Goggles are going back and here is why...
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14316 56 2017-5-29
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Flight distance : 892749 ft
United States

I do like the goggles for the technology it provides.  I believe these are a marvelous piece of tech.   But unfortunately, they are not for me.  So, after a week of having them, i think i will be sending them back.   Here is why.

1.  unable to focus -  there is no diopter adjustment and i wear glasses.  when i put on the goggles, things are fuzzy and not in focus and there is no adjustment.  I am NOT going out and buying more glasses just so i can use the goggles.  There is no fun in looking at a fuzzy screen.

2.  they fog up - yes they do. after a few minutes of being on the playstation via HDMI, the goggles fogged.

3.  I cant use them while alone -  I mostly fly my mavic by myself (no spotter needed).   i cannot and will not subject my friends and family to just "sit there and watch the drone while i fly and have fun".   No, I dont feel comfortable asking folks to "spot my drone".   Most often, i go out by myself to fly the mavic and therefore have no spotter, which means i cannot use the goggles.   what fun is there in having something you cannot use?

4.  despite sunny days where there is glare on my phone,  I still prefer to look at the controller rather than through the goggles.  for some reason, i feel more "in control" of my craft when i am able to quickly glance up at the quad and quickly glance back at the control.

those times i did use the goggles to fly the drone, i was truly impressed with the immersiveness.  But, to be honest, that excitement quickly vanished and i was left with the awkwardness of flying a drone with the goggles,  not being able to see them clearly, having them fog up on me.

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Core User of DJI
Flight distance : 27489951 ft
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I'm surprised there is no diopter adjustment.  Thanks for saving me from buying them.
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Flight distance : 104393 ft
United States

#1 I get - even though I can see the screen just fine without my glasses (and actually, it's better when I don't), it's easy to understand that other people have different vision. DJI absolutely should have known this and incorporated into the design.

However, your #3 and #4 is something you could have easily known before making the purchase. There's nothing DJI (or any other company) can do about either of those, and that's a personal decision you could have determined quite easily with some critical thinking. You're trying to dissuade others from buying it based on your lack of planning, which is unfair.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 218474 ft
United States

Wow.  No diopter adjustment kills it.  That's very dispointing.  Thanks for the review and saving a lot of us the trouble.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 153760 ft
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United Kingdom

I wonder if DJI could add this adjustment through firmware update for the goggles, I'm surprised this was not there at launch
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Flight distance : 121 ft

Do you think the Epson goggles would work better for you?
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Flight distance : 892749 ft
United States

Morgon Posted at 2017-5-29 07:05
#1 I get - even though I can see the screen just fine without my glasses (and actually, it's better when I don't), it's easy to understand that other people have different vision. DJI absolutely should have known this and incorporated into the design.

However, your #3 and #4 is something you could have easily known before making the purchase. There's nothing DJI (or any other company) can do about either of those, and that's a personal decision you could have determined quite easily with some critical thinking. You're trying to dissuade others from buying it based on your lack of planning, which is unfair.

i am not trying to dissuade anyone.  I am merely stating why "I" am returning.  I am not blaming anyone or anything,   #3 and #4 are personal decision, yes.  But its not due to improper planning.   Many folks buy things and then decide to return them for whatever reason.  Maybe if #1 wasn't an issue, I may have decided to keep them even if I would seldom use.   but with #1, seldom becomes almost never.
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Flight distance : 243753 ft

#2 Concerns me,.....How can they fog up?
Is it because you switch from an airco environment to the outside?
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Flight distance : 153268 ft
United States

A set of Visormags can be used to place permanently in the goggles so you don't have to fiddle with putting on reading glasses . They come in different strengths and you simply put a pc of Velcro where the hat clip normally attaches stick them over the goggle lenses . None of my other FPV glasses have ever came with diopters adjustment built in .
Not sure why they are fogging ,mine do not . Maybe you're excited and breathing extra hard ,lol.

http://www.ebay.com/sch/i.html?_ ... sormag&_sacat=0
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 1638323 ft
United States

rydfree41 Posted at 2017-5-29 10:26
A set of Visormags can be used to place permanently in the goggles so you don't have to fiddle with putting on reading glasses . They come in different strengths and you simply put a pc of Velcro where the hat clip normally attaches stick them over the goggle lenses . None of my other FPV glasses have ever came with diopters adjustment built in .
Not sure why they are fogging ,mine do not . Maybe you're excited and breathing extra hard ,lol.

YES!!!  This is the solution for which I seek!  Is there a simple way to determine which magnification I'd need?  I know that I would have had to do this with the Headplay or some others anyway.

FYI:  DJI Goggles only fog up INSIDE, not outside with all the constant airflow.  Even then, I've noticed very minimal fogging by slightly altering the placement of the goggles on my nose when using them inside (HDMI).

