Kestrel Scot
Second Officer
Flight distance : 71250 ft
United Kingdom
Can somebody from DJI take a look at this please for me and just clarify.
I have a Mavic Air, am CAA approved, Fully Insured and have a business based in Lossiemouth, Scotland, recently the drone laws changed, I have attached an updated map for the area.
Recently I had an issue where my drone was grounded for an aerial property shoot near Inverness Airport, however i managed to unlock the grid coordinates via DJI and completed the job.
I now have a job at Dunbar Street, Lossiemouth ...the property is between the two eastern flight paths on the map. Does this mean that no take off can be achieved from within the entire blue circular perimetre ...or can you still apply to dji to unlcok the co-ordinates like before ?
The rules laid out to stop the 1 fool in a million is going to affect technology evolving and potentially ruin the careers of good law abiding quality drone pilots.
The rules should be different for CAA approved pilots who have been on the course and paid a lot of money to work commercially.