POLL: What about the 'RTH-'BEEP' ?
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43966 253 2017-5-17
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Discussion about the Low-battery and RTH-BEEP of the Mavic Pro has been raging through this forum. Some say it's just annoying and should at least be made less loud. Others are convinced that it is an important safety feature that will prevent even more stringent rules for drones to be applied in the future. Both sides are sure that the other side is 'in the minority'.
So, let's see. Let the forum know what you think.
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I see the RTH function as a safety feature which should only be used in an emergency and not when you are to lazy.
But that is from someone who recently flown a Phantom 2.
There the RTH was a Safety feature.
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Anyway...it just for very safety
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Second Officer
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United States

it should be a combination of 3 and 4.  
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Mcflying Posted at 2017-5-19 05:18
I see the RTH function as a safety feature which should only be used in an emergency and not when you are to lazy.
But that is from someone who recently flown a Phantom 2.
There the RTH was a Safety feature.

You sound like a person who will crache your drone the first time you lose connection. Be lazy and use RTH diligently to learn how the function works.

And yes, I am lazy and use the function all the time. But I'm so old I've flown all the drone I desire. Now I enjoy the view from 100 meters in height instead.

Regards Leif.
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United States

Landbo Posted at 2017-5-21 09:43
You sound like a person who will crache your drone the first time you lose connection. Be lazy and use RTH diligently to learn how the function works.

And yes, I am lazy and use the function all the time. But I'm so old I've flown all the drone I desire. Now I enjoy the view from 100 meters in height instead.

If you're being lazy, you're not paying attention to your drone, making you more likely to crash your drone than someone who is careful and actively flying it. Just saying.
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That noise is so intrusive and draws too much attention from passers by. They really need to tone it down.
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Dominican Republic

I think it should be left as is, after all, the RTH, despite being a nice feature, is meant to be used in emergencies only. We drone operators should focus more on controlling a device that is in the air and stop relying so much on automated features. I am no expert but I prefer to be in control at every moment
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From my point of view, if RTH were only to be used as an emergency system, why put dedicated buttons for it on both the RC -and- the app? And why have so many fancy configuration options for it? Why would I care about some fancy Precision Landing system that only gets used in RTH when realistically in an emergency all I'd care about is that the drone is on the ground and nobody is in danger?

Everything about Return to Home seems to have been fully developed as a feature just like any of the intelligent flight modes. I don't hear a piercing screech from the RC when I'm using Active Track, why should I hear it for the even safer RTH feature?
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elementofgid Posted at 2017-5-22 08:08
If you're being lazy, you're not paying attention to your drone, making you more likely to crash your drone than someone who is careful and actively flying it. Just saying.

No, I think that's not true. I keep off course eye on WHERE my drone flying and whether it is  bumping into something at the same way as I keep an eye on where my car is on the road and the surrounding traffic.   

Regards Leif.
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RedChops Posted at 2017-5-23 19:12
From my point of view, if RTH were only to be used as an emergency system, why put dedicated buttons for it on both the RC -and- the app? And why have so many fancy configuration options for it? Why would I care about some fancy Precision Landing system that only gets used in RTH when realistically in an emergency all I'd care about is that the drone is on the ground and nobody is in danger?

Everything about Return to Home seems to have been fully developed as a feature just like any of the intelligent flight modes. I don't hear a piercing screech from the RC when I'm using Active Track, why should I hear it for the even safer RTH feature?

When you use AT you are in control of Mavic, when you choose to use RTH you are giving over control to Aircraft.
Anytime you are in control of aircraft you won't hear any beeping, remember beeping can always be controlled by the pilot, once he is within parameters and has option to take back control of Aircraft.
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United States

hallmark007 Posted at 2017-5-24 03:01
When you use AT you are in control of Mavic, when you choose to use RTH you are giving over control to Aircraft.
Anytime you are in control of aircraft you won't hear any beeping, remember beeping can always be controlled by the pilot, once he is within parameters and has option to take back control of Aircraft.

