How to View Hidden Files: Tool to diagnose No signal and SD Issues
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20120 58 2016-3-6
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First Officer
Flight distance : 3636782 ft
United States

This is a simple guide to view the Hidden files on the SD card.  This can help diagnaose problems with No Signal ( Video) Issues and Failed SD card Issues.  After an update, if you have any problems this is the first place I would look.  I have not seen it explained easily so let me try:
Step By Step Picture's Below  
***This procedure should be done immediatly after a failure of a firmware update.   Remove the SD card from the Aircraft and begin.

If you no longer have the SD card with the Update on it  ,no worries.  Simply load the CURRENT  ( just make sure its the same firmware CURRENTLY on the aircraft  )   firmware that is on the AC and load it again , Just like you were to update again . ( DO NOT HAVE THE RC ON EVER WHILE UPDATING THE AC )  it will only take a few minutes and you may not hear any tones but just give it a few minutes and then remove the SD card. The SD card will load all of the necesaary information either way  ( during the regular update or the second time placing it on the system )

This is the Procedure For PC:

First Go to Control Panel and Click on FOLDER OPTIONS  ( Might say personalization and Folder options)

In control panel

In control panel

Go to the "View Tab"  and scroll down and Enable  "Show hidden Files, Folders and Drives Tap "Apply" and then " Ok"  

Now Go to" My Computer" and Open the Drive with your SD card on it.  Mine for example is "E" Drive

This should bring up The Firmware file AND Firmware with the result. You can click FW_ Result   to see the outcome of the Download:  Success - Abort- Duplicate firmware etc.  
in this case we want the  "MISC " Folder.  Open this file  THIS IS WHAT WE WANT TO SEE.

Next click on the  "Log"   3.PNG

Next click on  file  " FW_Log" In text   

THIS IS WHAT WE WANT - Look for information.  If NEXT TO 0800 and 1500 you see "Device not Detected"  More than likely you can stop trying to fix it. In all the cases I have seen the Aircraft must be sent to DJI for Repair. If  line's at 0800 and 1500 say "How to Connect" then the Transmitter cannot communicate with the device. Check cable from transmitter to Device also inspect USB port on transmitter. Also change the device to test it as well.

This  is for a PC ,Mac folks will have similar steps just differnt wording .

Note : The file  log you download will have the most recent update  on the very BOTTOM  of the page and the oldest initial firmwware will be at the very TOP  of the page .

Use props
DJI team

Hong Kong

Nice thread Donnie! thank you for sharing! If you add couple of pictures to it i'll probably get this post to the front page
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First Officer
Flight distance : 3636782 ft
United States

DJI-Tim Posted at 2016-3-6 21:57
Nice thread Donnie! thank you for sharing! If you add couple of pictures to it i'll probably get thi ...

Tim I updated my thread post  for  " How to view Hidden Files"   and added graphics .  The post I would like to use is on the Phantom Forum, for some reason I had problems updating  ( Pictures out of order ) the one on this Inspire forum.  I think more users will benefit with it on the Phantom Page.  a lot of pilots are more confused over there.  Also I deleted my 'Tips" on it so  they would not get overwhelmed with data.  If you would like I will add it back.  Let me know either way, If you want to add to the front page, fine, if not , that is ok too.   AT least now we can simply say "Go to the search magnifying glass and look up "Hidden Files" and the post will pop up.  

Thanks- Tim

All the best to you and Yours- donnie
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DJI team

Hong Kong

Donnie Posted at 2016-3-8 00:53
Tim I updated my thread post  for  " How to view Hidden Files"   and added graphics .  The post I w ...

Thank you very much, Donnie!  I've also done some editing on it to put the pictures in their positions, now it's ready to go
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First Officer
Flight distance : 3636782 ft
United States

DJI-Tim Posted at 2016-3-7 21:57
Thank you very much, Donnie!  I've also done some editing on it to put the pictures in their posit ...

      Thanks Tim, I hope it will help Pilots who are struggeling to  diagnose there system.

all the best- Donnie
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DJI team
Flight distance : 1515312 ft
  • >>>
United States

Donnie Posted at 2016-3-8 22:04
Thanks Tim, I hope it will help Pilots who are struggeling to  diagnose there system.

all t ...

Donnie,  you are awesome. Excellent information.And thanks for helping as much as you do.
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First Officer
Flight distance : 3636782 ft
United States

DJI-Ken Posted at 2016-3-8 11:52
Donnie,  you are awesome. Excellent information.And thanks for helping as much as you do.

    Happy to pay it Forward when I have time.  Thank You

-All the best to you and yours- donnie
Use props

United States

Fantastic thread Donnie would you mind if I add to it by posting up a similar write up but for people with a Mac. Its a slightly different procedure so it might be beneficial to have both.
Use props
First Officer
Flight distance : 3636782 ft
United States

dorn.michael10@ Posted at 2016-3-8 15:51
Fantastic thread Donnie would you mind if I add to it by posting up a similar write up but for peopl ...

Oh please do, that would be brilliant.

cheers - donnie
Use props

United Kingdom

Thanks for that massive load of info!! here is the log file, i dont think the problem is the inspire i think the remote has gone awall and i cant default it!

Pat.[00004441][01 00] Firmware upgrade finished successfully.

[00004602]Packet [C:\WM610_FW_V01.03.00.00.bin] resumed, card sn [0xda9eb36a].
[00004645]Packet vlink 01.03.0000 <-> 01.02.0000.
[00004715]Version checking[2]...
[00004758][01 00][05] v1.19.3422 -> v1.19.3422
[00004790][01 01][00] v1.8.2729 -> v1.19.3422 need upgrade
[00004855][03 05][00] v34.1.0.5 -> v34.1.0.5
[00004918][03 06][00] v2.0.5.14 -> v2.2.6.33 need upgrade.
[00004964][04 00][00] v1.16.0.76 -> v1.26.0.3 need upgrade.
[00005015][05 00][00] v2.5.6.1 -> v3.0.6.1 need upgrade.
[00005072][08 00][00] v1.12.0.21 -> v1.14.0.25 need upgrade.
[00005120][09 00][00] v1.7.0.3 -> v1.8.0.0 need upgrade.
[00005176][11 00][00] v3.7.1.0 -> v3.7.15.9 need upgrade.
[00005277][12 00][00] v1.3.0.60 -> v1.8.0.0 need upgrade.
[00005375][12 01][00] v1.3.0.60 -> v1.8.0.0 need upgrade.
[00005456][12 02][00] v1.3.0.60 -> v1.8.0.0 need upgrade.
[00005563][12 03][00] v1.3.0.60 -> v1.8.0.0 need upgrade.
[00005666][15 00][00] v1.1.2.0 -> v1.1.2.0
[00005735][17 00][00] v1.1.0.1 -> v1.1.0.4 need upgrade.
[00005838][17 01][00] v2.0.0.1 -> v2.0.0.8 need upgrade.
[00005905][19 00][00] v1.0.8.96 -> v1.0.8.96

[00006027]Firmware upgrading[2]...
[00006221][01 01] Firmware upgrade start...
[00036704][01 01] Firmware upgrade finished successfully.
[00037597][08 00] Firmware upgrade start...
[00370965][08 00] Firmware upgrade finished successfully.
[00371019][12 00] Firmware upgrade start...
[00426337][12 00] Firmware upgrade finished successfully.
[00426398][12 01] Firmware upgrade start...
[00481891][12 01] Firmware upgrade finished successfully.
[00481945][12 02] Firmware upgrade start...
[00538026][12 02] Firmware upgrade finished successfully.
[00538131][12 03] Firmware upgrade start...
[00593761][12 03] Firmware upgrade finished successfully.
[00594002][03 06] Firmware upgrade start...
[00007299]========== 2015.08.11 11:20:34. boot(15) ============
[00007434]Packet [C:\WM610_FW_V01.03.00.00.bin] detected, card sn [0xda9eb36a].
[00007582]Packet upgrade start...

[00007626]Packet checking...
[00007667]Packet vlink 01.03.0000 <-> 01.02.0000.

[00007774]Version checking[1]...
[00007830][01 00][00] v1.19.3422 -> v1.19.3422
[00007874][01 01][00] v1.19.3422 -> v1.19.3422
[00007955][03 05][00] v34.1.0.5 -> v34.1.0.5
[00008035][03 06][00] v1.0.0.1 -> v2.2.6.33 need upgrade.
[00008094][04 00][00] v1.16.0.76 -> v1.26.0.3 need upgrade.
[00008175][05 00][00] v2.5.6.1 -> v3.0.6.1 need upgrade.
[00008223][08 00][00] v1.14.0.25 -> v1.14.0.25
[00008294][09 00][00] v1.7.0.3 -> v1.8.0.0 need upgrade.
[00008415][11 00][00] v3.7.1.0 -> v3.7.15.9 need upgrade.
[00020965][12 00][00] device not detected.
[00033504][12 01][00] device not detected.
[00046043][12 02][00] device not detected.
[00058582][12 03][00] device not detected.
[00058688][15 00][00] v1.1.2.0 -> v1.1.2.0
[00058751][17 00][00] v1.1.0.1 -> v1.1.0.4 need upgrade.
[00058858][17 01][00] v2.0.0.1 -> v2.0.0.8 need upgrade.
[00058905][19 00][00] v1.0.8.96 -> v1.0.8.96

[00060983]Waiting for user confirm...
[00004692]========== remo-con disconnect. boot(15) ============
[00004730]Packet [C:\WM610_FW_V01.03.00.00.bin] detected, card sn [0xda9eb36a].
[00004773]Packet upgrade start...

[00004820]Packet checking...
[00004865]Packet vlink 01.03.0000 <-> 01.02.0000.

[00004969]Version checking[1]...
[00005013][01 00][00] v1.19.3422 -> v1.19.3422
[00005053][01 01][00] v1.19.3422 -> v1.19.3422
[00005130][03 05][00] v34.1.0.5 -> v34.1.0.5
[00005190][03 06][00] v1.0.0.1 -> v2.2.6.33 need upgrade.
[00005240][04 00][00] v1.16.0.76 -> v1.26.0.3 need upgrade.
[00005310][05 00][00] v2.5.6.1 -> v3.0.6.1 need upgrade.
[00005380][08 00][00] v1.14.0.25 -> v1.14.0.25
[00005440][09 00][00] v1.7.0.3 -> v1.8.0.0 need upgrade.
[00005530][11 00][00] v3.7.1.0 -> v3.7.15.9 need upgrade.
[00018088][12 00][00] device not detected.
[00030627][12 01][00] device not detected.
[00043248][12 02][00] device not detected.
[00055787][12 03][00] device not detected.
[00055883][15 00][00] v1.1.2.0 -> v1.1.2.0
[00055966][17 00][00] v1.1.0.1 -> v1.1.0.4 need upgrade.
[00056066][17 01][00] v2.0.0.1 -> v2.0.0.8 need upgrade.
[00056110][19 00][00] v1.0.8.96 -> v1.0.8.96

[00058186]Waiting for user confirm...
[00005113]========== 2015.08.13 09:04:47. boot(15) ============
[00005150]Packet [C:\WM610_FW_V01.03.00.00.bin] detected, card sn [0xda9eb36a].
[00005192]Packet upgrade start...

[00005237]Packet checking...
[00005278]Packet vlink 01.03.0000 <-> 01.02.0000.

[00005404]Version checking[1]...
[00005479][01 00][00] v1.19.3422 -> v1.19.3422
[00005531][01 01][00] v1.19.3422 -> v1.19.3422
[00005614][03 05][00] v34.1.0.5 -> v34.1.0.5
[00005715][03 06][00] v1.0.0.1 -> v2.2.6.33 need upgrade.
[00005776][04 00][00] v1.16.0.76 -> v1.26.0.3 need upgrade.
[00005854][05 00][00] v2.5.6.1 -> v3.0.6.1 need upgrade.
[00005913][08 00][00] v1.14.0.25 -> v1.14.0.25
[00005980][09 00][00] v1.7.0.3 -> v1.8.0.0 need upgrade.
[00006035][11 00][00] v3.7.1.0 -> v3.7.15.9 need upgrade.
[00018587][12 00][00] device not detected.
[00031139][12 01][00] device not detected.
[00009316]========== 2015.08.13 09:05:44. boot(15) ============
[00009357]Packet [C:\WM610_FW_V01.03.00.00.bin] detected, card sn [0xda9eb36a].
[00009409]Packet upgrade start...

[00009462]Packet checking...
[00009506]Packet vlink 01.03.0000 <-> 01.02.0000.

