Spark flyaway and rescue from other side of creek!
4876 76 2019-3-5
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Flight distance : 5922034 ft
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I am not saying that everyone else would have reacted quicker,
A lot probably wouldn't have flown there at all, without a steady GPS, under trees, over water

And that with the attitude are your words, not mine ;-)

You have been really lucky here, mate.
You bird didn't dive!
Now scan the web a bit with your favorite search engine and learn about abilities and weaknesses off the Spark
It is well documented
Luck is not really a thing, you always wanna rely on.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 636663 ft

S-e-ven Posted at 3-6 23:16
I am not saying that everyone else would have reacted quicker,
A lot probably wouldn't have flown there at all, without a steady GPS, under trees, over water

Is there a HAHA react on this forum? I can make use of some.
"React quicker" quick that you take off with only 6 satellites locked.
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Flight distance : 32031 ft


nilanjan118 Posted at 3-6 23:45
Is there a HAHA react on this forum? I can make use of some.
"React quicker" quick that you take off with only 6 satellites locked.

I always find it amusing when the forum twerps say they wont comment anymore, then immediately do!
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Flight distance : 32031 ft


S-e-ven Posted at 3-6 23:16
I am not saying that everyone else would have reacted quicker,
A lot probably wouldn't have flown there at all, without a steady GPS, under trees, over water

Id flown in there just a few days before with no problems. ... p;page=1#pid1782668

And I've flown in ATTI mode before with no problems. I knew too that it would pick up GPS signals once in the air and cleared from the trees, which it did. Just wasn't expecting it to fly like that when it fell out of GPS, since it had also done that before and didn't have that reaction. I use to race motorcycles and there was a famous saying, "if you an't crashing, you ain't going fast enough" Meaning if you are going to ever win you have to race on the limits. I was probably at the limits and with not enough experience, but you only get that experience by pushing those limits.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 636663 ft

RJB1 Posted at 3-7 00:32
I always find it amusing when the forum twerps say they wont comment anymore, then immediately do!

Not as amusing as noobs losing their temper when people can't dumb down a conversation to their intellectual level.
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Core User of DJI
Flight distance : 12686732 ft
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Hi RJB1,

Had a look at your flights.

Flying in ATTI is not that easy, especially if it happens unexpected.

In your flight your SAT count and reception were bad all the time.
In TriPod mode fully forward stick only gives a little speed, normal for this Mode.
But if, with fully fwd stick, a sudden switch to ATTI happens....drone will increase fwd speed very fast! (see the pitch angles change when TriPod>ATTI)

So take-off with low GPS counnt and bad reception is not what i would do, if you keep the drone close to homepoint after takeoff and wait for good signals ; understand that logic, an acceptable risk to take.
But continue flying and using TriPod mode in narrow area, not my idea of safe flying with low sats and reception.

Another point (if you already know, sorry), if flying away from take-off point in OPTI/ATTI your HP will be set after good GPS signals are received. So HP is not set at takeoff point, not too bad if you are aware of that. Becomes bad when disconnected and it lands somewehere else....

See my chart, if the lower part of the screen is empty...that`s a good flight.

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First Officer
Flight distance : 500052 ft

Aurelian Irimia Posted at 3-6 01:22
I've never had problems flying with my Spark over the water.

Nice footages, actually
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First Officer
Flight distance : 500052 ft

RJB1 Posted at 3-6 22:08
Yep it turned out it was that one. This is what I mean about it being very confusing. 14-52-25 is the time stamp in 24hr clock, but next to it says 06/03/2019 07.39am, but that is the date modified. I'm guessing when I downloaded it from the dji go app from my phone to my laptop. I was still confused as to what files I was supposed to even be uploading to that site because everyone keeps saying "download your logs" which is incorrect, its not the log files, its the flight record files! the TXT file.

Then on that Phantom site, it doesn't seem to be written very well. When I first looked at the instructions for uploading with an Apple phone, it says you have to have itunes and a mac. I don't have a mac, but this is an error and they forgot to put in mac/windows, which I found in other places they did.

