Flight distance : 13793 ft
DJI Diana Posted at 2017-8-29 18:19
Hi, Blazed, our engineers checked all the data, we didn't find the unresponsive issue. But, we found it seems that the height is a little strange, do you have spare blades, could you please try to change the blades, then try to fly it in an open area? See if there is anything wrong.
Can you please confirm what you mean by height being a little strange?
Ive changed all 4 propellors with the same results. The remote is also pretty much also unresponsive. At times it shoots up straight in the air probably 50-75ft and comes down with great difficulty.
I unpacked my drone in Paris, France and then flew it in Portugal, Algarve. Could this have messed it up? Ive done the IMU and compass calibration countless times so please keep that in mind. Also I just updated to the latest version software both for remote and drone and the issue is still there. Any other suggestions would be appreciated? |