Except even that isn't true. If I press -either- RTH buttons in my hand, the RC is still in my hand. In an instant I can move the sticks and fly manually. This is why I believe the beep should be able to be silenced. As long as the RC is in my hand and I'm fit to use it I'm still in control.

If you're a jet liner pilot and engage autopilot, is there an alarming bell all through the cabin while that mode is engaged? Absolutely not, because it's a safe, intelligent flight mode.
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hallmark007 Posted at 2017-5-24 03:01
When you use AT you are in control of Mavic, when you choose to use RTH you are giving over control to Aircraft.
Anytime you are in control of aircraft you won't hear any beeping, remember beeping can always be controlled by the pilot, once he is within parameters and has option to take back control of Aircraft.

When you use AT, you still rely on a bunch of electronic parts. If they don't work as expected, ...there goes your control......
In RTH it's just a few more components, you rely on.
I don't see much difference.....
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kwi66 Posted at 2017-5-24 05:37
When you use AT, you still rely on a bunch of electronic parts. If they don't work as expected, ...there goes your control......
In RTH it's just a few more components, you rely on.
I don't see much difference.....

Hey Kw166 I have explained my thinking on all this before to you, so you know the way I think if you don't like it or think what I am saying is wrong that's fine, your understanding of how these craft work are just different than mine.
I think if you were to go to proper training you might think differently about the way these aircraft were designed to work. But as you think and you could be right there is more than one way to skin a cat.
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RedChops Posted at 2017-5-24 05:29
Except even that isn't true. If I press -either- RTH buttons in my hand, the RC is still in my hand. In an instant I can move the sticks and fly manually. This is why I believe the beep should be able to be silenced. As long as the RC is in my hand and I'm fit to use it I'm still in control.

If you're a jet liner pilot and engage autopilot, is there an alarming bell all through the cabin while that mode is engaged? Absolutely not, because it's a safe, intelligent flight mode.

There are all sorts of warning beeping and alarms on jet airliner, there is also constant beeping on lorries when they are reversing just like your Mavic when it stops reversing or when your Mavic has RTH or you have taken back control then beeping stops.

When you are doing your commercial exam for instance , you would not be aloud turn of this failsafe beeping because it's a safety measure.

Ok and another scenario let's say you were ill not capable of flying your Mavic home and not able to warn those around you of the situation this is a big part of why this beeping is there.
The more failsafe and safety measures you have on your drone can be the only way you will be allowed to fly with more freedom in the future.
We shouldn't be advocating getting rid of them, yes maybe it's a bit loud , but it has a purpose to try to keep you safe and others safe around you.
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United States

What's weird is the controller has a vibrator motor installed. But I've never noticed it vibrate.
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Flight distance : 215213 ft
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hallmark007 Posted at 2017-5-24 06:07
There are all sorts of warning beeping and alarms on jet airliner, there is also constant beeping on lorries when they are reversing just like your Mavic when it stops reversing or when your Mavic has RTH or you have taken back control then beeping stops.

When you are doing your commercial exam for instance , you would not be aloud turn of this failsafe beeping because it's a safety measure.

There are warnings, yes, but not a constant screeching beep. I know, I've heard it. The lorry example is possibly the worst case anybody can make with this argument though. Think about it. You're driving the lorry the entire time. This is the same as if you're just flying the drone in reverse. There's no beep for that, is there? Plus this horn is actually attached to the rear of the lorry, letting people you cant see know that there is a large vehicle in reverse and the driver may not be able to see you. If you want to think down this line, then the beep should be on the drone, not the controller. The bystanders should be watching for the drone, not calling the police on me because they think I have a bomb in my hands or something.