[00009625]Version checking[1]...
[00009663][01 00][00] v1.19.3422 -> v1.19.3422
[00009699][01 01][00] v1.19.3422 -> v1.19.3422
[00009778][03 05][00] v34.1.0.5 -> v34.1.0.5
[00009857][03 06][00] v1.0.0.1 -> v2.2.6.33 need upgrade.
[00009903][04 00][00] v1.16.0.76 -> v1.26.0.3 need upgrade.
[00009978][05 00][00] v2.5.6.1 -> v3.0.6.1 need upgrade.
[00010032][08 00][00] v1.14.0.25 -> v1.14.0.25
[00010082][09 00][00] v1.7.0.3 -> v1.8.0.0 need upgrade.
[00010237][11 00][00] v3.7.1.0 -> v3.7.15.9 need upgrade.
[00005129]========== remo-con disconnect. boot(15) ============
[00005169]Packet [C:\WM610_FW_V01.03.00.00.bin] detected, card sn [0xda9eb36a].
[00005209]Packet upgrade start...

[00005256]Packet checking...
[00005299]Packet vlink 01.03.0000 <-> 01.02.0000.

[00005436]Version checking[1]...
[00005489][01 00][00] v1.19.3422 -> v1.19.3422
[00005552][01 01][00] v1.19.3422 -> v1.19.3422
[00005643][03 05][00] v34.1.0.5 -> v34.1.0.5
[00005743][03 06][00] v1.0.0.1 -> v2.2.6.33 need upgrade.
[00005792][04 00][00] v1.16.0.76 -> v1.26.0.3 need upgrade.
[00005863][05 00][00] v2.5.6.1 -> v3.0.6.1 need upgrade.
[00005941][08 00][00] v1.14.0.25 -> v1.14.0.25
[00005988][09 00][00] v1.7.0.3 -> v1.8.0.0 need upgrade.
[00006062][11 00][00] v3.7.1.0 -> v3.7.15.9 need upgrade.
[00018627][12 00][00] device not detected.
[00031172][12 01][00] device not detected.
[00043711][12 02][00] device not detected.
[00056254][12 03][00] device not detected.
[00056355][15 00][00] v1.1.2.0 -> v1.1.2.0
[00056418][17 00][00] v1.1.0.1 -> v1.1.0.4 need upgrade.
[00056517][17 01][00] v2.0.0.1 -> v2.0.0.8 need upgrade.
[00056567][19 00][00] v1.0.8.96 -> v1.0.8.96

[00058648]Waiting for user confirm...
[00068685]Timeout, start upgrade automatically.

[00068764]Firmware upgrading[1]...
[00069010][03 06] Firmware upgrade start...
[00298574][03 06] Firmware upgrade finished successfully.
[00298656][17 00] Firmware upgrade start...
[00359792][17 00] Firmware upgrade finished successfully.
[00359844][17 01] Firmware upgrade start...
[00413472][17 01] Firmware upgrade finished successfully.
[00413540][11 00] Firmware upgrade start...
[00494616][11 00] Firmware upgrade finished successfully.
[00494678][05 00] Firmware upgrade start...
[00539033][05 00] Firmware upgrade finished successfully.
[00539097][09 00] Firmware upgrade start...
[00590689][09 00] Firmware upgrade finished successfully.
[00590856][04 00] Firmware upgrade start...
[00654799][04 00] Firmware upgrade finished successfully.

[00654879]Version checking[2]...
[00654918][01 00][00] v1.19.3422 -> v1.19.3422
[00654958][01 01][00] v1.19.3422 -> v1.19.3422
[00655039][03 05][00] v34.1.0.5 -> v34.1.0.5
[00655120][03 06][05] v2.2.6.33 -> v2.2.6.33
[00655164][04 00][05] v1.26.0.3 -> v1.26.0.3
[00655219][05 00][05] v3.0.6.1 -> v3.0.6.1
[00655271][08 00][00] v1.14.0.25 -> v1.14.0.25
[00655324][09 00][05] v1.8.0.0 -> v1.8.0.0
[00655379][11 00][05] v3.7.15.9 -> v3.7.15.9
[00655479][12 00][00] v1.8.0.0 -> v1.8.0.0
[00655579][12 01][00] v1.8.0.0 -> v1.8.0.0
[00655678][12 02][00] v1.8.0.0 -> v1.8.0.0
[00655799][12 03][00] v1.8.0.0 -> v1.8.0.0
[00655896][15 00][00] v1.1.2.0 -> v1.1.2.0
[00655979][17 00][05] v1.1.0.4 -> v1.1.0.4
[00656079][17 01][05] v2.0.0.8 -> v2.0.0.8
[00656130][19 00][00] v1.0.8.96 -> v1.0.8.96
[00656168]Packet upgrade finish successfully.

[00004724]========== remo-con disconnect. boot(15) ============
[00004764]Packet [C:\WM610_FW_V01.03.00.00.bin] detected, card sn [0xda9eb36a].
[00004803]Packet upgrade start...

[00004858]Packet checking...
[00004901]Packet vlink 01.03.0000 <-> 01.02.0000.
[00004939]Record vlink 01.03.0000 <-> 01.02.0000 (flow = 0).

[00005028]Version checking[1]...
[00005065][01 00][00] v1.19.3422 -> v1.19.3422
[00005111][01 01][00] v1.19.3422 -> v1.19.3422
[00005184][03 05][00] v34.1.0.5 -> v34.1.0.5
[00005284][03 06][00] v2.2.6.33 -> v2.2.6.33
[00005360][04 00][00] v1.26.0.3 -> v1.26.0.3
[00005444][05 00][00] v3.0.6.1 -> v3.0.6.1
[00005504][08 00][00] v1.14.0.25 -> v1.14.0.25
[00005584][09 00][00] v1.8.0.0 -> v1.8.0.0
[00005664][11 00][00] v3.7.1.0 -> v3.7.15.9 need upgrade.
[00005764][12 00][00] v1.8.0.0 -> v1.8.0.0
[00005864][12 01][00] v1.8.0.0 -> v1.8.0.0
[00005964][12 02][00] v1.8.0.0 -> v1.8.0.0
[00006064][12 03][00] v1.8.0.0 -> v1.8.0.0
[00006176][15 00][00] v1.1.2.0 -> v1.1.2.0
[00006423][17 00][00] v1.1.0.4 -> v1.1.0.4
[00006544][17 01][00] v2.0.0.8 -> v2.0.0.8
[00006598][19 00][00] v1.0.8.96 -> v1.0.8.96

[00008685]Waiting for user confirm...
[00018761]Timeout, start upgrade automatically.

[00018851]Firmware upgrading[1]...
[00018912][11 00] Firmware upgrade start...
[00099994][11 00] Firmware upgrade finished successfully.

[00100078]Version checking[2]...
[00100120][01 00][00] v1.19.3422 -> v1.19.3422
[00100165][01 01][00] v1.19.3422 -> v1.19.3422
[00100255][03 05][00] v34.1.0.5 -> v34.1.0.5
[00100342][03 06][00] v2.2.6.33 -> v2.2.6.33
[00100388][04 00][00] v1.26.0.3 -> v1.26.0.3
[00100455][05 00][00] v3.0.6.1 -> v3.0.6.1
[00100503][08 00][00] v1.14.0.25 -> v1.14.0.25
[00100561][09 00][00] v1.8.0.0 -> v1.8.0.0
[00100636][11 00][05] v3.7.15.9 -> v3.7.15.9
[00100735][12 00][00] v1.8.0.0 -> v1.8.0.0
[00100835][12 01][00] v1.8.0.0 -> v1.8.0.0
[00100915][12 02][00] v1.8.0.0 -> v1.8.0.0
[00101015][12 03][00] v1.8.0.0 -> v1.8.0.0
[00101118][15 00][00] v1.1.2.0 -> v1.1.2.0
[00101175][17 00][00] v1.1.0.4 -> v1.1.0.4
[00101275][17 01][00] v2.0.0.8 -> v2.0.0.8
[00101324][19 00][00] v1.0.8.96 -> v1.0.8.96
[00101364]Packet upgrade finish successfully.

[00006699]========== 2015.09.24 17:05:36. boot(15) ============
[00006743]Packet [C:\WM610_FW_V01.04.00.10.bin] detected, card sn [0xbb4b2ace].
[00006793]Packet upgrade start...

[00006843]Packet checking...
[00006896]Packet vlink 01.04.0010 <-> 01.03.0000.
[00006936]Record vlink 01.03.0000 <-> 01.02.0000 (flow = 0).

[00007032]Version checking[1]...
[00007070][01 00][00] v1.19.3422 -> v1.19.3422
[00007110][01 01][00] v1.19.3422 -> v1.19.3422
[00007198][03 05][00] v34.1.0.5 -> v34.1.0.5
[00007278][03 06][00] v2.2.6.33 -> v2.3.0.13 need upgrade.
[00007339][04 00][00] v1.26.0.3 -> v1.26.0.21 need upgrade.
[00007418][05 00][00] v3.0.6.1 -> v3.0.6.1
[00007474][08 00][00] v1.14.0.25 -> v1.14.0.25
[00007653][09 00][00] v1.8.0.0 -> v1.8.0.0
[00007742][11 00][00] v3.7.15.9 -> v3.7.15.10 need upgrade.
[00007858][12 00][00] v1.8.0.0 -> v1.8.0.0
[00007958][12 01][00] v1.8.0.0 -> v1.8.0.0
[00008058][12 02][00] v1.8.0.0 -> v1.8.0.0
[00008178][12 03][00] v1.8.0.0 -> v1.8.0.0
[00008337][15 00][00] v1.1.2.0 -> v1.1.2.0
[00008426][17 00][00] v1.1.0.4 -> v1.1.0.4
[00008558][17 01][00] v2.0.0.8 -> v2.0.0.8
[00008623][19 00][00] v1.0.8.96 -> v1.0.8.96

[00010725]Waiting for user confirm...
[00020769]Timeout, start upgrade automatically.

[00020851]Firmware upgrading[1]...
[00021104][03 06] Firmware upgrade start...
[00260793][03 06] Firmware upgrade finished successfully.
[00260847][11 00] Firmware upgrade start...
[00342626][11 00] Firmware upgrade finished successfully.
[00342719][04 00] Firmware upgrade start...
[00413590][04 00] Firmware upgrade finished successfully.

[00413904]Version checking[2]...
[00413943][01 00][00] v1.19.3422 -> v1.19.3422
[00413983][01 01][00] v1.19.3422 -> v1.19.3422
[00414060][03 05][00] v34.1.0.5 -> v34.1.0.5
[00414140][03 06][05] v2.3.0.13 -> v2.3.0.13
[00414185][04 00][05] v1.26.0.21 -> v1.26.0.21
[00414260][05 00][00] v3.0.6.1 -> v3.0.6.1
[00414318][08 00][00] v1.14.0.25 -> v1.14.0.25
[00414371][09 00][00] v1.8.0.0 -> v1.8.0.0
[00414441][11 00][05] v3.7.15.10 -> v3.7.15.10
[00414540][12 00][00] v1.8.0.0 -> v1.8.0.0
[00414640][12 01][00] v1.8.0.0 -> v1.8.0.0
[00414740][12 02][00] v1.8.0.0 -> v1.8.0.0
[00414840][12 03][00] v1.8.0.0 -> v1.8.0.0
[00414947][15 00][00] v1.1.2.0 -> v1.1.2.0
[00415020][17 00][00] v1.1.0.4 -> v1.1.0.4
[00415119][17 01][00] v2.0.0.8 -> v2.0.0.8
[00415171][19 00][00] v1.0.8.96 -> v1.0.8.96
[00415212]Packet upgrade finish successfully.

[00006621]========== 2015.09.24 17:26:25. boot(15) ============
[00006668]Packet [C:\WM610_FW_V01.04.00.10.bin] detected, card sn [0xbb4b2ace].
[00006720]Packet upgrade start...

[00006770]Packet checking...
[00006916]Packet vlink 01.04.0010 <-> 01.03.0000.
[00006968]Record vlink 01.04.0010 <-> 01.03.0000 (flow = 0).

[00007059]Version checking[1]...
[00007112][01 00][00] v1.19.3422 -> v1.19.3422
[00007173][01 01][00] v1.19.3422 -> v1.19.3422
[00007271][03 05][00] v34.1.0.5 -> v34.1.0.5
[00007371][03 06][00] v2.3.0.13 -> v2.3.0.13
[00007422][04 00][00] v1.26.0.21 -> v1.26.0.21
[00007492][05 00][00] v3.0.6.1 -> v3.0.6.1
[00007552][08 00][00] v1.14.0.25 -> v1.14.0.25
[00007621][09 00][00] v1.8.0.0 -> v1.8.0.0
[00007710][11 00][00] v3.7.15.10 -> v3.7.15.10
[00007830][12 00][00] v1.8.0.0 -> v1.8.0.0
[00007950][12 01][00] v1.8.0.0 -> v1.8.0.0
[00008070][12 02][00] v1.8.0.0 -> v1.8.0.0
[00008230][12 03][00] v1.8.0.0 -> v1.8.0.0
[00008378][15 00][00] v1.1.2.0 -> v1.1.2.0
[00008471][17 00][00] v1.1.0.4 -> v1.1.0.4
[00008591][17 01][00] v2.0.0.8 -> v2.0.0.8
[00008655][19 00][00] v1.0.8.96 -> v1.0.8.96
[00010700]Packet upgrade cancelled at version checking.

