United Kingdom
DJI, PLEASE READ ! I and many many others love your hardware, All the drones are what appears to be good quality, and cleverly thought out machines. but are becoming more and more frustrated and annoyed because you are building VERY poor and unreliable/unstable software and Firmware, at the point you can make this reliable, i am convinced you will increase your sales to the next level ! there are many people, me included who will not buy another DJI product until you fix the way you make software and firmware ! i already own a Mavic , a Phantom and an inspire 1. i nearly bought an inspire 2 ( But didnt) and was considering your new spark and M200 at release, but WILL NOT BUY ANOTHER DJI product until you get the firmware and software under control, it is not acceptable to have poor or unreliable/unstable control of a flying machine. remember you are a large company with ONLY about 50 products, so keeping track of this vital aspect is paramount.
DJI - here are some of the issues that need to be resolved:-
1) Firmware loading stability as of 2017 needs to be without issue, it is the base foundation .
2) ALL Older Versions of all software and firmware ought to be available to your customers, Unless of course that version was dangerous in any way .
3) A Live Software/firmware control list ought to be available stating compatibilty recommendations (eg , which version of "GO" ought to be used with which Firmwares, etc) and which ones shouldnt !
4) Firmwares should be built and tested for the model they are being loaded on, and as there is hardware redundancy built into many craft now so should be the software/firmwares that are controlling it.
5) nothing should be placed into SW/FW that will force a failure ( other than CSC ) so if any failures do occur the least priority items are shutdown first, leaving P mode control or a total manual ATTI mode available and a streamed video along with a RTH, all other items should shutdown before these ! safety first ( your customers will appreciate it later)
6) If You continue to cost save and use Android or Ios tablets to share control of the craft, then the APP really should take control of the device its working on and be stable, this is one area where there is no excuse, the APP MUST be stable.
7) Prioritise and action fixes for your SW/FW issues, your company is hinged on getting this right.
8) DONT ACCEPT FAILURE ! work through it and your customers will be proud to follow and support.
9) TELL EVERY ONE ABOUT IT ! Communication and your people are the only true assets you have, You guys need to stand up and put some threads on here yourself, stating what you want to do, and how your going to do it ! and what your going to do it with !
10) Make a start here by increasing your customer support ranking, by telling your customers how to get the very best out of the software and firmware thats here now, then tell your customers how you want to make it even better !
11) Remember for every customer who take time to write about their issue, there will be another 30 - 50 customers who wont write a thing, but walk away from your products.
DJI -KEN , Natalia, Mindy please feed this back to the decision makers at DJI, i dont apologise for what i have written, only because i can see what DJI could be, if the effort was allocated, IF SW/FW issues were driven out, i believe sales would climb by 30% or possibly more. ok , if you dont need 30% extra sales, disregard everything written here, put your heads back in the sand, pretend it never happened and have a great day !
DJI controlling team, please feel totally free to copy this thread to the management team, then delete it from here, as i cant find anywhere i can get this information to you other than putting it on this forum, and for that i am sorry.