Mavic Pro - Gimbal shake / Virbation
1825 7 2017-5-15
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I purchased a Mavic Pro 3 days ago and began experiencing shakes / vibrations in the video on my second flight. Trying to determine if there is a simple fix for this, or if I need to go back to the store and exchange my Mavic Pro for a new one. I see a lot of different answers online, so I am getting a little lost with the issue.

Before each flight, I calibrate the compass. The only thing I did differently during the second flight was to change color modes during flight. (Normal / Cinalike) I am attaching a boring video that shows the shake I am referring to. The operation of the drone works great as far as I can tell, the only issues is with the video. My first and second flight was the same path, and only my second flight had these issues. I am charging the battery back up for a third flight now to see if it continues, but if this is a defect id rather just go exchange it while I am still with in that period of doing so.


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Sorry for the double videos, it won't let me edit one out.
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Additional Info -
Gimbal guard (clear bubble) was off
Gimbal clamp was off
Gimbal was correctly mounted to the vibration plate
There is a yellow tab on the Gimbal that I never touched, I assume that is supposed to stay on there
After calibrating the Gimbal, the issue still remains
The temp was ~70 F.
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United States

Just flew for a third time and auto calibrated the gimbal once again for good measure.
Same results (Gimbal vibration) and also noticed the Horizon being off as well.
I will just bring it back to the store and order another.
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Flight distance : 1738369 ft

Don't return it yet... I'm pretty sure this is due to the sticker with the yellow tab that's on top of the camera / gimbal. Mine was doing that too until I removed the sticker. Hasn't done it since. This makes sense, since the yellow tab would catch the wind and cause weird oscillations.

This gimbal shake problem has been mentioned a gazillion times on the forums, and yet I have only seen someone from DJI speak up once with the solution, and even then it was only in passing (with the way it was phrased, it could have easily been missed by readers). Instead, DJI and others are always going on about calibrating the gimbal, restarting the camera, calibrating the IMU, etc., etc., which are almost always completely useless. Instead of being so quick to require that people send in their problematic drones, DJI needs to do a better job of managing problems with customers. Especially since the process of getting a replacement takes so long.
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Flight distance : 1738369 ft

And as for the horizon being off, I've been through several units of the Mavic so far, and all of them have this issue. I think it's just a characteristic of the Mavic in general, and not due to a defective unit per se. When it's off, just go into the gimbal settings menu and press recenter gimbal a couple of times (once to point it down, again to point it straight out).
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United States

joshnl Posted at 2017-5-15 12:30
Don't return it yet... I'm pretty sure this is due to the sticker with the yellow tab that's on top of the camera / gimbal. Mine was doing that too until I removed the sticker. Hasn't done it since. This makes sense, since the yellow tab would catch the wind and cause weird oscillations.

This gimbal shake problem has been mentioned a gazillion times on the forums, and yet I have only seen someone from DJI speak up once with the solution, and even then it was only in passing (with the way it was phrased, it could have easily been missed by readers). Instead, DJI and others are always going on about calibrating the gimbal, restarting the camera, calibrating the IMU, etc., etc., which are almost always completely useless. Instead of being so quick to require that people send in their problematic drones, DJI needs to do a better job of managing problems with customers. Especially since the process of getting a replacement takes so long.

Thank you so much! I didn't find anywhere in the instructions that the yellow sticker thing was supposed to come off (although it looked out of place) so I did not want to touch it. I will give it a shot.
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Flight distance : 1738369 ft

Askeptic Posted at 2017-5-15 16:56
Thank you so much! I didn't find anywhere in the instructions that the yellow sticker thing was supposed to come off (although it looked out of place) so I did not want to touch it. I will give it a shot.

So did this fix the problem?
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