Flight distance : 369626 ft
I had flown perfectly on Friday, and noticed that the app got updated last Saturday morning (self updated by the phone) Sunday morning I went for a quick flight, found a place, set up everything and went airbone. On the air, as I always do, I verified maneuverability (up, down, forward, backwards, right, left and spin) Everything seemed normal so I headed forward into some fields. A few meters up and away and the downlink image (live view) got messy, with bars appearing and purple-ish sections of the image. There was a cell phone antenna nearby that I noted later so I decided to move away to another location: Same behavior. Tried with my backup USB cable: Same behavior too.
Feeling that something might be wrong with the app and that sometimes the updates go wrong I went home, uninstalled, cleaned up folders and reinstalled the app. I charged the batteries and headed out again to a new location: Same behavior.
It seems that the signal didn't drop: I was able to fly quite far without noticing any unresponsiveness. It also feels that the image was somehow properly getting to the phone too: The cached videos don't exhibit any kind of issue. In fact I have the impression that everything was fine when recording, but messy when not recording (I stopped filming to take pictures quite often)
Two things changed from my Friday flights:
-App was updated
-I was constantly getting wind warnings (it was really, really windy on Sunday)
Anybody else having issues with the downlink quality?
As said on the title:
Phone: Galaxy S7 (flying fine since the very first day)
Android 7.
APP: Latest version on the store.