[00004624]========== remo-con disconnect. boot(15) ============
[00004666]Packet [C:\WM610_FW_V01.04.00.10.bin] detected, card sn [0xbb4b2ace].
[00004711]Packet upgrade start...

[00004760]Packet checking...
[00004807]Packet vlink 01.04.0010 <-> 01.03.0000.
[00004850]Record vlink 01.04.0010 <-> 01.03.0000 (flow = 0).

[00004937]Version checking[1]...
[00004979][01 00][00] v1.19.3422 -> v1.19.3422
[00005045][01 01][00] v1.19.3422 -> v1.19.3422
[00005133][03 05][00] v34.1.0.5 -> v34.1.0.5
[00005233][03 06][00] v2.3.0.13 -> v2.3.0.13
[00005309][04 00][00] v1.26.0.21 -> v1.26.0.21
[00005393][05 00][00] v3.0.6.1 -> v3.0.6.1
[00005462][08 00][00] v1.14.0.25 -> v1.14.0.25
[00005549][09 00][00] v1.8.0.0 -> v1.8.0.0
[00005613][11 00][00] v3.7.15.9 -> v3.7.15.10 need upgrade.
[00005714][12 00][00] v1.8.0.0 -> v1.8.0.0
[00005813][12 01][00] v1.8.0.0 -> v1.8.0.0
[00005914][12 02][00] v1.8.0.0 -> v1.8.0.0
[00006013][12 03][00] v1.8.0.0 -> v1.8.0.0
[00006191][15 00][00] v1.1.2.0 -> v1.1.2.0
[00006254][17 00][00] v1.1.0.4 -> v1.1.0.4
[00006354][17 01][00] v2.0.0.8 -> v2.0.0.8
[00006409][19 00][00] v1.0.8.96 -> v1.0.8.96

[00008502]Waiting for user confirm...
[00018545]Timeout, start upgrade automatically.

[00018628]Firmware upgrading[1]...
[00018689][11 00] Firmware upgrade start...
[00099444][11 00] Firmware upgrade finished successfully.

[00099525]Version checking[2]...
[00099562][01 00][00] v1.19.3422 -> v1.19.3422
[00099599][01 01][00] v1.19.3422 -> v1.19.3422
[00099666][03 05][00] v34.1.0.5 -> v34.1.0.5
[00099750][03 06][00] v2.3.0.13 -> v2.3.0.13
[00099793][04 00][00] v1.26.0.21 -> v1.26.0.21
[00099865][05 00][00] v3.0.6.1 -> v3.0.6.1
[00099914][08 00][00] v1.14.0.25 -> v1.14.0.25
[00099976][09 00][00] v1.8.0.0 -> v1.8.0.0
[00100045][11 00][05] v3.7.15.10 -> v3.7.15.10
[00100145][12 00][00] v1.8.0.0 -> v1.8.0.0
[00100245][12 01][00] v1.8.0.0 -> v1.8.0.0
[00100345][12 02][00] v1.8.0.0 -> v1.8.0.0
[00100445][12 03][00] v1.8.0.0 -> v1.8.0.0
[00100540][15 00][00] v1.1.2.0 -> v1.1.2.0
[00100606][17 00][00] v1.1.0.4 -> v1.1.0.4
[00100706][17 01][00] v2.0.0.8 -> v2.0.0.8
[00100765][19 00][00] v1.0.8.96 -> v1.0.8.96
[00100802]Packet upgrade finish successfully.

[00004634]========== remo-con disconnect. boot(15) ============
[00004677]Packet [C:\WM610_FW_V01.06.00.40.bin] detected, card sn [0xbb4b2ace].
[00004717]Packet upgrade start...

[00004786]Packet checking...
[00004844]Packet vlink 01.06.0040 <-> 01.05.0030.
[00004910]Record vlink 01.04.0010 <-> 01.03.0000 (flow = 0).

[00005032]Version checking[1]...
[00005092][01 00][00] v1.19.3422 -> v2.47.4492 need upgrade
[00005155][01 01][00] v1.19.3422 -> v2.47.4492 need upgrade
[00005261][03 05][00] v34.1.0.5 -> v34.1.0.5
[00005340][03 06][00] v2.3.0.13 -> v2.4.10.7 need upgrade.
[00005400][04 00][00] v1.26.0.21 -> v1.29.0.51 need upgrade.
[00005461][05 00][00] v3.0.6.1 -> v3.0.6.2 need upgrade.
[00005674][08 00][00] v1.14.0.25 -> v2.14.9.35 need upgrade.
[00005749][09 00][00] v1.8.0.0 -> v1.8.0.0
[00005820][11 00][00] v3.7.15.10 -> v3.8.15.4 need upgrade.
[00005919][12 00][00] v1.8.0.0 -> v1.11.0.0 need upgrade.
[00006019][12 01][00] v1.8.0.0 -> v1.11.0.0 need upgrade.
[00006102][12 02][00] v1.8.0.0 -> v1.11.0.0 need upgrade.
[00006200][12 03][00] v1.8.0.0 -> v1.11.0.0 need upgrade.
[00006300][15 00][00] v1.1.2.0 -> v1.1.2.0
[00006400][17 00][00] v1.1.0.4 -> v1.1.0.4
[00006520][17 01][00] v2.0.0.8 -> v2.0.1.2 need upgrade.
[00006582][19 00][00] v1.0.8.96 -> v1.0.8.96

[00008668]Waiting for user confirm...
[00018727]Timeout, start upgrade automatically.

[00018819]Firmware upgrading[1]...
[00035881][01 00] Firmware upgrade start...
[00020496][01 00] Firmware upgrade finished successfully.

[00020761]Packet [C:\WM610_FW_V01.06.00.40.bin] resumed, card sn [0xbb4b2ace].
[00020920]Packet vlink 01.06.0040 <-> 01.05.0030.
[00021084]Record vlink 01.04.0010 <-> 01.03.0000 (flow = 0).
[00021125]Version checking[2]...
[00021194][01 00][05] v2.47.4492 -> v2.47.4492
[00021314][01 01][00] v1.19.3422 -> v2.47.4492 need upgrade
[00021413][03 05][00] v34.1.0.5 -> v34.1.0.5
[00021513][03 06][00] v2.3.0.13 -> v2.4.10.7 need upgrade.
[00021603][04 00][00] v1.26.0.21 -> v1.29.0.51 need upgrade.
[00021713][05 00][00] v3.0.6.1 -> v3.0.6.2 need upgrade.
[00021760][08 00][00] v1.14.0.25 -> v2.14.9.35 need upgrade.
[00021815][09 00][00] v1.8.0.0 -> v1.8.0.0
[00021895][11 00][00] v3.7.15.10 -> v3.8.15.4 need upgrade.
[00021993][12 00][00] v1.8.0.0 -> v1.11.0.0 need upgrade.
[00022073][12 01][00] v1.8.0.0 -> v1.11.0.0 need upgrade.
[00022153][12 02][00] v1.8.0.0 -> v1.11.0.0 need upgrade.
[00022233][12 03][00] v1.8.0.0 -> v1.11.0.0 need upgrade.
[00023059][15 00][00] v1.1.2.0 -> v1.1.2.0
[00023134][17 00][00] v1.1.0.4 -> v1.1.0.4
[00023253][17 01][00] v2.0.0.8 -> v2.0.1.2 need upgrade.
[00023303][19 00][00] v1.0.8.96 -> v1.0.8.96

[00023471]Firmware upgrading[2]...
[00023569][01 01] Firmware upgrade start...
[00033881][01 01] Firmware upgrade finished successfully.
[00034560][08 00] Firmware upgrade start...
[00618425][08 00] Firmware upgrade finished successfully.
[00618479][12 00] Firmware upgrade start...
[00656513][12 00] Firmware upgrade finished successfully.
[00656581][12 01] Firmware upgrade start...
[00694909][12 01] Firmware upgrade finished successfully.
[00694961][12 02] Firmware upgrade start...
[00733965][12 02] Firmware upgrade finished successfully.
[00734015][12 03] Firmware upgrade start...
[00772302][12 03] Firmware upgrade finished successfully.
[00772437][03 06] Firmware upgrade start...
[00992802][03 06] Firmware upgrade finished successfully.
[00992853][17 01] Firmware upgrade start...
[01026599][17 01] Firmware upgrade finished successfully.
[01026650][11 00] Firmware upgrade start...
[01093194][11 00] Firmware upgrade finished successfully.
[01093246][05 00] Firmware upgrade start...
[01118630][05 00] Firmware upgrade finished successfully.
[01118702][04 00] Firmware upgrade start...
[01167249][04 00] Firmware upgrade finished successfully.

[01167334]Version checking[3]...
[01167375][01 00][05] v2.47.4492 -> v2.47.4492
[01167415][01 01][05] v2.47.4492 -> v2.47.4492
[01167529][03 05][00] v34.1.0.5 -> v34.1.0.5
[01167589][03 06][05] v2.4.10.7 -> v2.4.10.7
[01167635][04 00][05] v1.29.0.51 -> v1.29.0.51
[01167729][05 00][05] v3.0.6.2 -> v3.0.6.2
[01167777][08 00][05] v2.14.9.35 -> v2.14.9.35
[01167829][09 00][00] v1.8.0.0 -> v1.8.0.0
[01167909][11 00][05] v3.8.15.4 -> v3.8.15.4
[01168009][12 00][05] v1.11.0.0 -> v1.11.0.0
[01168109][12 01][05] v1.11.0.0 -> v1.11.0.0
[01168209][12 02][05] v1.11.0.0 -> v1.11.0.0
[01168309][12 03][05] v1.11.0.0 -> v1.11.0.0
[01168417][15 00][00] v1.1.2.0 -> v1.1.2.0
[01168529][17 00][00] v1.1.0.4 -> v1.1.0.4
[01168629][17 01][05] v2.0.1.2 -> v2.0.1.2
[01168788][19 00][00] v1.0.8.96 -> v1.0.8.96
[01168833]Packet upgrade finish successfully.

[00008507]========== remo-con disconnect. boot(15) ============
[00008556]Packet [C:\WM610_FW_V01.06.00.40.bin] detected, card sn [0xbb4b2ace].
[00008619]Packet upgrade start...

[00008681]Packet checking...
[00008733]Packet vlink 01.06.0040 <-> 01.05.0030.
[00008773]Record vlink 01.06.0040 <-> 01.05.0030 (flow = 0).

[00008864]Version checking[1]...
[00008904][01 00][00] v2.47.4492 -> v2.47.4492
[00008944][01 01][00] v2.47.4492 -> v2.47.4492
[00009014][03 05][00] v34.1.0.5 -> v34.1.0.5
[00009114][03 06][00] v2.4.10.7 -> v2.4.10.7
[00009168][04 00][00] v1.29.0.51 -> v1.29.0.51
[00009254][05 00][00] v3.0.6.2 -> v3.0.6.2
[00009305][08 00][00] v2.14.9.35 -> v2.14.9.35
[00009354][09 00][00] v1.8.0.0 -> v1.8.0.0
[00009434][11 00][00] v3.7.15.10 -> v3.8.15.4 need upgrade.
[00009534][12 00][00] v1.11.0.0 -> v1.11.0.0
[00009634][12 01][00] v1.11.0.0 -> v1.11.0.0
[00009735][12 02][00] v1.11.0.0 -> v1.11.0.0
[00009834][12 03][00] v1.11.0.0 -> v1.11.0.0
[00009942][15 00][00] v1.1.2.0 -> v1.1.2.0
[00010014][17 00][00] v1.1.0.4 -> v1.1.0.4
[00010134][17 01][00] v2.0.1.2 -> v2.0.1.2
[00010186][19 00][00] v1.0.8.96 -> v1.0.8.96

[00012282]Waiting for user confirm...
[00022327]Timeout, start upgrade automatically.

[00022414]Firmware upgrading[1]...
[00022463][11 00] Firmware upgrade start...
[00088604][11 00] Firmware upgrade finished successfully.

