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Protecting quad from interference?
1131 3 2015-3-9
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United States

Is it possible to mod my P2V+ to minimize damaging effects from Powerlines, metal objects, etc?

While I have no intentions of flying near powerlines (even perpendicularly) nor anywhere near buildings (or in parking garages etc), I would still like to do everything I can to protect my quad should there be an unseen/unknown source of interference/damage around.

I could, however, see getting permission to fly in someplaces that have buildings/powerlines to get photographs, so I'd like to feel as safe as I can unless this is just impossible (in which case, I won't bother even getting permission as I won't fly anyway)


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United States

i dont think there is any real tactic you can use to literally protect it besides distance.  although there are several on this board that have flown near large power lines (keeping a reasonable distance) and some that do on a regular basis because of having to pass over them to leave their street.  id say keep a respectful distance but other than that you should be ok.  of course dont calibrate compass near them, do that before you get there.
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United States

gnixon2015 Posted at 2015-3-10 12:01
i dont think there is any real tactic you can use to literally protect it besides distance.  althoug ...

What's the best distance from the powerlines? I've seen everything from 100 feet to 100 yards (330 feet, i think).

I have seen that if you must fly across powerlines, to always go OVER, not between . . . I did not see how high over though. I'm assuming perpendicular crossing is correct.

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United States

obviously the scale of the power lines makes a big difference.  if you are talking large power lines i would fly more than 100ft away but i wouldnt feel like i needed to go a full football field away.  as for height, it should be the same radius up as sideways so go over at 150-200ft (and yes, i would think a perpendicular crossing is best as it minimizes the time you are above/around them).  

edit:  that 150-200ft reference was net height above them not actual altitude.
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