And don't Fatsharks have A SPOT FOR diopters?  
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Flight distance : 153268 ft
United States

DRONE-flies-YOU Posted at 2017-5-29 10:49
YES!!!  This is the solution for which I seek!  Is there a simple way to determine which magnification I'd need?  I know that I would have had to do this with the Headplay or some others anyway.

FYI:  DJI Goggles only fog up INSIDE, not outside with all the constant airflow.  Even then, I've noticed very minimal fogging by slightly altering the placement of the goggles on my nose when using them inside (HDMI).

I had a few pairs of the cheap reading glasses from Walmart here already so I just compared them to find out what I needed to order.

Fatsharks do have a spot for diopter but they only sell the ones for distance not up close eyesight problems .
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Flight distance : 14491 ft
New Zealand

My goggles have just arrived and the same problem, I can't see anything because I wear progressive lens glasses. I wish I'd read this before purchasing
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Bent Kangaroo
Flight distance : 362510 ft

Where do we sign up for a full week of using new goggles and send them back with lame excuses?
Id love to try these for a week.
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First Officer
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United Kingdom

I am having the same issue with reading but did not have any fogging in or out.
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Flight distance : 700768 ft

Thanks for sharing!
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Flight distance : 19423 ft
United States

fans1fbdf68a Posted at 2017-5-31 19:42
My goggles have just arrived and the same problem, I can't see anything because I wear progressive lens glasses. I wish I'd read this before purchasing

Did you try going to Wallmart or Walgreens and trying various reading glasses? This is what I will be doing tonight.
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Flight distance : 16759 ft
United Kingdom

rydfree41 Posted at 2017-5-29 10:26
A set of Visormags can be used to place permanently in the goggles so you don't have to fiddle with putting on reading glasses . They come in different strengths and you simply put a pc of Velcro where the hat clip normally attaches stick them over the goggle lenses . None of my other FPV glasses have ever came with diopters adjustment built in .
Not sure why they are fogging ,mine do not . Maybe you're excited and breathing extra hard ,lol.

can you post up a picture with the lenses fitted inside the goggles sounds like a good solution ;)
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The goggles are awesome!
If you have vision problems I suggest going to an optician and have a pair of glasses made that work specifically for a 10ft  distance.
Others have done it and it worked perfectly for them.
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Same here: focus issues with glasses and gets foggy.

Normally I wear +1,5 reading glasses, with the DJI Goggles I need +3,0. The focus issue is solved then but it’s not very comfortable to change glasses every time. With glasses there also comes more outer light in from the back of the Goggles. And the screen gets foggy, sometimes really quick. Then need to flip the body up then for 1 or 2 minutes for ventilation. At that moment, with +3,0 glasses on, I can’t even read the information display on the controller. Very uncomfortable.

Some of my friends tried the DJI Goggles to watch live video stream when I was flying the Mavic Pro, and everyone with glasses had the focus problem.

Technically the DJI Goggles is an outstanding product, but DJI should really have built in a diopter adjustment!

I have the DJI Goggles now for just a few day but I’m considering to return of sell it.
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Flight distance : 143878 ft
United States

Gosh. Lucky for me I cheaped out and got Google Cardboard and Litchi plus a Velcro strip for my "goggles." Never really used it, though.
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Rodger Marjama
United States

Couple of things here...

As to having a spotter, why?  Does everyone fly their mavic in full view all of the time?  If not, what does that second set of hands do to help?  Everything I need to see is already in the goggles.  Besides, if I want to look at a less useful screen, I can flip up the goggles and look at my tablet or cell phone.  

I do agree, some method of focus should have been included.  I too ware glasses all the time.  Not having a way to focus force me to either use a pair of reading glasses to get a better focus, or reading glasses on over my regular glasses for a good focus.  But, I am getting special glasses made to handle this, as the goggles are far to important for what I want to do, not to have them, or have to ware 2 pair of glasses at a time.

The one thing I know, for me, there isn't any substitute for the clarity of vision possible inside a darkened hood, and these goggles are the best I have tried yet.

Edit - Forgot one thing.  My son Andy's eyes adjust themselves fine after a few seconds in this hood.  He does not need or ware glasses and he sees things, small things, better then I can see large stuff.  So, I think he may have eagle eyes, but whatever, he does see fine with no adjustment needed in these goggles.  Flying his racing quads, he uses the FatShark goggles, so maybe his eyes have been trained already for goggle use, HA!
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Flight distance : 377238 ft
United States

Just received them yesterday and I should know about this problem before buying them, I don't see anything focus since I have progressive glasses !!!! I'm so disappointed ! I'll try the reading glasses to see if I can at least see the image focus. DJI failed on the design with this.
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Rodger Marjama
United States

luiggiberrios.g Posted at 2017-6-14 05:47
Just received them yesterday and I should know about this problem before buying them, I don't see anything focus since I have progressive glasses !!!! I'm so disappointed ! I'll try the reading glasses to see if I can at least see the image focus. DJI failed on the design with this.