[00088686]Version checking[2]...
[00088728][01 00][00] v2.47.4492 -> v2.47.4492
[00088775][01 01][00] v2.47.4492 -> v2.47.4492
[00088847][03 05][00] v34.1.0.5 -> v34.1.0.5
[00088927][03 06][00] v2.4.10.7 -> v2.4.10.7
[00088975][04 00][00] v1.29.0.51 -> v1.29.0.51
[00089047][05 00][00] v3.0.6.2 -> v3.0.6.2
[00089094][08 00][00] v2.14.9.35 -> v2.14.9.35
[00089147][09 00][00] v1.8.0.0 -> v1.8.0.0
[00089227][11 00][05] v3.8.15.4 -> v3.8.15.4
[00089427][12 00][00] v1.11.0.0 -> v1.11.0.0
[00089546][12 01][00] v1.11.0.0 -> v1.11.0.0
[00089647][12 02][00] v1.11.0.0 -> v1.11.0.0
[00089748][12 03][00] v1.11.0.0 -> v1.11.0.0
[00091015][15 00][00] v1.1.2.0 -> v1.1.2.0
[00091087][17 00][00] v1.1.0.4 -> v1.1.0.4
[00091187][17 01][00] v2.0.1.2 -> v2.0.1.2
[00091238][19 00][00] v1.0.8.96 -> v1.0.8.96
[00091284]Packet upgrade finish successfully.

[00007167]========== remo-con disconnect. boot(15) ============
[00007314]Packet [C:\WM610_FW_V01.07.00.90.bin] detected, card sn [0x01be9318].
[00007429]Packet upgrade start...

[00007571]Packet checking...
[00007716]Packet vlink 01.07.0090 <-> 01.06.0040.
[00007870]Record vlink 01.06.0040 <-> 01.05.0030 (flow = 0).

[00007986]Version checking[1]...
[00008114][01 00][00] v2.47.4492 -> v2.63.4998 need upgrade
[00008177][01 01][00] v2.47.4492 -> v2.63.4998 need upgrade
[00008271][03 05][00] v34.1.0.5 -> v34.1.0.5
[00008351][03 06][00] v2.4.10.7 -> v2.4.10.7
[00008417][04 00][00] v1.29.0.51 -> v1.29.0.91 need upgrade.
[00008511][05 00][00] v3.0.6.2 -> v3.0.6.2
[00008564][08 00][00] v2.14.9.35 -> v2.14.9.42 need upgrade.
[00008617][09 00][00] v1.8.0.0 -> v1.8.0.0
[00008731][11 00][00] v3.8.15.4 -> v3.8.15.4
[00008811][12 00][00] v1.11.0.0 -> v1.11.0.0
[00008931][12 01][00] v1.11.0.0 -> v1.11.0.0
[00009011][12 02][00] v1.11.0.0 -> v1.11.0.0
[00009111][12 03][00] v1.11.0.0 -> v1.11.0.0
[00009225][15 00][00] v1.1.2.0 -> v1.1.2.0
[00009311][17 00][00] v1.1.0.4 -> v1.1.0.4
[00009411][17 01][00] v2.0.1.2 -> v2.0.1.2
[00009480][19 00][00] v1.0.8.96 -> v1.0.8.96

[00011582]Waiting for user confirm...
[00021625]Timeout, start upgrade automatically.

[00021713]Firmware upgrading[1]...
[00027175][01 00] Firmware upgrade start...
[00020977][01 00] Firmware upgrade finished successfully.

[00021069]Packet [C:\WM610_FW_V01.07.00.90.bin] resumed, card sn [0x01be9318].
[00021128]Packet vlink 01.07.0090 <-> 01.06.0040.
[00021271]Record vlink 01.06.0040 <-> 01.05.0030 (flow = 0).
[00021315]Version checking[2]...
[00021369][01 00][05] v2.63.4998 -> v2.63.4998
[00021419][01 01][00] v2.47.4492 -> v2.63.4998 need upgrade
[00021506][03 05][00] v34.1.0.5 -> v34.1.0.5
[00021606][03 06][00] v2.4.10.7 -> v2.4.10.7
[00021660][04 00][00] v1.29.0.51 -> v1.29.0.91 need upgrade.
[00021746][05 00][00] v3.0.6.2 -> v3.0.6.2
[00021798][08 00][00] v2.14.9.35 -> v2.14.9.42 need upgrade.
[00021857][09 00][00] v1.8.0.0 -> v1.8.0.0
[00021947][11 00][00] v3.8.15.4 -> v3.8.15.4
[00022027][12 00][00] v1.11.0.0 -> v1.11.0.0
[00022107][12 01][00] v1.11.0.0 -> v1.11.0.0
[00022207][12 02][00] v1.11.0.0 -> v1.11.0.0
[00022307][12 03][00] v1.11.0.0 -> v1.11.0.0
[00023631][15 00][00] v1.1.2.0 -> v1.1.2.0
[00023706][17 00][00] v1.1.0.4 -> v1.1.0.4
[00023826][17 01][00] v2.0.1.2 -> v2.0.1.2
[00023888][19 00][00] v1.0.8.96 -> v1.0.8.96

[00023998]Firmware upgrading[2]...
[00024098][01 01] Firmware upgrade start...
[00034381][01 01] Firmware upgrade finished successfully.
[00035081][08 00] Firmware upgrade start...
[00500556][08 00] Firmware upgrade finished successfully.
[00500630][04 00] Firmware upgrade start...
[00553856][04 00] Firmware upgrade finished successfully.

[00553959]Version checking[3]...
[00554003][01 00][05] v2.63.4998 -> v2.63.4998
[00554051][01 01][05] v2.63.4998 -> v2.63.4998
[00554137][03 05][00] v34.1.0.5 -> v34.1.0.5
[00554237][03 06][00] v2.4.10.7 -> v2.4.10.7
[00554290][04 00][05] v1.29.0.91 -> v1.29.0.91
[00554397][05 00][00] v3.0.6.2 -> v3.0.6.2
[00554463][08 00][05] v2.14.9.42 -> v2.14.9.42
[00554518][09 00][00] v1.8.0.0 -> v1.8.0.0
[00554618][11 00][00] v3.8.15.4 -> v3.8.15.4
[00554718][12 00][00] v1.11.0.0 -> v1.11.0.0
[00554818][12 01][00] v1.11.0.0 -> v1.11.0.0
[00554918][12 02][00] v1.11.0.0 -> v1.11.0.0
[00555038][12 03][00] v1.11.0.0 -> v1.11.0.0
[00555142][15 00][00] v1.1.2.0 -> v1.1.2.0
[00555298][17 00][00] v1.1.0.4 -> v1.1.0.4
[00555419][17 01][00] v2.0.1.2 -> v2.0.1.2
[00555486][19 00][00] v1.0.8.96 -> v1.0.8.96
[00555532]Packet upgrade finish successfully.

[00007096]========== remo-con disconnect. boot(15) ============
[00007190]Packet [C:\WM610_FW_V01.07.00.90.bin] detected, card sn [0xbb4b2ace].
[00007252]Packet upgrade start...

[00007303]Packet checking...
[00007360]Packet vlink 01.07.0090 <-> 01.06.0040.
[00007413]Record vlink 01.07.0090 <-> 01.06.0040 (flow = 0).

[00007507]Version checking[1]...
[00007557][01 00][00] v2.63.4998 -> v2.63.4998
[00007602][01 01][00] v2.63.4998 -> v2.63.4998
[00007689][03 05][00] v34.1.0.5 -> v34.1.0.5
[00007770][03 06][00] v2.4.10.7 -> v2.4.10.7
[00007826][04 00][00] v1.29.0.91 -> v1.29.0.91
[00007913][05 00][00] v3.0.6.2 -> v3.0.6.2
[00007971][08 00][00] v2.14.9.42 -> v2.14.9.42
[00008034][09 00][00] v1.8.0.0 -> v1.8.0.0
[00008130][11 00][00] v3.8.15.4 -> v3.8.15.4
[00008250][12 00][00] v1.11.0.0 -> v1.11.0.0
[00008350][12 01][00] v1.11.0.0 -> v1.11.0.0
[00008449][12 02][00] v1.11.0.0 -> v1.11.0.0
[00008553][12 03][00] v1.11.0.0 -> v1.11.0.0
[00008664][15 00][00] v1.1.2.0 -> v1.1.2.0
[00008729][17 00][00] v1.1.0.4 -> v1.1.0.4
[00008869][17 01][00] v2.0.1.2 -> v2.0.1.2
[00008929][19 00][00] v1.0.8.96 -> v1.0.8.96
[00010986]Packet upgrade cancelled at version checking.

[00007535]========== remo-con disconnect. boot(15) ============
[00007624]Packet [C:\WM610_FW_V01.06.00.40.bin] detected, card sn [0x01be9318].
[00007701]Packet upgrade start...

[00007761]Packet checking...
[00007812]Packet vlink 01.06.0040 <-> 01.05.0030.
[00007863]Record vlink 01.07.0090 <-> 01.06.0040 (flow = 1).

[00007960]Version checking[1]...
[00008013][01 00][00] v2.63.4998 -> v2.47.4492 need upgrade
[00008062][01 01][00] v2.63.4998 -> v2.47.4492 need upgrade
[00008150][03 05][00] v34.1.0.5 -> v34.1.0.5
[00008225][03 06][00] v2.4.10.7 -> v2.4.10.7
[00008385][04 00][00] v1.29.0.91 -> v1.29.0.51 need upgrade.
[00008446][05 00][00] v3.0.6.2 -> v3.0.6.2
[00008511][08 00][00] v2.14.9.42 -> v2.14.9.35 need upgrade.
[00008570][09 00][00] v1.8.0.0 -> v1.8.0.0
[00008651][11 00][00] v3.8.15.4 -> v3.8.15.4
[00008765][12 00][00] v1.11.0.0 -> v1.11.0.0
[00008865][12 01][00] v1.11.0.0 -> v1.11.0.0
[00008965][12 02][00] v1.11.0.0 -> v1.11.0.0
[00009065][12 03][00] v1.11.0.0 -> v1.11.0.0
[00009172][15 00][00] v1.1.2.0 -> v1.1.2.0
[00009246][17 00][00] v1.1.0.4 -> v1.1.0.4
[00009365][17 01][00] v2.0.1.2 -> v2.0.1.2
[00009424][19 00][00] v1.0.8.96 -> v1.0.8.96

[00011541]Waiting for user confirm...
[00021594]Timeout, start upgrade automatically.

[00021695]Firmware upgrading[1]...
[00021790][01 01] Firmware upgrade start...
[00032059][01 01] Firmware upgrade finished successfully.
[00032650][08 00] Firmware upgrade start...
[00499818][08 00] Firmware upgrade finished successfully.
[00499885][04 00] Firmware upgrade start...
[00552529][04 00] Firmware upgrade finished successfully.

[00552627]Version checking[2]...
[00552688][01 00][00] v2.63.4998 -> v2.47.4492 need upgrade
[00552736][01 01][05] v2.47.4492 -> v2.47.4492
[00552835][03 05][00] v34.1.0.5 -> v34.1.0.5
[00552935][03 06][00] v2.4.10.7 -> v2.4.10.7
[00553000][04 00][05] v1.29.0.51 -> v1.29.0.51
[00553095][05 00][00] v3.0.6.2 -> v3.0.6.2
[00553144][08 00][05] v2.14.9.35 -> v2.14.9.35
[00553205][09 00][00] v1.8.0.0 -> v1.8.0.0
[00553335][11 00][00] v3.8.15.4 -> v3.8.15.4
[00553434][12 00][00] v1.11.0.0 -> v1.11.0.0
[00553534][12 01][00] v1.11.0.0 -> v1.11.0.0
[00553634][12 02][00] v1.11.0.0 -> v1.11.0.0
[00553734][12 03][00] v1.11.0.0 -> v1.11.0.0
[00555013][15 00][00] v1.1.2.0 -> v1.1.2.0
[00555095][17 00][00] v1.1.0.4 -> v1.1.0.4
[00555215][17 01][00] v2.0.1.2 -> v2.0.1.2
[00555309][19 00][00] v1.0.8.96 -> v1.0.8.96

[00555407]Firmware upgrading[2]...
[00561716][01 00] Firmware upgrade start...
[00018896][01 00] Firmware upgrade finished successfully.

