Mark The Droner Posted at 2017-4-20 13:49
That must be some new option then, because Litchi is known for continuing the waypoints mission regardless of whether the AC senses a control signal. It's one of the main reasons people use Litchi.
I think this topic is very important. And you are right about Litchi: it is very user friendly and powerful for waypoint missions. But... there are a lot of misterious details about it. (i.e they are not on the manuals).
When you ask about these things to Litchi or DJI, I have concluded that the office staff NOT always know the answer, despite of their very good disposition to help you. After making many questions and researching a lot, I still have some doubts on waypoint missions. Maybe you know the exact answer to them.
Absolutely, when you are in a Litchis mission, nothing will stop it (and thats wonderful). If you lose signal or turn off your controller or your cell phone or your home lights , it will continue the mission. I have verified this many times, even with missions 8000 meters long, flying 18 minutes (round trip).
One exception to this rule is referred to battery capacity. And here is where my biggest doubts arise. I have never got a low level battery trigger, so I can not scientifically affirm how this really work. And that is my first question. I ASSUME that the plane is all the time calculating if the current battery capacity is enough to complete the whole trip anf if it is not, it will abort the mission and will initiate the RTH maneuver and when it is close enough, you will can take the control again of the drone, if necessary.
And my second doubt, maybe more difficult to answer, is if in the same context, it is possible to turn off before the flight, as part of the mission, the RTH operation, in order to avoid the drone starting the RTH procedure, even if it gets its battery exhausted. If it is possible, I ASSUME that the drone will try to complete its mission till its battery level gets 10% and will descend wherever it is at that moment. Has anyone verified this? There are some situations when you need this kind of behaivor.
Both questions are referred EXCLUSIVELY to AUTONOMOUS WAYPOINT MISSIONS ONLY. To avoid confusions, please we must forget other kind o flights.
Please, do not forget that we are talking on fully autonomous missions and that you have no control of the drone, after 150 meters (45 seconds) of departure. So Murphy´s Law must be considered at full.
Thanks in advance for sharing your expertise on these two topics. |