I have progressive as well.  I purchased a smallish pair of reading glasses with 2.75 diopter and wear them over my normal glasses.  Sounds strange, but actually everything is fully in focus.  Getting glasses made with my normal prescription + the 2.75 diopter to use just for these goggles.  

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Flight distance : 183537 ft

I went for EPSOn Moverio BT-300, there is a frame included for individual lenses AND you have the option of using your own glasses as well using a second set of nose clamps that put the Moverio further away.
ALso as they are see-thru you are your spotter atthe same time as you are using FPV :-)

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Flight distance : 21827 ft
United States

Bent Kangaroo Posted at 2017-5-31 20:02
Where do we sign up for a full week of using new goggles and send them back with lame excuses?
Id love to try these for a week.

When they become widely available, you can sign up for that at Apple or Amazon. Basically, you just purchase them from any place with a no hassle return policy.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 1638323 ft
United States

Rodger Marjama Posted at 2017-6-14 05:58
I have progressive as well.  I purchased a smallish pair of reading glasses with 2.75 diopter and wear them over my normal glasses.  Sounds strange, but actually everything is fully in focus.  Getting glasses made with my normal prescription + the 2.75 diopter to use just for these goggles.  


Yep, I estimated the FOCUS WAS OFF by about 2.5 - 3.0. So, that's about right. With the readers I now have to wear for the first time (and only for this specific usage) the image is nearly edge-to-edge clear.
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Rodger Marjama
United States

nils.heidorn Posted at 2017-6-14 06:18
I went for EPSOn Moverio BT-300, there is a frame included for individual lenses AND you have the option of using your own glasses as well using a second set of nose clamps that put the Moverio further away.
ALso as they are see-thru you are your spotter atthe same time as you are using FPV :-)


I was reading some reviews and one stood out more then the others.  Latency was bad according to this review.  As I view latency as a principle aspect of doing good video, it would be a deal buster for me on that one issue if it's as bad as claimed in this single review.

So, how about it.  Can you do smooth tight flight in close spaces with these glasses?  Or, is the latency such that it is just not feasible?

Thanks for the post BTW.  Love to see new tech.

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Flight distance : 183537 ft

Rodger Marjama Posted at 2017-6-14 06:45

I was reading some reviews and one stood out more then the others.  Latency was bad according to this review.  As I view latency as a principle aspect of doing good video, it would be a deal buster for me on that one issue if it's as bad as claimed in this single review.

Hi Roger,
my Experience with the BT-300 & the Mavic is pretty flawless but there have been reports of people having a grater lag.
I would assume my total lag to be very small like 200-300 ms.
(Mavic is no racer so thats okay for me).

Remember to update the BT-300 Firmware after connecting to your WiFi first time that fixed many hickups afaik.

You have to jum through a loop to make maps work (install 4 apk's basically). I worked out that step to make maps work.

For more Details and great help we have set uo a facebook forum:


Thee is also a lengthy thread on Mavicpilots that really helps improve the BT-300 experience.


To be honest i bought the BT-300 beeing prepared to send them back as i was used to big-FOV style glasses like Headplay and Goggles Two that are like the DJI goggles.
So i expected to not beeing ready to accept the small FOV of the BT-300 but because of "that spotter thing" i wanted to try.

And i was overwhelmed but thats VERY SUBJECTIVE. I fell in love with that "mixed reality" view and accepted the low FOV as the price to pay.

I was also astonished about the possibilities of adding lenses for individual corrections.

So read up a bit in above resources and reserve the option to send them back but i looove them and i am not stuck to DJI i can use other WiFi drones with it and with a $30 Adapter i can also use analog 5.8G FPV with it ;-)

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Rodger Marjama
United States

nils.heidorn Posted at 2017-6-14 07:04
Hi Roger,
my Experience with the BT-300 & the Mavic is pretty flawless but there have been reports of people having a grater lag.
I would assume my total lag to be very small like 200-300 ms.

That sounds better then I thought Nils.  200 to 300 is pretty close to the goggles and way better then the lag I have on my tablet, which is fully unacceptable at the moment.  Have new tablets coming to see if they can be better suited to what I want to do, but so far, aside from the diopter issue, the goggles are what I have been looking for.  I would love to try a light headset of some type however, as I do believe that technology will have to replace these large and bulky headsets for sure, and maybe soon.