[00019181]Packet [C:\WM610_FW_V01.06.00.40.bin] resumed, card sn [0x01be9318].
[00019277]Packet vlink 01.06.0040 <-> 01.05.0030.
[00019388]Record vlink 01.07.0090 <-> 01.06.0040 (flow = 1).
[00019440]Version checking[2]...
[00019489][01 00][05] v2.47.4492 -> v2.47.4492
[00019585][01 01][05] v2.47.4492 -> v2.47.4492
[00019728][03 05][00] v34.1.0.5 -> v34.1.0.5
[00019834][03 06][00] v2.4.10.7 -> v2.4.10.7
[00019937][04 00][05] v1.29.0.51 -> v1.29.0.51
[00020048][05 00][00] v3.0.6.2 -> v3.0.6.2
[00020102][08 00][05] v2.14.9.35 -> v2.14.9.35
[00020163][09 00][00] v1.8.0.0 -> v1.8.0.0
[00020269][11 00][00] v3.8.15.4 -> v3.8.15.4
[00020373][12 00][00] v1.11.0.0 -> v1.11.0.0
[00020468][12 01][00] v1.11.0.0 -> v1.11.0.0
[00020568][12 02][00] v1.11.0.0 -> v1.11.0.0
[00020687][12 03][00] v1.11.0.0 -> v1.11.0.0
[00021529][15 00][00] v1.1.2.0 -> v1.1.2.0
[00021608][17 00][00] v1.1.0.4 -> v1.1.0.4
[00021728][17 01][00] v2.0.1.2 -> v2.0.1.2
[00021788][19 00][00] v1.0.8.96 -> v1.0.8.96
[00021838]Packet upgrade finish successfully.

[00007382]========== remo-con disconnect. boot(15) ============
[00007534]Packet [C:\WM610_FW_V01.07.00.90.bin] detected, card sn [0x01be9318].
[00007682]Packet upgrade start...

[00007828]Packet checking...
[00007932]Packet vlink 01.07.0090 <-> 01.06.0040.
[00008044]Record vlink 01.07.0090 <-> 01.06.0040 (flow = 0).

[00008207]Version checking[1]...
[00008333][01 00][00] v2.47.4492 -> v2.63.4998 need upgrade
[00008389][01 01][00] v2.47.4492 -> v2.63.4998 need upgrade
[00008459][03 05][00] v34.1.0.5 -> v34.1.0.5
[00008539][03 06][00] v2.4.10.7 -> v2.4.10.7
[00008605][04 00][00] v1.29.0.51 -> v1.29.0.91 need upgrade.
[00008679][05 00][00] v3.0.6.2 -> v3.0.6.2
[00008742][08 00][00] v2.14.9.35 -> v2.14.9.42 need upgrade.
[00008809][09 00][00] v1.8.0.0 -> v1.8.0.0
[00008919][11 00][00] v3.8.15.4 -> v3.8.15.4
[00009160][12 00][00] v1.11.0.0 -> v1.11.0.0
[00009278][12 01][00] v1.11.0.0 -> v1.11.0.0
[00009378][12 02][00] v1.11.0.0 -> v1.11.0.0
[00009478][12 03][00] v1.11.0.0 -> v1.11.0.0
[00009589][15 00][00] v1.1.2.0 -> v1.1.2.0
[00009679][17 00][00] v1.1.0.4 -> v1.1.0.4
[00009799][17 01][00] v2.0.1.2 -> v2.0.1.2
[00009863][19 00][00] v1.0.8.96 -> v1.0.8.96

[00011980]Waiting for user confirm...
[00022029]Timeout, start upgrade automatically.

[00022134]Firmware upgrading[1]...
[00027949][01 00] Firmware upgrade start...
[00020982][01 00] Firmware upgrade finished successfully.

[00021086]Packet [C:\WM610_FW_V01.07.00.90.bin] resumed, card sn [0x01be9318].
[00021149]Packet vlink 01.07.0090 <-> 01.06.0040.
[00021199]Record vlink 01.07.0090 <-> 01.06.0040 (flow = 0).
[00021252]Version checking[2]...
[00021300][01 00][05] v2.63.4998 -> v2.63.4998
[00021357][01 01][00] v2.47.4492 -> v2.63.4998 need upgrade
[00021440][03 05][00] v34.1.0.5 -> v34.1.0.5
[00021521][03 06][00] v2.4.10.7 -> v2.4.10.7
[00021588][04 00][00] v1.29.0.51 -> v1.29.0.91 need upgrade.
[00021680][05 00][00] v3.0.6.2 -> v3.0.6.2
[00021737][08 00][00] v2.14.9.35 -> v2.14.9.42 need upgrade.
[00021813][09 00][00] v1.8.0.0 -> v1.8.0.0
[00021900][11 00][00] v3.8.15.4 -> v3.8.15.4
[00022020][12 00][00] v1.11.0.0 -> v1.11.0.0
[00022120][12 01][00] v1.11.0.0 -> v1.11.0.0
[00022220][12 02][00] v1.11.0.0 -> v1.11.0.0
[00022320][12 03][00] v1.11.0.0 -> v1.11.0.0
[00023642][15 00][00] v1.1.2.0 -> v1.1.2.0
[00023720][17 00][00] v1.1.0.4 -> v1.1.0.4
[00023848][17 01][00] v2.0.1.2 -> v2.0.1.2
[00023910][19 00][00] v1.0.8.96 -> v1.0.8.96

[00024012]Firmware upgrading[2]...
[00024118][01 01] Firmware upgrade start...
[00034406][01 01] Firmware upgrade finished successfully.
[00035104][08 00] Firmware upgrade start...
[00501201][08 00] Firmware upgrade finished successfully.
[00501273][04 00] Firmware upgrade start...
[00554428][04 00] Firmware upgrade finished successfully.

[00554625]Version checking[3]...
[00554686][01 00][05] v2.63.4998 -> v2.63.4998
[00554734][01 01][05] v2.63.4998 -> v2.63.4998
[00554831][03 05][00] v34.1.0.5 -> v34.1.0.5
[00554917][03 06][00] v2.4.10.7 -> v2.4.10.7
[00555007][04 00][05] v1.29.0.91 -> v1.29.0.91
[00555091][05 00][00] v3.0.6.2 -> v3.0.6.2
[00555173][08 00][05] v2.14.9.42 -> v2.14.9.42
[00555236][09 00][00] v1.8.0.0 -> v1.8.0.0
[00555331][11 00][00] v3.8.15.4 -> v3.8.15.4
[00555451][12 00][00] v1.11.0.0 -> v1.11.0.0
[00555551][12 01][00] v1.11.0.0 -> v1.11.0.0
[00555651][12 02][00] v1.11.0.0 -> v1.11.0.0
[00555751][12 03][00] v1.11.0.0 -> v1.11.0.0
[00555864][15 00][00] v1.1.2.0 -> v1.1.2.0
[00555932][17 00][00] v1.1.0.4 -> v1.1.0.4
[00556072][17 01][00] v2.0.1.2 -> v2.0.1.2
[00556136][19 00][00] v1.0.8.96 -> v1.0.8.96
[00556191]Packet upgrade finish successfully

Use props
DJI team
Flight distance : 1515312 ft
  • >>>
United States

patrickdiddly@a Posted at 2016-3-22 03:49
Thanks for that massive load of info!! here is the log file, i dont think the problem is the inspire ...

What issue are you having, if you cannot update the RC and it's not on 1.3 or above the only way to update is to put 1.3 onto a USB stick and update the RC through the USB port. Then after the RC has 1.3, all further updates to the RC are done through the app.
Use props

United Kingdom

DJI-Ken Posted at 2016-3-21 20:58
What issue are you having, if you cannot update the RC and it's not on 1.3 or above the only way t ...

Thank you will try later
Use props
United States

I am getting "camera error" on my P3A and can not format my SD, all firmware apprears to be updating per the DJI app and from what I can tell by looking at each item (app, controller, bird).  I can see throught e camera, move the gibal but can not record or take pictures.

Before I send this back to DJI do you see anything out of wack?

[00012893]========== 2016.03.19 07:25:38. boot(15) ============
[00013015]Packet [C:\P3S_FW_V01.07.0060.bin] detected, card sn [0x28500135].
[00013058]Packet upgrade start...

[00013095]Packet checking...
[00013135]Packet vlink 01.07.0060 <-> 01.06.0040.
[00013171]Record vlink 01.06.0040 <-> 01.05.0030 (flow = 0).

[00013245]Version checking[1]...
[00013317][03 05][00] v34.2.0.9 -> v34.2.0.9
[00013398][03 06][00] v2.4.13.0 -> v2.4.13.0
[00013441][04 00][00] v1.41.0.0 -> v1.41.0.0
[00013559][11 00][00] v1.7.15.1 -> v1.7.15.1
[00013638][12 00][00] v1.10.0.0 -> v1.10.0.0
[00013717][12 01][00] v1.10.0.0 -> v1.10.0.0
[00013812][12 02][00] v1.10.0.0 -> v1.10.0.0
[00013886][12 03][00] v1.10.0.0 -> v1.10.0.0
[00018426][15 00][00] v1.1.2.0 -> v1.1.2.0
[00018501][17 00][00] v1.1.1.7 -> v1.1.1.7
[00018656][17 01][00] v1.0.2.7 -> v1.0.2.7
[00018724][19 00][00] v1.0.8.96 -> v1.0.8.96
[00018760][01 00][00] v1.23.4920 -> v1.23.4920
[00018796][01 01][00] v1.23.4920 -> v1.23.4920
[00018861][09 00][00] v2.13.0.0 -> v2.13.0.0
[00018901]Packet upgrade cancelled at version checking.

[00010583]========== 2016.03.19 07:27:41. boot(15) ============
[00010620]Packet [C:\P3S_FW_V01.07.0060.bin] detected, card sn [0x28500135].
[00010658]Packet upgrade start...

[00010695]Packet checking...
[00010734]Packet vlink 01.07.0060 <-> 01.06.0040.
[00010774]Record vlink 01.07.0060 <-> 01.06.0040 (flow = 0).

[00010848]Version checking[1]...
[00010928][03 05][00] v34.2.0.9 -> v34.2.0.9
[00011008][03 06][00] v2.4.13.0 -> v2.4.13.0
[00011055][04 00][00] v1.41.0.0 -> v1.41.0.0
[00011187][11 00][00] v1.7.15.1 -> v1.7.15.1
[00011279][12 00][00] v1.10.0.0 -> v1.10.0.0
[00011353][12 01][00] v1.10.0.0 -> v1.10.0.0
[00011447][12 02][00] v1.10.0.0 -> v1.10.0.0
[00011547][12 03][00] v1.10.0.0 -> v1.10.0.0
[00016095][15 00][00] v1.1.2.0 -> v1.1.2.0
[00016198][17 00][00] v1.1.1.7 -> v1.1.1.7
[00016318][17 01][00] v1.0.2.7 -> v1.0.2.7
[00016377][19 00][00] v1.0.8.96 -> v1.0.8.96
[00016501][01 00][00] v1.23.4920 -> v1.23.4920
[00016540][01 01][00] v1.23.4920 -> v1.23.4920
[00016591][09 00][00] v2.13.0.0 -> v2.13.0.0
[00016628]Packet upgrade cancelled at version checking.
Use props
First Officer
Flight distance : 3636782 ft
United States

kylek21 Posted at 2016-3-28 11:26
I am getting "camera error" on my P3A and can not format my SD, all firmware apprears to be updating ...

That is not the whole hidden file , from  what is provided I cant make a determination.  If I am understanding you correctly , you can do everything on you Phantom 3 advanced with the exception of  format the SD card, or record video or still pictures.  

I am sure you tried another SD card correct , also did you try to format  SD  on the aircraft from the camera menu?  also did  reset the camera settings to default on the camera menu as well.  If you have already done these items, I would just send it in , DJI turnaround times have been about a week from what I understand.  Please let me know what they find out.

Also you can send me the whole hidden log and I can maybe tell you what component has failed.Usually  you can read the errors on the log , they will say like "Device Not detected" or "Unable to Connect"    More than likely the outcome will be the same and the unit will have to go in .  

Use props
United States

Donnie Posted at 2016-3-28 11:17
That is not the whole hidden file , from  what is provided I cant make a determination.  If I am un ...

Thanks Donnie, yes I tried another SD, could not format the SD through the camera settings, the log I sent was everything listed. I have an RMA from DJI but was hoping maybe someone had seen this before and knew how to resolve it. I'm sending it back today, thanks for the reply.
Use props
First Officer
Flight distance : 3636782 ft
United States

kylek21 Posted at 2016-3-29 09:39
Thanks Donnie, yes I tried another SD, could not format the SD through the camera settings, the lo ...

If you notice line 0800 is not even recognized on the Log.  0800 and 1500 are the two lines of code that are critical for the camera to operate properly.  It looks like the camera is broken for sure.  Be sure to ask them exactly what they repaired or replaced, this way in the future we can share this information with others.

sorry you are having troubles, keep me posted. Be sure to "Reply " to my post so that I can be alerted, otherwise I wont see it .  Or if you have any questions in the future and you need help send me an e mail

Use props
Flight distance : 1879075 ft
  • >>>
United Kingdom

I was just wondering if I will need to do a update when my new p3a arrives today ?
Use props
First Officer
Flight distance : 3636782 ft
United States

richardcharles1 Posted at 2016-3-31 04:56
I was just wondering if I will need to do a update when my new p3a arrives today ?

