Compass Icon not Responding
1390 9 2017-8-7
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Hi , I have suffered similar experiences as many others since the last P4P firmware update, I have one additional problem since the update, the compass icon in the bottom left hand corner no longer works as it did previously, the icon is there but it indicates the aircraft pointing the wrong way, it also works correctly at random for short periods, this is a very handy tool which I do not want to do without , I have calibrated both IMU and compass several times and refreshed the last update.  Has anyone else experienced this problem?

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That's not a "compass icon" it's your radar display.
Messing with the IMU and your Phantom's compass won't have any effect on it.
But calibrating the compass in your phone or tablet might.
Google will tell you how to do that.
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Thanks for the response, however it works doesn't really matter, it shows the aircraft orientation relative to North (N) and relative to the  direction of the R/C.  I haven't messed with the Phantom's compass I calibrated it.
Any ideas are welcome and I will try your suggestion, it is a P4P so has its own monitor, I didn't realise that the remote has a compass, Google here we come.

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Ted11 Posted at 2017-8-7 23:44
Thanks for the response, however it works doesn't really matter, it shows the aircraft orientation relative to North (N) and relative to the  direction of the R/C.  I haven't messed with the Phantom's compass I calibrated it.
Any ideas are welcome and I will try your suggestion, it is a P4P so has its own monitor, I didn't realise that the remote has a compass, Google here we come.

You should never have to calibrate the Phantom's compass unless you add equipment to it.
If yours has a built-in monitor, it's a P4 pro+ rather than a P4pro.
The compass I mentioned is in the monitor like just about all phones and tablets.
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Ted11 Posted at 2017-8-7 23:44
Thanks for the response, however it works doesn't really matter, it shows the aircraft orientation relative to North (N) and relative to the  direction of the R/C.  I haven't messed with the Phantom's compass I calibrated it.
Any ideas are welcome and I will try your suggestion, it is a P4P so has its own monitor, I didn't realise that the remote has a compass, Google here we come.

As Labroids mentioned that is the 'Radar' display, the North marker is an indication of which direction the top of the display device is facing. If that is wrong then compass on the display needs calibration. The arrow represents how the aircraft is orientated in relation to the take off point. The take off point being the centre of the circle. If arrow is pointing to centre then aircraft is facing towards the home point, which is usually where the RC is still positioned (unless you've moved away a bit).
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Thanks Aardvark, The North marker is incorrect as it follows the display around as I turn it,  and the pointer doesn't point in the same direction as the aircraft nose.  I have as already mentioned calibrated the aircraft compass through the DJI GO app on the integrated monitor,
I see many videos how to do that, but none on calibrating the display compass, any ideas?
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First Officer
Flight distance : 384432 ft
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United Kingdom

Ted11 Posted at 2017-8-8 05:23
Thanks Aardvark, The North marker is incorrect as it follows the display around as I turn it,  and the pointer doesn't point in the same direction as the aircraft nose.  I have as already mentioned calibrated the aircraft compass through the DJI GO app on the integrated monitor,
I see many videos how to do that, but none on calibrating the display compass, any ideas?

Perhaps you just need to do a figure of eight walk as suggested in this other post

I suspect this may work as is, without having to do much else. I don't have a P4P+ so don't know if there is any specific path it requires for calibration. Switch it on and try the Bumble-Bee dance first.

Edit :- As Labroids says, great care needs to be taken with the aircraft compass, if it's calibrated too often it leads to a higher risk of being badly calibrated (due to local interference). Which can then lead to problems when flying. So get one good clean calibration and stick with that until the system says otherwise.
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Thanks again Aardvark,

TheP4P+ invited me to do the figure of eight dance when new, but I have not been able to find a route back to it.

I think it is a firmware issue as I had no problems before the recent update which I downloaded hoping to improve the gimble performance, however I now have many little quirks which wern't there previously, lesson learned.
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DJI Susan

Ted, I do not think that the issue is related with firmware update for now. According to your description, you have calibrate the IMU and compass, right? It should be the aircraft compass, not the display of RC compass. Please move the display as a figure of 8, it will be helpful.
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Thanks Susan,

I tried that to no effect.

Having trawled the forum for several hours I have followed these instructions according to several posts I read. I have updated  DJI Ass 2 to the latest firmware V1.1.2-2 before restoring to factory reset, switched the AC off then on again, refreshed  firmware 01.04.0602  restarted the AC  and  so far ALL the recent problems have disappeared .  All fingers crossed.
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