The drone switched from Tripod mode to ATTI at 4.43 with this sticks movement

As ATTI is hard to control properly only one chance was to try to stabilize your drone - to push Backward. As I see in the log, you tried to do so at 4.46 (in video you attached we see that moment at 0.33, that little hesitation) but speed was 13 mph so the drone couldn't stop immediately so after 2 sec it met  its crash point.
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First Officer
Flight distance : 500052 ft

JJB* Posted at 3-7 02:17
Hi RJB1,

Had a look at your flights.

Can add that with particular circumstances (as flying in canyons) you can take off without proper GPS signal and amount of satellites. In this case you need to try just increase an altitude without moving in any other direction until the drone find necessary  GPS signal and RC says 'Home Point has been updated'. In any other cases I wouldn't recommend to try flying in OPTI (ATTI).
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Flight distance : 5922034 ft
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JJB* Posted at 3-7 02:17
Hi RJB1,

Had a look at your flights.

His homepoint was anyway set to high. 25.m, if I remember that right.Could have let  the bird take a bath, too.

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First Officer
Flight distance : 500052 ft

S-e-ven Posted at 3-7 03:13
His homepoint was anyway set to high. 25.m, if I remember that right.Could have let  the bird take a bath, too.

I thought it must hover over HP and ask permission to land, doesn't it?
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Flight distance : 32031 ft


nilanjan118 Posted at 3-7 00:47
Not as amusing as noobs losing their temper when people can't dumb down a conversation to their intellectual level.

You just keep making your self look more and more like an ass.
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Flight distance : 32031 ft


JJB* Posted at 3-7 02:17
Hi RJB1,

Had a look at your flights.

Thanks JJB for that analysis. Yep with hindsight I'll know next time to expect the unexpected if Im going to attempt to fly in those sort of locations. And yes now a better understanding of ATTI mode. I still need to explore the different options on setting the home point.
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Flight distance : 32031 ft


Lysak2003 Posted at 3-7 02:58
Can add that with particular circumstances (as flying in canyons) you can take off without proper GPS signal and amount of satellites. In this case you need to try just increase an altitude without moving in any other direction until the drone find necessary  GPS signal and RC says 'Home Point has been updated'. In any other cases I wouldn't recommend to try flying in OPTI (ATTI).

Yep that's what i did, but of course when I dropped back down to fly along the creek it lost GPS again. I was watching the screen for the shot and with it happening in a second didn't realise what was going on till it was already crashed. At least now I have an understanding of what happens when it comes out of GPS mode and into ATTI. Where I thought I had no control, it was just that as has been said it picked up speed in a second and by the time I released the stick it was already travelling at 19kph, so letting go it just kept going.
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Flight distance : 32031 ft


Lysak2003 Posted at 3-7 02:44
The drone switched from Tripod mode to ATTI at 4.43 with this sticks movement
As ATTI is hard to control properly only one chance was to try to stabilize your drone - to push Backward. As I see in the log, you tried to do so at 4.46 (in video you attached we see that moment at 0.33, that little hesitation) but speed was 13 mph so the drone couldn't stop immediately so after 2 sec it met  its crash point.

haha yep that about sums it up. Got very lucky and learned a lot!
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Flight distance : 5922034 ft
  • >>>

Lysak2003 Posted at 3-7 03:18
I thought it must hover over HP and ask permission to land, doesn't it?

But in an environment where it is most likely to hit a branch during the ascent/descent?
But that is difficult, anyway.
We just have options between 3 and 20m distance from homepoint, have we?
So, with a homepoint set sometime during the flight, how to plan where and how far away we could fly, to make "RTH at current altitude (with a minimum of 2.5m)" work?
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Core User of DJI
Flight distance : 12686732 ft
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RJB1 Posted at 3-7 03:26
Thanks JJB for that analysis. Yep with hindsight I'll know next time to expect the unexpected if Im going to attempt to fly in those sort of locations. And yes now a better understanding of ATTI mode. I still need to explore the different options on setting the home point.

When you have enough sats and good reception HP is set at takeoff point.

see my checklist. (many checklists on this forum, use wich ever you like)



304.79 KB, Down times: 2

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Core User of DJI
Flight distance : 12686732 ft
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Lysak2003 Posted at 3-7 03:18
I thought it must hover over HP and ask permission to land, doesn't it?

yes, as long as there is a connection and HP is not far away from takeoff point drone will hover there and OP can take the right action.