Richard , I would not update until you log into DJI for sure and register it ( Very Important , I have seen craft  bricked because pilots started updating before registering )     FIRST thing I would do after registering with DJI  is fly it , make sure it works, just do a short test hop and make sure it works, then I would update .  More than likely yes you will need to update.  Pleaes read my updated tips sheet.  Even if you have done updates it will help, feel free to add or comment as well.  

TIPS  For Phantom Advanced and Pro  Uploading firmware:
Updates will look like this when complete:
App  version 2.71
Aircraft    version 1.7.60 or the old FW with a +
RC    version 1.5.80
If you have a + sign after the old firmware it means it has loaded but must get confimed with DJI servers.  Make sure you have WI- FI  internet connection ( Like during FW download)

-  After 1.3 the update FOR the Transmitter is NOT through the SD Card it is through The DJI go app and WI-FI connection. MUST HAVE WI- FI CONNECTION WITH INTERNET ACCESS.

-Always update the aircraft first, when possible.

-When updating theTransmitter , use a dedicated reliable WI-FI system.  Avoid using Cellular systems if possible (Phone calls , etc)  You want to make sure to close all apps besides the GO App as well.  Do NOT interupt the upload. Make sure the cable from the Transmitter to the Go App is Pristine and Perfect.

-Make sure you download the proper firmware.  If you have the Pro make sure not downloading for the Advanced or Standard. Double check!

-Make sure you only download the Bin File to the FRESH FORMATTED SD CARD Root Directory. Root directory is just a fancy name for " Make sure it is not in a file or folder  " Make sure the BIN file is the only thing on the SD card.  

-Make sure transmitter is NOT on when downloading Firmware to aircraft (VERY IMPORTANT) and Aircraft is not on when uploading the Transmitter !

-When installing SD with firmware to the  Aircraft, make sure it is off. Then turn on aircraft, the firmware will then begin load.  1- Load sd card with firmware to aircraft 2- turn on aircraft
-You can jump FROM 1.3 TO 1.6   or ** (1.7 )  BUT if you have any difficulty you must stair step from current firmware to get to the latest firmware.   If at 1.2 must install 1.3 then you jump or stairstep to 1.7 .** I am getting conflicting reports and your best bet is to stop at 1.6 and do battery upgrades then go to1.7   ( I see a lot less problems when Pilots go in order.......Play it smart)  This is much easier if you just stay up to date.

-All the firmware numbers for the RC - aircraft- Go App - Camera WONT BE THE SAME. For example the current aircraft firmware is but the RC Firmware is 1.5.80.  A LOT OF FOLKS GET CONFUSED ON THIS   (Including Yours Truly when first starting out.)

-Sometimes only the aircraft gets an update and not RC Transmitter   Read the pdf on the downloads page so you know what’s going on for example is only for the aircraft and batteries.

-Make sure to read what each update is effecting. For example will require each battery to be updated as well. Keep Informed.

-Macs’ sometimes do not format SD cards well. When Formatting  Success is in doubt  FORMAT ON THE AIRCRAFT, go to camera settings on dji go app , open the tool icon , on bottom is Format SD  card option.

When Updating on the aircraft you will hear a "Four beat tone" dddd-dddd-dddd-dddd-dddd-dddd-dddd-dddd-dddd-dddd-dddd-dddd-dddd and flashing gren and red lights .

-Updates sometimes take a while, wait for the tone to change to  a " One beat pause two beat  tone"  d-dd d-dd d-dd d-dd d-dd d-dd d-dd  or the solid  green light even better.  ( Phantom Camera Gimbal Assembly )

-If you hear a long  " No pause beat "   dddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd  update has failed. Try again.  Remove SD card and Place in computer and look at the File "Result" or the Hidden file to get to the Nitty Gritty.  Use search magnifying glass "Hidden File" tutorial.

-Updating is not an option for just the aircraft, IF there is also an update at that time for the Transmitter you MUST do it.

-To find out your current Firmware: Make sure The Aircraft, Transmitter, and GO-APP are all on. Now go to the “Main Video Flight Screen” , Tap the right hand corner for “ Settings” on the Very Left Bottom of  tab icons  you will see -  - -  this is the “ General Settings   Go to  “About “  Here you will find current Firmware on each device.  If you only see the “App Version  it is because you did not turn everything on .

-If you load the firware with success but it does not update in the “About” section on the Go App “General Settings” be sure to Re- Boot your Device with the Go App, also restart the aircraft and Transmitter .  

-If you get a + sign after you install the firmware,  (ie: 1.6.040+) It is OK, re-boot and make sure your device has wi-fi  and internet access.  It should update once it is up to date with DJI servers.  Be sure the Device with the GO APP loaded has access to the Internet so it can be updated automatically if you have the + sign.  Some pilots said logging into the DJI website from the go app helped as well.  I think having the device with go app connected to the internet is the key .

-Make sure when you are powering up to fly you always do it in theis order :   1 RC Transmitter 2 Aircraft 3 Go app     You can have your device ( I-pad ) "on"  when you place it on the Transmitter ( Mount on the Remote Control )   cradle but do NOT have that Go App opened up.  Make sure you have no other apps opened in the backround.  Be sure to "Enable Hardware Decode" on the go App as well .  This takes some of the strain off the processor for better performance.  

-Updates for the Phantom Standard are Only Done through GO-App and Wi-Fi, no SD Firmware to upload.
- You cant Rollback the Battery Firmware once installed. Once Installed that’s it.  ( Battery Only)

-When doing a Rollback, confirm the Current firmware on the Aircraft and then Rollback Firmware in Order.  If at 1.6 you can only Rollback to 1.5. You cant do multiple rollbacks from say 1.7 to 1.4 .  Even if you could DONT

I hope this helps anyone struggeling ,  Please add your tips and I will add them to the list.

All the best to you and yours - donnie

Use props

United Kingdom

Donnie Posted at 2016-3-28 19:17
That is not the whole hidden file , from  what is provided I cant make a determination.  If I am un ...

I'm having the same issue with my P3 pro. I've had my P3 pro since May last year and no problems until this latest firmware update and like you I am getting a picture, but just cant record or take any pictures. It's very frustrating. There is nothing in the log and been through the other advice but looks like I'm going to have to send it back. I some other person make reference to the iPad air so not sure if that is the issue. Also it is keeping the P3 in continual manual mode and obviously I have not tried to take off until I know there are no other related issues that might cause it to fly off or drop.
Use props

United Kingdom

I have another iPad with Go app installed. Hooked it up and all is working ok. I performed the firmware update for the RC on the first iPad and that seems to be where the problem is. It simply will not work so whether the problem lies with compatibility with Apple of DJI I can't say.
Use props
First Officer
Flight distance : 3636782 ft
United States

lancastria@hotm Posted at 2016-4-3 11:46
I have another iPad with Go app installed. Hooked it up and all is working ok. I performed the firmw ...

I just want to make sure I understand, In your case you can see LIVE video but you cant Record or take pictures on  the SD card, IS that correct ?
But you say when you use a different I pad that it works ?

Let me know - donnie
Use props

United States

Hi, I have a Phantom 3 Pro that's out of warranty and suddenly I'm getting No Signal for the video feed and the firmware upgrade fails. I checked the log and see "Device not detected" for both 0800 and 1500. I understand that means I need to send it in for repair. Does anyone know an estimate of what the cost of repair will be? Also what causes this? My Phantom has never crashed or even had a hard landing, and it only has a little over an hour's flight time on it. Thanks
Use props
First Officer
Flight distance : 3636782 ft
United States

robwiljas Posted at 2016-4-4 17:35
Hi, I have a Phantom 3 Pro that's out of warranty and suddenly I'm getting No Signal for the video f ...

         Rob Sorry , The cost for repair is about 60 to 100 dollars  from what I have heard usually only gone about a week to 10 days to DJI  , I wrote this tutorial  and have seen this happen .  The usual cause is  having the transmitter on during the FirmWare update.  OR loading the FW with a MAC device. The MAC does not clear the SD card and it corrupts the firmware.  These are the two that I know of for sure.  when you get it back please read over my FW tips page so it does not happen again.
do you remeber if the transmitter was on during the update or did you load the FW with a MAC ?  Or anything else unusual ?  Were you jumping up several updates at once?


Use props

United States

Thank you Donnie. I don't think the transmitter wasn't on and it wasn't done on a Mac. I believe I may have jumped a version on the firmware I'll have to look at the log again. So does Dji have to replace a part or just flash it? Thanks again.
Use props
First Officer
Flight distance : 3636782 ft
United States

robwiljas Posted at 2016-4-4 19:08
Thank you Donnie. I don't think the transmitter wasn't on and it wasn't done on a Mac. I believe I m ...

From what I have told it is a part replacement, but I am not 100% sure.

Use props


I own a P3S and it has started developing probems after recent firmware upgrade. Full issue addressed here :

My full text information file below. Kindly see if you can help.

Note : I am not able to reset wifi downlink. And when my controller loses signal, my video feed is not at all hampered.

[00124031]========== 2016.03.31 11:59:59. boot(15) ============
[00124154]Packet [C:\P3C_FW_V99.99.9999.bin] detected, card sn [0x36b260d8].
[00124189]Packet upgrade start...

[00124227]Packet checking...
[00124268]Packet vlink 01.04.0060 <-> 01.03.0050.

[00124374]Version checking[1]...
[00124408][01 00][00] v1.13.4312 -> v1.14.4920 need upgrade
[00124449][01 01][00] v1.13.4312 -> v1.14.4920 need upgrade
[00124490][04 00][00] v1.41.0.0 -> v1.41.0.0
[00124558][03 05][00] v34.2.0.9 -> v34.2.0.9
[00124642][03 06][00] v2.4.0.5 -> v2.4.13.0 need upgrade.
[00124698][09 00][00] v0.1.0.9 -> v0.1.1.0 need upgrade.
[00124785][12 00][00] v5.9.0.0 -> v5.9.0.0
[00124880][12 01][00] v5.9.0.0 -> v5.9.0.0
[00124965][12 02][00] v5.9.0.0 -> v5.9.0.0
[00125069][12 03][00] v5.9.0.0 -> v5.9.0.0
[00125202][11 00][00] v1.7.15.1 -> v1.8.0.0 need upgrade.
[00125342][11 01][00] v1.7.15.1 -> v2.0.0.32, firmware v1.7.15.1 not support.
[00125377][11 01][00] v1.7.15.1 -> v2.0.0.32

[00127455]Waiting for user confirm...
[00137487]Timeout, start upgrade automatically.

[00137557]Firmware upgrading[1]...
[00153796][01 00] Firmware upgrade start...
[00013937][01 00] Firmware upgrade finished successfully.

[00014013]Packet [C:\P3C_FW_V99.99.9999.bin] resumed, card sn [0x36b260d8].
[00014050]Packet vlink 01.04.0060 <-> 01.03.0050.
[00014123]Version checking[2]...
[00014162][01 00][05] v1.14.4920 -> v1.14.4920
[00014199][01 01][00] v1.13.4312 -> v1.14.4920 need upgrade
[00014242][04 00][00] v1.41.0.0 -> v1.41.0.0
[00014318][03 05][00] v34.2.0.9 -> v34.2.0.9
[00014396][03 06][00] v2.4.0.5 -> v2.4.13.0 need upgrade.
[00014462][09 00][00] v0.1.0.9 -> v0.1.1.0 need upgrade.
[00014547][12 00][00] v5.9.0.0 -> v5.9.0.0
[00014621][12 01][00] v5.9.0.0 -> v5.9.0.0
[00014719][12 02][00] v5.9.0.0 -> v5.9.0.0
[00014839][12 03][00] v5.9.0.0 -> v5.9.0.0
[00014955][11 00][00] v1.7.15.1 -> v1.8.0.0 need upgrade.
[00015256][11 01][00] v1.7.15.1 -> v2.0.0.32, firmware v1.7.15.1 not support.
[00015394][11 01][00] v1.7.15.1 -> v2.0.0.32

[00015468]Firmware upgrading[2]...
[00015634][01 01] Firmware upgrade start...
[00045937][01 01] Firmware upgrade finished successfully.
[00045988][11 00] Firmware upgrade start...
[00094788][11 00] Firmware upgrade finished successfully.
[00095065][03 06] Firmware upgrade start...
[00478922][03 06] Firmware upgrade finished successfully.
[00478981][09 00] Firmware upgrade start...
[00505056][09 00] Firmware upgrade finish without reboot.
[00535105][09 00] Firmware upgrade finished successfully.

