I'm surprised how capable this little sensor is. Yes, it's not a patch on the bigger boys, but nudging the shadows up a bit in post brought back a fair bit of low-light information.
Thank you. 25fps, shutter speed 1/50, ISO... can't quite remember, but with the exposure emphasis more on the highlights than the shadows. I didn't want to blow the lights out and lose the colour.
Then I bumped the shadows a little in post - that's all, really.
Sorry, I wasn't criticising your video. I was referring to wheel flashing colours themselves. It brought to mind the warning they give out on TV before showing video clips of flashing images.
My comment in no way detracts from your excellent video.
yogi053 Posted at 8-31 02:03
Sorry, I wasn't criticising your video. I was referring to wheel flashing colours themselves. It brought to mind the warning they give out on TV before showing video clips of flashing images.
My comment in no way detracts from your excellent video.
I know that’s what you mean - my comment still stands..!
I'm surprised how capable this little sensor is. Yes, it's not a patch on the bigger boys, but nudging the shadows up a bit in post brought back a fair bit of low-light information.