If I've made a series of errors and somehow I fall ill while flying my drone, well, first of all I don't see how the controller beeping helps anything. If I'm unconscious and cannot warn people of an incoming drone flying automatically, the beep is actually FAR less safe. People are now watching me and the loud controller and not watching for the drone that is likely flying silently right at their heads from an area they're not looking.
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Flight distance : 215213 ft
United States

If it's a safety measure, put the beep both on the drone and the RC, then let me silent the beep on the RC. Maybe the drone should beep whenever it's in an automatic flying mode, I could agree with that, but a beeping controller actually only serves to draw attention away from the actual danger: the flying bladed object that has no sirens.
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RedChops Posted at 2017-5-24 09:53
If it's a safety measure, put the beep both on the drone and the RC, then let me silent the beep on the RC. Maybe the drone should beep whenever it's in an automatic flying mode, I could agree with that, but a beeping controller actually only serves to draw attention away from the actual danger: the flying bladed object that has no sirens.

It is a safety measure FACT, no point in explaining to someone who won't listen. I am giving you my experience from flight school, but you no better.
I think if you look at the poll you just voted in 85% want to keep it in some form or another.
That's because these 85% of people have some savvy.
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Flight distance : 215213 ft
United States

hallmark007 Posted at 2017-5-24 10:00
It is a safety measure FACT, no point in explaining to someone who won't listen. I am giving you my experience from flight school, but you no better.
I think if you look at the poll you just voted in 85% want to keep it in some form or another.
That's because these 85% of people have some savvy.

Maybe it's a fact, it's poorly implemented. If you read what I have to say, I'm not saying it should be removed completely. I voted to let us silent it, not to remove it completely. I also went to flight school.

You apparently can't read arguments against your ideas either. That's fine. I've stated my case and the fact remains: If I'm operating my drone at a park, I fall unconscious and somehow the RTH gets activated, the controller continues to beep. That's fine, except everybody will be looking at the controller, not the drone. This is a problem.
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RedChops Posted at 2017-5-24 10:59
Maybe it's a fact, it's poorly implemented. If you read what I have to say, I'm not saying it should be removed completely. I voted to let us silent it, not to remove it completely. I also went to flight school.

You apparently can't read arguments against your ideas either. That's fine. I've stated my case and the fact remains: If I'm operating my drone at a park, I fall unconscious and somehow the RTH gets activated, the controller continues to beep. That's fine, except everybody will be looking at the controller, not the drone. This is a problem.

You will also read where I said maybe it is a bit loud.
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Flight distance : 486634 ft
United States

Dronaldo Posted at 2017-5-20 08:30
it should be a combination of 3 and 4.

Totally agree, 3 & 4!!!
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New Zealand

I use it as a feature - every time i have finished flying, I always use it to bring the drone back to me.
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Flight distance : 593796 ft

it just for safety....
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mcg Photo
Flight distance : 4091 ft
United States

Please kill the RTH beep when manually initiated!

Super annoying and not needed.  ADDS NO SAFETY!
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United States

It should be left alone as a reminder that you need to land it as soon as it starts beeping.  
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Flight distance : 143878 ft
United States

Low battery is annoying but I wouldn't want to go without it. The RTH beep, I don't see the point of after the first "RTH activated, it's coming home" beep. "GOING HOME" on the controller has always seemed like it should be enough of a reminder, even aside from the video feed of it coming toward you and the map showing it approaching the home point.
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Flight distance : 502792 ft

Tealk Posted at 2017-5-24 21:16
it just for safety....

Yes if it was Mavic who released BEEP BEEP. The alarm now is from DJI to show contempt for the pilot, nothing else.

Regards Leif.
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Polls are annoying if they don't count for something, so a quick look at this poll I see. Over 100 polled..

12.5% want to remove beeping
17.5% want it to stay as it is
87.% want it to stay in some form or another
35% want complete control over
34% want some control but not all

Whether this helps dji decide what to do or not that will be the question. But I think 87% say it should stay and that is pretty telling..
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Glenn Goodlett
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United States

I love how some of you "newbys" try to "look down your nose" at anyone that uses RTH.
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The Droninator
Flight distance : 5538 ft

hallmark007 Posted at 2017-5-27 06:25
Polls are annoying if they don't count for something, so a quick look at this poll I see. Over 100 polled..