[00535178]Version checking[3]...
[00535211][01 00][05] v1.14.4920 -> v1.14.4920
[00535245][01 01][05] v1.14.4920 -> v1.14.4920
[00535290][04 00][00] v1.41.0.0 -> v1.41.0.0
[00535375][03 05][00] v34.2.0.9 -> v34.2.0.9
[00535452][03 06][05] v2.4.13.0 -> v2.4.13.0
[00535508][09 00][05] v0.1.1.0 -> v0.1.1.0
[00535634][12 00][00] v5.9.0.0 -> v5.9.0.0
[00535734][12 01][00] v5.9.0.0 -> v5.9.0.0
[00535835][12 02][00] v5.9.0.0 -> v5.9.0.0
[00535916][12 03][00] v5.9.0.0 -> v5.9.0.0
[00536090][11 00][05] v1.8.0.0 -> v1.8.0.0
[00536230][11 01][00] v1.8.0.0 -> v2.0.0.32, firmware v1.8.0.0 not support.
[00536273][11 01][00] v1.8.0.0 -> v2.0.0.32
[00536309]Packet upgrade finish successfully.

[01992091]========== 2016.04.05 23:03:05. boot(15) ============
[01992122]Packet [C:\P3C_FW_V99.99.9999.bin] detected, card sn [0x36b260d8].
[01992158]Packet upgrade start...

[01992197]Packet checking...
[01992232]Packet vlink 01.04.0060 <-> 01.03.0050.
[01992266]Record vlink 01.04.0060 <-> 01.03.0050 (flow = 0).

[01992331]Version checking[1]...
[01992369][01 00][00] v1.14.4920 -> v1.14.4920
[01992402][01 01][00] v1.14.4920 -> v1.14.4920
[01992441][04 00][00] v1.41.0.0 -> v1.41.0.0
[01992528][03 05][00] v34.2.0.9 -> v34.2.0.9
[01992626][03 06][00] v2.4.13.0 -> v2.4.13.0
[01992683][09 00][00] v0.1.1.0 -> v0.1.1.0
[01992856][12 00][00] v5.9.0.0 -> v5.9.0.0
[01992960][12 01][00] v5.9.0.0 -> v5.9.0.0
[01993062][12 02][00] v5.9.0.0 -> v5.9.0.0
[01993160][12 03][00] v5.9.0.0 -> v5.9.0.0
[01993280][11 00][00] v1.7.0.0 -> v1.8.0.0 need upgrade.
[01993396][11 01][00] v1.7.0.0 -> v2.0.0.32, firmware v1.7.0.0 not support.
[01993431][11 01][00] v1.7.0.0 -> v2.0.0.32

[01995505]Waiting for user confirm...
[02005539]Timeout, start upgrade automatically.

[02005610]Firmware upgrading[1]...
[02005662][11 00] Firmware upgrade start...
[02055485][11 00] Firmware upgrade finished successfully.

[02055560]Version checking[2]...
[02055595][01 00][00] v1.14.4920 -> v1.14.4920
[02055629][01 01][00] v1.14.4920 -> v1.14.4920
[02055675][04 00][00] v1.41.0.0 -> v1.41.0.0
[02055751][03 05][00] v34.2.0.9 -> v34.2.0.9
[02055828][03 06][00] v2.4.13.0 -> v2.4.13.0
[02055884][09 00][00] v0.1.1.0 -> v0.1.1.0
[02055989][12 00][00] v5.9.0.0 -> v5.9.0.0
[02056087][12 01][00] v5.9.0.0 -> v5.9.0.0
[02056185][12 02][00] v5.9.0.0 -> v5.9.0.0
[02056279][12 03][00] v5.9.0.0 -> v5.9.0.0
[02056399][11 00][05] v1.8.0.0 -> v1.8.0.0
[02056528][11 01][00] v1.8.0.0 -> v2.0.0.32, firmware v1.8.0.0 not support.
[02056564][11 01][00] v1.8.0.0 -> v2.0.0.32
[02056598]Packet upgrade finish successfully.

[00012425]========== remo-con disconnect. boot(15) ============
[00012458]Packet [C:\P3C_FW_V01.03.0050.bin] detected, card sn [0x1d10c5dd].
[00012490]Packet upgrade start...

[00012530]Packet checking...
[00012566]Packet vlink 01.03.0050 <-> 01.02.0040.
[00012600]Record vlink 01.04.0060 <-> 01.03.0050 (flow = 1).

[00012678]Version checking[1]...
[00012717][04 00][00] v1.41.0.0 -> v1.41.0.0
[00012827][11 00][00] v1.8.0.0 -> v1.8.0.0
[00012861][01 00][00] v1.14.4920 -> v1.13.4312 need upgrade
[00012896][01 01][00] v1.14.4920 -> v1.13.4312 need upgrade
[00012968][03 05][00] v34.2.0.9 -> v34.2.0.9
[00013045][03 06][00] v2.4.13.0 -> v2.4.10.7
[00013215][07 00][00] v1.0.9.14 -> v1.0.9.14
[00013292][09 00][00] v0.1.1.0 -> v0.1.1.0
[00013377][12 00][00] v5.9.0.0 -> v5.9.0.0
[00013460][12 01][00] v5.9.0.0 -> v5.9.0.0
[00013548][12 02][00] v5.9.0.0 -> v5.9.0.0
[00013646][12 03][00] v5.9.0.0 -> v5.9.0.0

[00015717]Waiting for user confirm...
[00025753]Timeout, start upgrade automatically.

[00025829]Firmware upgrading[1]...
[00025976][01 01] Firmware upgrade start...
[00056264][01 01] Firmware upgrade finished successfully.

[00056339]Version checking[2]...
[00056380][04 00][00] v1.41.0.0 -> v1.41.0.0
[00056487][11 00][00] v1.8.0.0 -> v1.8.0.0
[00056522][01 00][00] v1.14.4920 -> v1.13.4312 need upgrade
[00056557][01 01][05] v1.13.4312 -> v1.13.4312
[00056626][03 05][00] v34.2.0.9 -> v34.2.0.9
[00056703][03 06][00] v2.4.13.0 -> v2.4.10.7
[00056789][07 00][00] v1.0.9.14 -> v1.0.9.14
[00056864][09 00][00] v0.1.1.0 -> v0.1.1.0
[00056968][12 00][00] v5.9.0.0 -> v5.9.0.0
[00057066][12 01][00] v5.9.0.0 -> v5.9.0.0
[00057164][12 02][00] v5.9.0.0 -> v5.9.0.0
[00057262][12 03][00] v5.9.0.0 -> v5.9.0.0

[00057339]Firmware upgrading[2]...
[00071869][01 00] Firmware upgrade start...
[00014137]========== remo-con disconnect. boot(15) ============
[00014259]Packet [C:\P3C_FW_V01.03.0050.bin] detected, card sn [0x1d10c5dd].
[00014379]Packet upgrade start...

[00014464]Packet checking...
[00014543]Packet vlink 01.03.0050 <-> 01.02.0040.
[00014589]Record vlink 01.04.0060 <-> 01.03.0050 (flow = 1).

[00014659]Version checking[1]...
[00014698][04 00][00] v1.41.0.0 -> v1.41.0.0
[00019817][11 00][00] v1.8.0.0 -> v1.8.0.0
[00019857][01 00][00] v1.13.4312 -> v1.13.4312
[00019891][01 01][00] v1.13.4312 -> v1.13.4312
[00019958][03 05][00] v34.2.0.9 -> v34.2.0.9
[00020042][03 06][00] v2.4.13.0 -> v2.4.10.7
[00020106][07 00][00] v1.0.9.14 -> v1.0.9.14
[00020195][09 00][00] v0.1.1.0 -> v0.1.1.0
[00020310][12 00][00] v5.9.0.0 -> v5.9.0.0
[00020484][12 01][00] v5.9.0.0 -> v5.9.0.0
[00020590][12 02][00] v5.9.0.0 -> v5.9.0.0
[00020709][12 03][00] v5.9.0.0 -> v5.9.0.0
[00020762]Packet upgrade cancelled at version checking.

[00044071]========== remo-con disconnect. boot(15) ============
[00044105]Packet [C:\P3C_FW_V99.99.9999.bin] detected, card sn [0x1d10c5dd].
[00044141]Packet upgrade start...

[00044179]Packet checking...
[00044216]Packet vlink 01.04.0060 <-> 01.03.0050.
[00044253]Record vlink 01.04.0060 <-> 01.03.0050 (flow = 0).

[00044322]Version checking[1]...
[00044358][01 00][00] v1.13.4312 -> v1.14.4920 need upgrade
[00044393][01 01][00] v1.13.4312 -> v1.14.4920 need upgrade
[00044436][04 00][00] v1.41.0.0 -> v1.41.0.0
[00044519][03 05][00] v34.2.0.9 -> v34.2.0.9
[00044596][03 06][00] v2.4.13.0 -> v2.4.13.0
[00044653][09 00][00] v0.1.1.0 -> v0.1.1.0
[00044724][12 00][00] v5.9.0.0 -> v5.9.0.0
[00044808][12 01][00] v5.9.0.0 -> v5.9.0.0
[00044907][12 02][00] v5.9.0.0 -> v5.9.0.0
[00045005][12 03][00] v5.9.0.0 -> v5.9.0.0
[00045143][11 00][00] v1.8.0.0 -> v1.8.0.0
[00045255][11 01][00] v1.8.0.0 -> v2.0.0.32, firmware v1.8.0.0 not support.
[00045289][11 01][00] v1.8.0.0 -> v2.0.0.32

[00047359]Waiting for user confirm...
[00057393]Timeout, start upgrade automatically.

[00057465]Firmware upgrading[1]...
[00070986][01 00] Firmware upgrade start...
[00013937][01 00] Firmware upgrade finished successfully.

[00014024]Packet [C:\P3C_FW_V99.99.9999.bin] resumed, card sn [0x1d10c5dd].
[00014067]Packet vlink 01.04.0060 <-> 01.03.0050.
[00014119]Record vlink 01.04.0060 <-> 01.03.0050 (flow = 0).
[00014164]Version checking[2]...
[00014205][01 00][05] v1.14.4920 -> v1.14.4920
[00014246][01 01][00] v1.13.4312 -> v1.14.4920 need upgrade
[00014302][04 00][00] v1.41.0.0 -> v1.41.0.0
[00014410][03 05][00] v34.2.0.9 -> v34.2.0.9
[00014487][03 06][00] v2.4.13.0 -> v2.4.13.0
[00014567][09 00][00] v0.1.1.0 -> v0.1.1.0
[00014757][12 00][00] v5.9.0.0 -> v5.9.0.0
[00014852][12 01][00] v5.9.0.0 -> v5.9.0.0
[00014952][12 02][00] v5.9.0.0 -> v5.9.0.0
[00015046][12 03][00] v5.9.0.0 -> v5.9.0.0
[00015165][11 00][00] v1.8.0.0 -> v1.8.0.0
[00015291][11 01][00] v1.8.0.0 -> v2.0.0.32, firmware v1.8.0.0 not support.
[00015334][11 01][00] v1.8.0.0 -> v2.0.0.32

[00015424]Firmware upgrading[2]...
[00015596][01 01] Firmware upgrade start...
[00045890][01 01] Firmware upgrade finished successfully.

[00045982]Version checking[3]...
[00046023][01 00][05] v1.14.4920 -> v1.14.4920
[00046063][01 01][05] v1.14.4920 -> v1.14.4920
[00046109][04 00][00] v1.41.0.0 -> v1.41.0.0
[00046210][03 05][00] v34.2.0.9 -> v34.2.0.9
[00046288][03 06][00] v2.4.13.0 -> v2.4.13.0
[00046363][09 00][00] v0.1.1.0 -> v0.1.1.0
[00046455][12 00][00] v5.9.0.0 -> v5.9.0.0
[00046550][12 01][00] v5.9.0.0 -> v5.9.0.0
[00046639][12 02][00] v5.9.0.0 -> v5.9.0.0
[00046728][12 03][00] v5.9.0.0 -> v5.9.0.0
[00046850][11 00][00] v1.8.0.0 -> v1.8.0.0
[00046966][11 01][00] v1.8.0.0 -> v2.0.0.32, firmware v1.8.0.0 not support.
[00047006][11 01][00] v1.8.0.0 -> v2.0.0.32
[00047050]Packet upgrade finish successfully.

[00156316]========== remo-con disconnect. boot(15) ============
[00156353]Packet [C:\P3C_FW_V99.99.9999.bin] detected, card sn [0x1d10c5dd].
[00156388]Packet upgrade start...

[00156426]Packet checking...
[00156472]Packet vlink 01.03.0050 <-> 01.02.0040.

