Flight distance : 2722556 ft
United States
"Milder" crash, hit wire and aircraft fell about 10' into soft sand. Aircraft damage was cracked carbon fiber tube to right tail motor, two shattered props and camera gimbal ripped from aircraft, stripping the two ribbon cables. Reattached cables and on table aircraft powered up OK, motors OK, camera & gimbal worked fine, no other observable damage, but of course, could not fly.
Timeline for repair:
-- March 11: aircraft arrived at DJI, Torrance CA shop via FedEx.
-- March 20: Email saying checked into Zendesk customer service database,
-- March 30: Received repair quote and request to pay. Cost was $287 which in included 3 hrs labor at $65/hr, 1 arm at $64, 2 props at $10 and 2 gimbal cables at $4. Paid via PayPal and returned proof of payment same day.
-- March 31: Received confirmation of payment and notification unit sent to repair department.
-- April 15: Contacted that unit repaired and shipping that day via FedEx.
So, that was 35 days from receipt of aircraft until shipped back to me. 9 days to acknowledge receipt, 10 days for repair estimate, 1 day to confirm payment and 15 days to repair. Of course, would be nice if total shorter repair time, but their customer service was good.
Ahhh, waiting to see if aircraft really OK when received on April 17. Can and did they run an overall system test besides just repairing physical damage? Do they warranty their repair work? Will it have the latest firmware update? Biggest concern is the aircraft will not be 100% good and I will have to return and lose use of for another month plus.
And....cause of my crash: 1) let person talk to me while flying, not concentrating on piloting. 2) Forgot about reduced depth perception when aircraft at distance. 3) Wind at higher end of allowable, should have landed sooner. 4) Just got too close to that damn antenna wire.