12.5% want to remove beeping

If 60% love it like it is they just have to irgnore the button to quit that beeping,
the other 40% who are stressed from that non stop noisy sht hit the button and relax.
= 100% happy little pilots.
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The Droninator Posted at 2017-5-27 11:48
If 60% love it like it is they just have to irgnore the button to quit that beeping,
the other 40% who are stressed from that non stop noisy sht hit the button and relax.
= 100% happy little pilots.

I think if the poll asked do you like the beeping most would have said NO , but those that voted to keep the beep realised that it is a safety issue , and for me this shows a great responsibility with those who voted to keep the beep.

So your comment about liking or disliking misses the whole point...
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The Droninator
Flight distance : 5538 ft

hallmark007 Posted at 2017-5-27 12:16
I think if the poll asked do you like the beeping most would have said NO , but those that voted to keep the beep realised that it is a safety issue , and for me this shows a great responsibility with those who voted to keep the beep.

So your comment about liking or disliking misses the whole point...

Of course is it a safety feature and it is absolutly good to have!
But for me it is enough warning till that moment I recognize the warning.
With my hit on the cancel button I confirm that I´ve noticed the warning and further 5min nonstop beep noise is just useless stress...

Its like your wife sitting next to you in the car and yelling 10min DONT FORGETT THE KEY!! DONT FORGETT THE KEY!! DONT FORGETT THE KEY!! {:4_154:}

So in my opinion it is a matter of like and dislike.  
Let´s just give the people the chance to configure and decide by thier own and everything will be fine...
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The Droninator Posted at 2017-5-27 12:46
Of course is it a safety feature and it is absolutly good to have!
But for me it is enough warning till that moment I recognize the warning.
With my hit on the cancel button I confirm that I´ve noticed the warning and further 5min nonstop beep noise is just useless stress...

Then you would also think it not necessary for a seat belt to beep until you put your seat belt on?
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The Droninator
Flight distance : 5538 ft

hallmark007 Posted at 2017-5-27 12:54
Then you would also think it not necessary for a seat belt to beep until you put your seat belt on?

But that is not an good comparison...
Because in case of the drone I follow the safety procedure after warning but it is still beeping till shut down.
It´s like you put on the seat belt after warning but the freaky car goes on beeping until arrive and turn off the engine.
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The Droninator Posted at 2017-5-27 13:37
But that is not an good comparison...
Because in case of the drone I follow the safety procedure after warning but it is still beeping till shut down.

Your exactly right, it's the same with the drone, once you take back control it stops beeping. The choice of beeping is fully in control of the operator, so as you see the beeping is safety for operator and all those around him.
If say you were doing your test for license and had to preform RTH and in the middle of it you decided to turn of the beeping then you would most likely fail this procedure.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 502792 ft

Glenn Goodlett Posted at 2017-5-27 06:46
I love how some of you "newbys" try to "look down your nose" at anyone that uses RTH.

Yes, it would be nice to know who is flying with all of Hallmark's stuff, because he's impossible to reach that too when he also has to sit here in the forum and iron people against their hair.  

Regards Leif.
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Landbo Posted at 2017-5-28 02:56
Yes, it would be nice to know who is flying with all of Hallmark's stuff, because he's impossible to reach that too when he also has to sit here in the forum and iron people against their hair.  

Regards Leif.

I fly matrice approx 24 hours per week surveying wind turbines onshore and offshore, I use the rest of my time in my office analysing data and preparing reports.
I'm currently in northern Sweden on two wind turbine farms doing exactly the same thing. So you need not worry to much that I don't get enough time to fly. You should save that for yourself...

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Flight distance : 606601 ft
United States

looking back on this poll is good to see that 64% of the voters thinks like me.  just 14% are happy with the annoying infinite beep.  Hopefully DJI will take in consideration consumers positions
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Dronaldo Posted at 2017-6-6 15:16
looking back on this poll is good to see that 64% of the voters thinks like me.  just 14% are happy with the annoying infinite beep.  Hopefully DJI will take in consideration consumers positions

I think you will find that over 54% are happy to have beeping infinite or until you take back control, not 14%.

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