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Flight distance : 892749 ft
United States

UPDATE!!Due to my lazy a$$ procrastination, I have not returned the goggles.   I said i would, but i have not.   I have not used them much, maybe 2 or 3 times since I got them.  I did try them on the PS4 but i would rather play games viewing the large TV screen rather than the small goggle screen.

I don't understand why anyone would prefer to play non-VR games or watch movies on goggles instead of a large screen, but thats just my opinion.

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Flight distance : 454101 ft
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United Kingdom

I got the BT-300 as well. I did not get the FPV version but just got my "extra dark" shades from Epson UK store - that helps a lot. Now I just need to find the right glasses to put in the frames.

But I do like the BT-300 a lot.
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Flight distance : 76814 ft
United States

For me, wearing negative prescription glasses and because DJI Goggles focus plane is so close,  I need correction for about +3 diopters. For those with young eyes this might be no problem to adjust near field vision but with older folks  or folks with negative prescriptions this is not so good.

So, I have to order other set of "DJI Goggles" glasses.
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Flight distance : 183537 ft

Rodger Marjama Posted at 2017-6-14 11:07
That sounds better then I thought Nils.  200 to 300 is pretty close to the goggles and way better then the lag I have on my tablet, which is fully unacceptable at the moment.  Have new tablets coming to see if they can be better suited to what I want to do, but so far, aside from the diopter issue, the goggles are what I have been looking for.  I would love to try a light headset of some type however, as I do believe that technology will have to replace these large and bulky headsets for sure, and maybe soon.


Yes, and as i said before, for me they are a "loophole" for that FPV vs. Spotter rule.
AND small as they are they are not as obvious as those full-immersive goggles.
That said if there were a set of glasses JUST like the BT-300 but with 60 or more degrees FOV i would jump on them in a second :-)

But you cant have it all.


I did not expect how comfortable it is to just keep the glasses on also for preparation, take-off and landing as they are see through.
With a douple tap (quite hard TBH) on the left side you can "mute" video and have unobstructed view !


P.S. i also bought a $70 HDMI in Adapter so now i have it all:
-Android /WiFI based FVP (or gaming console if paired with my Bluetooth Gamepad)
-HDMI in for proffesional FPV (WiDV) or  connecting Blueray / Xbox and other stuff
-5.8G analog receiver 6 input

G-REAT if you are not 100% married to DJI :-)

P.P.S. you guys interested should REALLY join that facebook groiup i linked above, SO much FAQ stuff in there :-)

P.P.P.S. to be mentioned: the optical characteristics of the BT-300 are unusual in a way as the projected image "feels" like its far away so i have nearly zero problems with my (mild) farsiight, i do NOT have to wear glasses or use lenses at all with the BT-300, that came as a very pleaant surprise in change to the other full immersive gogles i owned.

P.P.P.P.S. REALLY just scratching the surface but usable as a teaser:
https://thedronenews.com/2017/06 ... son-moverio-bt-300/
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Flight distance : 945 ft
United States

Just got mine the other day. Same issue with glasses. I have progressives and the image is fuzzy. If I take my glasses off the image is sharp.  I can't see the point of getting reading glasses if I flip the goggles up and I still can't see. Just as easy to keep my glasses in my pocket. I really wish this wasn't an issue.  The other thing I dislike it the head strap. I  must have an odd shaped head because I can't seem to get it to fit comfortably and securely.  If I tighten it to much it pops off the back of my head to loose and it flops around.  
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Howard Hughes
Flight distance : 2153209 ft
United States

Stopped at Walgreens today and bought a 1.50 magnification set of  reading glasses, and they brought everything into focus. This is the only way I was able to make the goggles work for me. $10.00 at Walgreens is all you need to make them work
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Flight distance : 174262 ft
United States

Number one seems the biggest problem. I notice a lot of people don't wear the proper script for themselves.
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First Officer
Flight distance : 7557283 ft

I just don't like this goggles are bulky and larger than my drone... I hope DJI comes with something thinner ....
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Flight distance : 3055210 ft

I got my Pair. Yesterday, no problems here.  Once you figure out the fit, it's all good, but I think the high praise for the screen is a bit much. It's good but I thought it would be better.
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Flight distance : 8009 ft
United States

Mavrick Posted at 2017-6-6 19:11
The goggles are awesome!
If you have vision problems I suggest going to an optician and have a pair of glasses made that work specifically for a 10ft  distance.
Others have done it and it worked perfectly for them.

"10 foot distance"  Hilarious!  The DJI marketing claimed this, but it's actually focused at more like a 6 inch distance, which is why young people that don't use reading glasses still can't see clearly with the goggles.  Or, those with reading glasses that normally use a 3x need a 6x lens with the googgles.  DJI screwed up the optics.
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United States

My Sony Playstation VR goggles are sharp with no additional glasses - not so with DJI Goggles
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