? I have been speaking to Zack. If you can make that happen, you are saving time and money and my ability to get it today instead of a week!  
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DJI team
Flight distance : 1515312 ft
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United States

ArtistFirst Posted at 2017-4-7 11:51
Thanks for the input Ken I guess it will be going back.  I am trying for fun to roll back .450 then 50. then .55 before I sent it in but I spoke to a couple other DJI friends who all have working iOS as well and also on Android systems but I was thrown for a loop when it kind of worked with a S6 someone lent me to try on.

I am sending it back today and then will rebuy immediately.

Actually on my NVIDIA Shield it didn't work at first and said weak GPS. I turned the tablet around the other way and it worked then.
Just make sure your not blocking the GPS with your hand. I'd first try to move your phone in different directions just to see if ti will work.
If not then it looks like you may have to contact support and get an RMA. Sorry about that.
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