I love the idea as I really need to figure out how to get a circular polarizer filter on this thing, but I know that adding much weight at all causes the gimbal to stay engaged to keep the camera in place (ie the camera gets front heavy and the gimbal has to work to keep it level).
I may be wrong on this though. . . I have seen posts on here and other places talking about it being ok and not ok. . .
What do y'all think? Now that I think of it, couldn't I just take the filter film and just tape a small piece over the lens??
PS and where would I find those little filter pieces??
is there not a wheel/disc insert thing inside those gimbals that you can 'adjust' to set what is level (ie rebalance it to neutral)? i cant recall if the video i saw of that adjustment was to fix a broken gimbal (that was no longer level) but even if it was that, you'd think a similar approach would work.
as far as gimbal motor wear, cant say for certain but would think that it may be a risk factor (at least possibly) and i would also think it could cause some errant jerk movements under flight conditions.
of course that all depends upon just how far 'off of neutral' it makes things. I'll say the lens bracket (and CPL) on my p2v/rotorpixel came in at only 13g combined and they were more than enough to move the neutral position.
edit: here is the video i was referencing. i am no expert and certainly wouldnt advocate you do this withought being certain, but around the 4:30+ mark, he talks about the disc adjustment i am referencing above.
I'm flying w/GoPro3, and I've a larger ND counterbalanced by a brass washer on the backside held on by 2x rubber bands (also holds the GoPro to the gimbal rather than messing with those tiny screws and plastic bracket) I've never personally used a Vision, but I expect you could do something similar with a small carefully placed couterweight, if you're off a couple mm no big deal, but I found the washer counterbalanced to neutral on mine really helped it not struggle in keeping level.
The Vision+ gimbal is pretty weak (compared to a Zenmuze) but the bracket they are selling looks very lightweight. I think the Vision+ could handle it. Not that I've tried..
The counterbalance seems like a great idea. Once I put the new petal shade on, I noticed that the gimbal did not seem to be buzzing/working at all to keep it pointed horizontal . . . I didn't feel any noticeable vibration on the camera or the pivoting disc either.
Would this indicate that the shade is not heavy enough to present any problem at all? I will try to find a super-sensitive scale to weigh the shade and find an appropriate washer to counterbalance with just in case. . . Am I correct in assuming that the correct placement would be basically centered with the middle of the lens (but on the back of the camera, of course)? the petal lens goes around the full circumference of the lens housing.
if you dont notice the gimbal working to keep it level then i wouldnt attempt to counterbalance. i would suggest moving the phantom around by hand (across multiple axes) while observing just to make sure versus only while sitting still on a table. if you end up counterbalancing, i wouldnt think the placement of the weight has to be perfectly centered in any way nor does it have to be the same weight as the lens, just as long as the net effect (placement plus weight) gets you to neutral.