Never bothered with Skypixel I will have a look I currently use Dropbox for sending stuff but the forum doesn't seem to like it or at least I couldn't get it to work.
PeteHB Posted at 2018-1-28 02:41
Never bothered with Skypixel I will have a look I currently use Dropbox for sending stuff but the forum doesn't seem to like it or at least I couldn't get it to work.
There's lots of really interesting stuff on there. There's even one of mine ;)
PeteHB Posted at 2018-1-28 02:41
Never bothered with Skypixel I will have a look I currently use Dropbox for sending stuff but the forum doesn't seem to like it or at least I couldn't get it to work.
Dropbox is for a different purpose, it is good for posting an untouched file for people to examine, but not much good as a general posting or viewing site.