But what if HP is set during flight (let`s say 100 meters away other side of rriver...) and connection is lost...
RTH does a great job, will land there...and this is not the position you wants.

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Flight distance : 32031 ft


JJB* Posted at 3-7 05:13
When you have enough sats and good reception HP is set at takeoff point.

see my checklist. (many checklists on this forum, use wich ever you like)

thanks JJB
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Nilanjan Sharma
Second Officer
Flight distance : 636663 ft

RJB1 Posted at 3-7 03:22
You just keep making your self look more and more like an ass.

Well just for the record, I was the first one who replied to this thread and was being very polite. You were totally at a loss trying to locate your flight records, which is a noob symptom. I helped you with that. It was also me who shared the flight record viewer link with you first. And if you hadn't acted skeptical and shared your data quickly, people would have helped you get to the bottom of your problem much earlier. People who have been following this thread can very well see who has been acting like an ass since the last 3 days.
Anyway, hope you are happy now and at least accept that your "no one can do it" attitude was wrong. Have a good time with your Spark mate. Fly safe. Peace.
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Flight distance : 32031 ft


Nilanjan Sharma Posted at 3-7 15:47
Well just for the record, I was the first one who replied to this thread and was being very polite. You were totally at a loss trying to locate your flight records, which is a noob symptom. I helped you with that. It was also me who shared the flight record viewer link with you first. And if you hadn't acted skeptical and shared your data quickly, people would have helped you get to the bottom of your problem much earlier. People who have been following this thread can very well see who has been acting like an ass since the last 3 days.
Anyway, hope you are happy now and at least accept that your "no one can do it" attitude was wrong. Have a good time with your Spark mate. Fly safe. Peace.

You seem very happy in your own little world, and that is fine. But reading some of your other posts you have made on this site you seem to be the one with a bad attitude. The fact that it was you that got angry and said you were leaving and yet still persist in posting confirms that your attitude is, you know everything and so have the right to tell people what to do. Yes you posted the link for analysing the data, but when i asked what data and what the link was you got in a huff and said i was "paranoid" How is simply asking what a link is, and asking for clarification on what data, because you got that wrong, paranoid? A number of people here including yourself asked for my logs. And As I have found out, it may generically be called "logs" it is in fact flight records that holds the flight data. It's an important difference. All you had to do was explain what the link was and explain where to locate the data. But you aren't as smart as you think you are. You couldn't do that, so simply kept posting rubbish comments and saying I had an attitude, saying I was Einstein. Its classic little twit syndrome.
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Nilanjan Sharma
Second Officer
Flight distance : 636663 ft

RJB1 Posted at 3-7 16:09
You seem very happy in your own little world, and that is fine. But reading some of your other posts you have made on this site you seem to be the one with a bad attitude. The fact that it was you that got angry and said you were leaving and yet still persist in posting confirms that your attitude is, you know everything and so have the right to tell people what to do. Yes you posted the link for analysing the data, but when i asked what data and what the link was you got in a huff and said i was "paranoid" How is simply asking what a link is, and asking for clarification on what data, because you got that wrong, paranoid? A number of people here including yourself asked for my logs. And As I have found out, it may generically be called "logs" it is in fact flight records that holds the flight data. It's an important difference. All you had to do was explain what the link was and explain where to locate the data. But you aren't as smart as you think you are. You couldn't do that, so simply kept posting rubbish comments and saying I had an attitude, saying I was Einstein. Its classic little twit syndrome.

"But reading some of your other posts you have made on this site you seem to be the one with a bad attitude."

Ok. Could you please show me just one of them?
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Flight distance : 32031 ft


Nilanjan Sharma Posted at 3-7 16:19
"But reading some of your other posts you have made on this site you seem to be the one with a bad attitude."

Ok. Could you please show me just one of them?

You seriously need to do as you first said and leave and stop commenting. I understand its your huge ego that makes you keep posting, trying to prove you are always right. So here is the last reply you will get from me and I unlike you keep my word.