[00156546]Version checking[1]...
[00156581][01 00][00] v1.14.4920 -> v1.13.4312 need upgrade
[00156617][01 01][00] v1.14.4920 -> v1.13.4312 need upgrade
[00156659][04 00][00] v1.41.0.0 -> v1.41.0.0 need upgrade.
[00156747][03 05][00] v34.2.0.9 -> v34.2.0.9 need upgrade.
[00156824][03 06][00] v2.4.13.0 -> v2.4.10.7 need upgrade.
[00156884][09 00][00] v0.1.1.0 -> v0.1.1.0 need upgrade.
[00156953][12 00][00] v5.9.0.0 -> v5.9.0.0 need upgrade.
[00157037][12 01][00] v5.9.0.0 -> v5.9.0.0 need upgrade.
[00157231][12 02][00] v5.9.0.0 -> v5.9.0.0 need upgrade.
[00157342][12 03][00] v5.9.0.0 -> v5.9.0.0 need upgrade.
[00157468][11 00][00] v1.8.0.0 -> v1.8.0.0 need upgrade.

[00159542]Waiting for user confirm...
[00169577]Timeout, start upgrade automatically.

[00169650]Firmware upgrading[1]...
[00182530][01 00] Firmware upgrade start...
[00013842][01 00] Firmware upgrade finished successfully.

[00013918]Packet [C:\P3C_FW_V99.99.9999.bin] resumed, card sn [0x1d10c5dd].
[00013967]Packet vlink 01.03.0050 <-> 01.02.0040.
[00014005]Version checking[2]...
[00014044][01 00][05] v1.13.4312 -> v1.13.4312 need upgrade
[00014080][01 01][00] v1.14.4920 -> v1.13.4312 need upgrade
[00014123][04 00][00] v1.41.0.0 -> v1.41.0.0 need upgrade.
[00014218][03 05][00] v34.2.0.9 -> v34.2.0.9 need upgrade.
[00014323][03 06][00] v2.4.13.0 -> v2.4.10.7 need upgrade.
[00014383][09 00][00] v0.1.1.0 -> v0.1.1.0 need upgrade.
[00014464][12 00][00] v5.9.0.0 -> v5.9.0.0 need upgrade.
[00014561][12 01][00] v5.9.0.0 -> v5.9.0.0 need upgrade.
[00014653][12 02][00] v5.9.0.0 -> v5.9.0.0 need upgrade.
[00014751][12 03][00] v5.9.0.0 -> v5.9.0.0 need upgrade.
[00014872][11 00][00] v1.8.0.0 -> v1.8.0.0 need upgrade.

[00014945]Firmware upgrading[2]...
[00015085][01 01] Firmware upgrade start...
[00045334][01 01] Firmware upgrade finished successfully.
[00045469][12 00] Firmware upgrade start...
[00086736][12 00] Firmware upgrade finished successfully.
[00086960][12 01] Firmware upgrade start...
[00128210][12 01] Firmware upgrade finished successfully.
[00128347][12 02] Firmware upgrade start...
[00169474][12 02] Firmware upgrade finished successfully.
[00169582][12 03] Firmware upgrade start...
[00210829][12 03] Firmware upgrade finished successfully.
[00210921][11 00] Firmware upgrade start...
[00260741][11 00] Firmware upgrade finished successfully.
[00260824][03 05] Firmware upgrade start...
[00365900][03 05] Firmware upgrade finish without reboot.
[00396025][03 05] Firmware upgrade finished successfully.
[00396335][03 06] Firmware upgrade start...
[00438963][03 06] Firmware upgrade finish failed (step = 2, err = 0xaa).
[00469109][09 00] Firmware upgrade start...
[00494945][09 00] Firmware upgrade finish without reboot.
[00525071][09 00] Firmware upgrade finished successfully.
[00525200][04 00] Firmware upgrade start...
[00583315][04 00] Firmware upgrade finished successfully.

[00583465]Version checking[3]...
[00583502][01 00][05] v1.13.4312 -> v1.13.4312 need upgrade
[00583539][01 01][05] v1.13.4312 -> v1.13.4312 need upgrade
[00583591][04 00][05] v1.41.0.0 -> v1.41.0.0 need upgrade.
[00583681][03 05][05] v34.2.0.9 -> v34.2.0.9 need upgrade.
[00583814][03 06][00] v0.0.0.0 -> v2.4.10.7 need upgrade.
[00586369][09 00][05] v0.1.1.0 -> v0.1.1.0 need upgrade.
[00598907][12 00][05] device not detected.
[00611445][12 01][05] device not detected.
[00623983][12 02][05] device not detected.
[00636520][12 03][05] device not detected.
[00649058][11 00][05] device not detected.

[00649132]Firmware upgrading[3]...
[00649349][03 06] Firmware upgrade start...
[01063409][03 06] Firmware upgrade finished successfully.

[01063484]Version checking[4]...
[01063520][01 00][05] v1.13.4312 -> v1.13.4312 need upgrade
[01063557][01 01][05] v1.13.4312 -> v1.13.4312 need upgrade
[01063600][04 00][05] v1.41.0.0 -> v1.41.0.0 need upgrade.
[01063694][03 05][05] v34.2.0.9 -> v34.2.0.9 need upgrade.
[01063855][03 06][05] v2.4.10.7 -> v2.4.10.7 need upgrade.
[01063913][09 00][05] v0.1.1.0 -> v0.1.1.0 need upgrade.
[01064006][12 00][05] v5.9.0.0 -> v5.9.0.0 need upgrade.
[01064114][12 01][05] v5.9.0.0 -> v5.9.0.0 need upgrade.
[01064212][12 02][05] v5.9.0.0 -> v5.9.0.0 need upgrade.
[01064317][12 03][05] v5.9.0.0 -> v5.9.0.0 need upgrade.
[01064436][11 00][05] v1.8.0.0 -> v1.8.0.0 need upgrade.
[01064473]Packet upgrade finish successfully.

[00014067]========== remo-con disconnect. boot(15) ============
[00014104]Packet [C:\P3C_FW_V01.03.0050.bin] detected, card sn [0x36b260d8].
[00014143]Packet upgrade start...

[00014182]Packet checking...
[00014221]Packet vlink 01.03.0050 <-> 01.02.0040.
[00014270]Record vlink 01.03.0050 <-> 01.02.0040 (flow = 0).

[00014353]Version checking[1]...
[00014397][04 00][00] v1.41.0.0 -> v1.41.0.0
[00019515][11 00][00] v1.8.0.0 -> v1.8.0.0
[00019554][01 00][00] v1.13.4312 -> v1.13.4312
[00019592][01 01][00] v1.13.4312 -> v1.13.4312
[00019676][03 05][00] v34.2.0.9 -> v34.2.0.9
[00019753][03 06][00] v2.4.10.7 -> v2.4.10.7
[00019825][07 00][00] v1.0.9.14 -> v1.0.9.14
[00019902][09 00][00] v0.1.1.0 -> v0.1.1.0
[00019999][12 00][00] v5.9.0.0 -> v5.9.0.0
[00020095][12 01][00] v5.9.0.0 -> v5.9.0.0
[00020195][12 02][00] v5.9.0.0 -> v5.9.0.0
[00020291][12 03][00] v5.9.0.0 -> v5.9.0.0
[00020329]Packet upgrade cancelled at version checking.
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First Officer
Flight distance : 3636782 ft
United States

jhaparth2006@gm Posted at 2016-4-8 06:24
I own a P3S and it has started developing probems after recent firmware upgrade. Full issue addresse ...

Are you sure you are loading the correct FW.  The Phantom Standard is only Updated via WI - FI  you did not try to use the Advanced or Professional  did  you ?


I would make sure you re load the GO App for sure, that solves quite a few problems.  
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Donnie Posted at 2016-4-8 20:05
Are you sure you are loading the correct FW.  The Phantom Standard is only Updated via WI - FI  you ...

I am sure I chose the right firmware. Reinstalled DJI Go app too, no improvement.
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First Officer
Flight distance : 3636782 ft
United States

jhaparth2006@gm Posted at 2016-4-9 04:28
I am sure I chose the right firmware. Reinstalled DJI Go app too, no improvement.

I am sorry, I just dont know enough about the Standard to give some solid advise.  Please start new thread, there are members who know a lot more than I about the standard and will be happy to help.

good Luck - donnie
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Donnie Stugots
First Officer
Flight distance : 3636782 ft
United States

DJI-Ken Posted at 2016-3-8 09:52
Donnie,  you are awesome. Excellent information.And thanks for helping as much as you do.

Ken, can you check and see when they're going to ship my hub back to me? And if they do will it require a signature this is my case number right here


Thanks Ken

I tried to look for a progress update but it doesn't give me any information , thanks just do this when you have time I know you're busy
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DJI team
Flight distance : 1515312 ft
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United States

Donnie Stugots Posted at 2017-2-2 06:46
Ken, can you check and see when they're going to ship my hub back to me? And if they do will it require a signature this is my case number right here


I've sent a message asking about it.
I do see the last email sent to you on the 27th said that your exchange would be sent to you in 5-7 business days, so I'm guessing it's coming soon.
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United Kingdom

Just to comment on what's already a mega-useful post - could you somebody clarify in which direction the log should be read?

I *think* the latest entries are always at the bottom, but I'm never 100% sure. If we could get that confirmed, and perhaps added to the first post, that'd be awesome..

Great contribution as always Donnie. Thanks for all you do for the community
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Donnie Stugots
First Officer
Flight distance : 3636782 ft
United States

DarrenE Posted at 2017-2-2 09:09
Just to comment on what's already a mega-useful post - could you somebody clarify in which direction the log should be read?

I *think* the latest entries are always at the bottom, but I'm never 100% sure. If we could get that confirmed, and perhaps added to the first post, that'd be awesome..

That is correct Darren and I will make a note of this on the Original post , thanks for the nice comment as well.

The oldest update will be at the top of the file and the most  recent update  on the very bottom .  

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Donnie Stugots
First Officer
Flight distance : 3636782 ft
United States

DJI-Ken Posted at 2017-2-2 08:07
I've sent a message asking about it.
I do see the last email sent to you on the 27th said that your exchange would be sent to you in 5-7 business days, so I'm guessing it's coming soon.

Is there any way that you can find out what courier , Like UPS or Fed express ? I understand if it comes fed-express I must sign for it . ( Not sure if true )  the UPS guy is a friend of mine so he knows what to do for me .  Just let me know if you get time , no rush.

I also read where it said it was going to be shipped soon but there was no tracking Number , so I figured it did not go out yet .  


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DJI team
Flight distance : 1515312 ft
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United States

Donnie Stugots Posted at 2017-2-2 12:38
Is there any way that you can find out what courier , Like UPS or Fed express ? I understand if it comes fed-express I must sign for it . ( Not sure if true )  the UPS guy is a friend of mine so he knows what to do for me .  Just let me know if you get time , no rush.

I also read where it said it was going to be shipped soon but there was no tracking Number , so I figured it did not go out yet .  

Not sure, if it comes from US it's probably UPS, China probably FedEx.
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Donnie Stugots
First Officer
Flight distance : 3636782 ft
United States

DJI-Ken Posted at 2017-2-2 14:22
Not sure, if it comes from US it's probably UPS, China probably FedEx.

Ok, thank you .

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DJI team
Flight distance : 1515312 ft
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United States

No problem, have a great weekend buddy.
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Donnie Stugots
First Officer
Flight distance : 3636782 ft
United States

DJI-Ken Posted at 2016-3-8 09:52
Donnie,  you are awesome. Excellent information.And thanks for helping as much as you do.

Ken , do you remember if you do a hard reset to the Inspire RC ,  IE : c1 c2, record red button top left and push the ISO detent down and hold all 4 firmly  ,  then turn on the RC if that will Indeed rollback the RC to the Original version ?  I am getting conflicting reports on this.  

Some members updated there RC before the Aircraft again but are on version 1.3 on the AC and RC so the only rollbacks that show up on the Go app is the the two version ( 1.6 and 1.5 ) before 1.7.

So the bottom line trying to get the RC back to 1.3?  Do  you recall if the hard reset will do that ?  

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DJI team
Flight distance : 1515312 ft
  • >>>
United States

Donnie Stugots Posted at 2017-2-8 09:14
Ken , do you remember if you do a hard reset to the Inspire RC ,  IE : c1 c2, record red button top left and push the ISO detent down and hold all 4 firmly  ,  then turn on the RC if that will Indeed rollback the RC to the Original version ?  I am getting conflicting reports on this.  

Some members updated there RC before the Aircraft again but are on version 1.3 on the AC and RC so the only rollbacks that show up on the Go app is the the two version ( 1.6 and 1.5 ) before 1.7.

I don't know if that works anymore.
You can try it.
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Donnie Stugots
First Officer
Flight distance : 3636782 ft
United States

DJI-Ken Posted at 2017-2-8 09:19
I don't know if that works anymore.
You can try it.

I gave the advice to the member, I don't want to try it on mine as it works great and don't want to mess it up .  He is at last resort , I will let you know if it works out .


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