Flight distance : 10501385 ft
One can make own music. I use FLstudio for this, with loads of samples. Vengeance packs - my favourite. Recently discovered for myself Xfer Serum - great synth. Native Instruments Massive - another favourite. But making music like this is already too much effort, you can't be THIS serious about a drone footage On the other hand, my music every time comes out somehow too harsh or too crazy for everyone to like. By the way Ableton live would be better choice, than FL Studio. It's just that I have been with FL Studio for more than a decade and wouldn't bother to rebuild my knowing from scratch with Ableton.
Less serious approach would be an Android (or iOS) app like Walk Band. One can do pretty well with just a piano, or a guitar pressing only white keys randomly. Presumably it would sound somehow jazzy or thoughtful 
I had an idea that I could do pretty well with capturing FM-radio for drone footage soundtracks, and just randomly switch stations while recording. As time goes on, music changes, adverts change, news change, and FM-radio records would pretty well present the spirit of the period of time in long term. |