I didn't realise who you were when you first posted here, but when you started hurling the abuse i went to your profile and then came across our first contact. In this thread i made some comments about your editing that you didn't like and so had to keep coming up with reasons why you did it the way you did. You asked for constructive criticism but that wasn't what you wanted at all. Interesting to note too that in the thread just a few weeks ago you say you have only been flying 4 months, yet now in my thread you are already insulting me telling me I shouldn't be telling you what to do because I only have a few hours flight time. Didn't take you long to get an attitude did it!

Then in this thread you ask about a RTH feature on the Spark that everyone tells you doesn't exist. yet you still keep insisting it does. Really a pilot with only 4 months flying time telling much more experienced fliers they are wrong What an attitude!

OK, you asked for one, I've given you two plus this one where you have abused me for simply asking a question. Carry on making a fool of yourself if you please,(i'm sure you will, your ego won't let you leave it) but as I said, you are just wasting my time, so I wont be responding to you.
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Nilanjan Sharma
Second Officer
Flight distance : 636663 ft

RJB1 Posted at 3-7 17:16
You seriously need to do as you first said and leave and stop commenting. I understand its your huge ego that makes you keep posting, trying to prove you are always right. So here is the last reply you will get from me and I unlike you keep my word.

I didn't realise who you were when you first posted here, but when you started hurling the abuse i went to your profile and then came across our first contact. In this thread i made some comments about your editing that you didn't like and so had to keep coming up with reasons why you did it the way you did. You asked for constructive criticism but that wasn't what you wanted at all. Interesting to note too that in the thread just a few weeks ago you say you have only been flying 4 months, yet now in my thread you are already insulting me telling me I shouldn't be telling you what to do because I only have a few hours flight time. Didn't take you long to get an attitude did it!

First of all, I didn't remember our first interaction at all when I replied to this thread.
Secondly, I am replying not due to my ego but due to your grave allegations against me, which are false and hold no water in the context of this thread.

1. I had taken your constructive criticism positively and only explained my thought process politely. In fact I admit that's one of the best feedbacks I have had on this forum till date. Rather you had other people contradicting your opinion in that thread. The last thing you should have done is blatantly lied and tried to use this thread against me. I am sharing screenshots for everyone to see.

2. I was confused about something. So I ask. You need to read the full thread to see how it ended. And that question has been asked in a different forum as well. So it is not about me trying to prove experienced people wrong. ... -dji-go4-app.12291/

Anyway, people who can read will read. I am not here to show that I know all. I participate in this forum to learn and share whatever little I have learnt from my own experience. And I now remember that you are a much senior person to me since you pointed out our first interaction. So I take the first step to call truce and apologise since you took offense at my words. Do not end this on a bitter note. Handshakes and peace please.

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Flight distance : 32031 ft


This is what I needed from the beginning! This is what every new user needs to watch, a simple explanation of how to download your flight records and then how to upload them and what you will see. Not "upload your logs" and then no explanation of anything followed by abuse if you ask a question.

I found this from a different website for drones, seems there is a few sites around for analysing the data from your drone.

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DJI Susan

Hi RJB1, sorry for the late response. For your case, I sincerely suggest you start a case and send it in for diagnosis: If the unit is under warranty period, we'll arrange data analysis and offer you a proper solution.
For the flight records and flight data of the Spark, you may refer to the tutorial video as below.
If you encounter any difficulties during the progress, feel free to contact us with your case number, we'll be here for help.
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Flight distance : 32031 ft


DJI Susan Posted at 3-11 02:24
Hi RJB1, sorry for the late response. For your case, I sincerely suggest you start a case and send it in for diagnosis: If the unit is under warranty period, we'll arrange data analysis and offer you a proper solution.
For the flight records and flight data of the Spark, you may refer to the tutorial video as below.
If you encounter any difficulties during the progress, feel free to contact us with your case number, we'll be here for help.

I've opened cases with DJI before and never heard anything back. I've since had another flight where the drone just dropped out of the sky but still with motors running. It is out of warranty but I'm really losing faith in the Spark. In this instance I can understand it lost gps, and then came out of tripod mode and flew fast for a second before crashing, but I don't understand the dropping out of the sky that mine and others are having.

With help I've worked out how to download the data from my spark, although your video is confusing on what the black box data is, it shows it being downloaded but then doesn't explain what it's for.
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DJI Susan

RJB1 Posted at 3-11 14:28
I've opened cases with DJI before and never heard anything back. I've since had another flight where the drone just dropped out of the sky but still with motors running. It is out of warranty but I'm really losing faith in the Spark. In this instance I can understand it lost gps, and then came out of tripod mode and flew fast for a second before crashing, but I don't understand the dropping out of the sky that mine and others are having.

With help I've worked out how to download the data from my spark, although your video is confusing on what the black box data is, it shows it being downloaded but then doesn't explain what it's for.

Sorry about that. May I know how do you contact our support? Is there any case number or similar for better follow-up?
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Flight distance : 32031 ft


DJI Susan Posted at 3-12 00:32
Sorry about that. May I know how do you contact our support? Is there any case number or similar for better follow-up?

There doesn't seem to be any record of when I sent the report. Or is there somewhere I should look? I think i used the report issue on the DJi go 4 app.

Here is the link from the original problem. That seems to be fixed now, but as I say its twice dropped out of the air over the last few days. Both times the engines had power but it made a very quick decent. the first time no input from the controls would do anything, the second time it finally stopped descending, but the control was lagging, then it descended by itself very fast and crashed.  
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DJI Susan

RJB1 Posted at 3-12 14:03
There doesn't seem to be any record of when I sent the report. Or is there somewhere I should look? I think i used the report issue on the DJi go 4 app.

Here is the link from the original problem. That seems to be fixed now, but as I say its twice dropped out of the air over the last few days. Both times the engines had power but it made a very quick decent. the first time no input from the controls would do anything, the second time it finally stopped descending, but the control was lagging, then it descended by itself very fast and crashed.

Thanks for getting back to us. For the report in DJI GO 4, it is mainly used for data collection. For better follow-up, I sincerely suggest you refer to the above link to start a case and send the unit in. The local team will take care once they received the package. Hope for your understanding.
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Flight distance : 32031 ft


DJI Susan Posted at 3-13 00:28
Thanks for getting back to us. For the report in DJI GO 4, it is mainly used for data collection. For better follow-up, I sincerely suggest you refer to the above link to start a case and send the unit in. The local team will take care once they received the package. Hope for your understanding.

I've heard horror stories from people sending their unit in, where they were held ransom and simply told, you have to buy $500 worth of new components or you can have your drone back in pieces.

What above link?
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DJI Susan

RJB1 Posted at 3-13 13:19
I've heard horror stories from people sending their unit in, where they were held ransom and simply told, you have to buy $500 worth of new components or you can have your drone back in pieces.

What above link?

That is not true, the quotation is based on the drone we receive, and we have the price of the main parts in public for your reference: If the data analysis turns out to be the non-pilot error and the drone is still in the warranty period, we will provide the warranty service.
By the link above, I mean
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Flight distance : 32031 ft


DJI Susan Posted at 3-14 01:40
That is not true, the quotation is based on the drone we receive, and we have the price of the main parts in public for your reference: If the data analysis turns out to be the non-pilot error and the drone is still in the warranty period, we will provide the warranty service.
By the link above, I mean

Ok thanks, I'll send in a report and see what they say.
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Flight distance : 32031 ft


DJI Susan Posted at 3-14 01:40
That is not true, the quotation is based on the drone we receive, and we have the price of the main parts in public for your reference: If the data analysis turns out to be the non-pilot error and the drone is still in the warranty period, we will provide the warranty service.
By the link above, I mean

Interestingly this post just came up an hour ago.
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DJI Susan

RJB1 Posted at 3-14 03:34
Interestingly this post just came up an hour ago.

That is a different drone, our repair center will evaluate the drone. If you have any concern about it, you can always keep us posted.
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Next time drown yourself in this drain along with your retarded wife and kids.
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Flight distance : 32031 ft


HoppingBug Posted at 10-8 01:40
Next time drown yourself in this drain along with your retarded wife and kids.

If you check you will find this is Nilanjan118 making these posts
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