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Downlink unstable on DJI Go 4.1.4 on ANDROID (Pulled back from st...
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5585 69 2017-7-23
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Flight distance : 369626 ft

I had flown perfectly on Friday, and noticed that the app got updated last Saturday morning (self updated by the phone) Sunday morning I went for a quick flight, found a place, set up everything and went airbone. On the air, as I always do, I verified maneuverability (up, down, forward, backwards, right, left and spin) Everything seemed normal so I headed forward into some fields. A few meters up and away and the downlink image (live view) got messy, with bars appearing and purple-ish sections of the image. There was a cell phone antenna nearby that I noted later so I decided to move away to another location: Same behavior. Tried with my backup USB cable: Same behavior too.

Feeling that something might be wrong with the app and that sometimes the updates  go wrong I went home, uninstalled, cleaned up folders and reinstalled the app. I charged the batteries and headed out again to a new location: Same behavior.

It seems that the signal didn't drop: I was able to fly quite far without noticing any unresponsiveness. It also feels that the image was somehow properly getting to the phone too: The cached videos don't exhibit any kind of issue. In fact I have the impression that everything was fine when recording, but messy when not recording (I stopped filming to take pictures quite often)

Two things changed from my Friday flights:

-App was updated
-I was constantly getting wind warnings (it was really, really windy on Sunday)

Anybody else having issues with the downlink quality?

As said on the title:
Phone: Galaxy S7 (flying fine since the very first day)
Android 7.
APP: Latest version on the store.

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DJI Susan

Which image transmission channel did you choose? Auto or Custom? Actually, Auto is recommended to ensure the performance. Alternatively, please try another recommended mobile to better verify the issue.
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Flight distance : 369626 ft

DJI Susan Posted at 2017-7-24 00:33
What's the image transmission channel did you choose? Auto or Custom? Actually, Auto is recommended to ensure the performance. Alternatively, please try another recommended mobile to better verify the issue.

It was on Auto, never ever changed it. Can't try with other device at the moment either, nor I'm willing to buy another phone right now as you could understand.

I can try other configurations or provide whatever info you need to trace the bug if necessary (I guess I won't be the only one .. )
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DJI Susan

CuaC Posted at 2017-7-24 00:41
It was on Auto, never ever changed it. Can't try with other device at the moment either, nor I'm willing to buy another phone right now as you could understand.

I can try other configurations or provide whatever info you need to trace the bug if necessary (I guess I won't be the only one .. )

Please check the image transmission interface when the same issue appeared in the flight, there are colorful bars to show whether the channel status is stable or not. And please send us the screenshot if applicable. I understand your situation and concern, please check whether your family or friends can offer their mobiles to confirm. Thank you for cooperation in advance.
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Flight distance : 369626 ft

DJI Susan Posted at 2017-7-24 01:22
Please check the image transmission interface when the same issue appeared in the flight, there are colorful bars to show whether the channel status is stable or not. And please send us the screenshot if applicable. I understand your situation and concern, please check whether your family or friends can offer their mobiles to confirm. Thank you for cooperation in advance.

I'll try to record it if it happens on my next flight. However, what is funny is that the cached video is perfect and smooth, with no issues at all. That's why I feel there's something wrong with the app.
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DJI Susan

CuaC Posted at 2017-7-24 03:00
I'll try to record it if it happens on my next flight. However, what is funny is that the cached video is perfect and smooth, with no issues at all. That's why I feel there's something wrong with the app.

The camera and image transmission module are working independently. The video cache and original videos in SD card play well mean that the camera itself works well, no worries.
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Flight distance : 369626 ft

DJI Susan Posted at 2017-7-24 04:51
The camera and image transmission module are working independently. The video cache and original videos in SD card play well mean that the camera itself works well, no worries.

If the video cache (on the cellphone) works fine, then to me it proves that the downlink (transmission) is correct, and it means there's something wrong on the app.
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Bill in Ohio
  • >>>
United States

I also have a Samsung S7, DJI Go4 v. 4.1.3 , Mavic Pro FW v  Go into your phone settings and change display settings to Display Mode:  BASIC and Resolution:  1920 x 1080.  That fixed almost all issues.  I rarely have the app disconnect, video lag is negligible and video is solid.  The DJI Go 4 app was updated last updated on Jun 30, 2017 -- so why did you say the app just updated prior to your Friday flight?
You will see a warning from Samsung on the display mode and higher resolution settings that this increases power consumption (which probably means the phone is doing more computer processing for the fancy modes and the higher resolution.  I also have turned off wifi and blu tooth and also have flown with them on.  May not have made any real difference.

I have had a couple days where something was interfering, checked transmission diagram and adjusted to other transmission band.  One time something glitched out of hundreds of flights and there was no video at all.  Landed, shutdown everything, restarted and all was well.  I have flown about 20 sorties (separate TO and landings) since then with no issues.

RC always had control.

Let me know how the phone setting changes works out for you.  Others who have tried it have reported success, including an iPhone user.
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Flight distance : 369626 ft

Bill in Ohio Posted at 2017-7-24 06:08
I also have a Samsung S7, DJI Go4 v. 4.1.3 , Mavic Pro FW v  Go into your phone settings and change display settings to Display Mode:  BASIC and Resolution:  1920 x 1080.  That fixed almost all issues.  I rarely have the app disconnect, video lag is negligible and video is solid.  The DJI Go 4 app was updated last updated on Jun 30, 2017 -- so why did you say the app just updated prior to your Friday flight?
You will see a warning from Samsung on the display mode and higher resolution settings that this increases power consumption (which probably means the phone is doing more computer processing for the fancy modes and the higher resolution.  I also have turned off wifi and blu tooth and also have flown with them on.  May not have made any real difference.

Hi Bill!
Thanks for your answer. I indeed have a newer version than yours. Play Store says it's 4.1.4 and it was launched on Saturday:

Maybe they pulled it back and that's why you don't see it. If so I might check if uninstalling leads me to 4.1.3 again. Would you please check your store to see if 4.1.4 is there or if is still showing 4.1.3? If it's there I would advise not to update if you're with a S7 (4.1.3 worked perfectly for me)

My screen was already 1080p FHD, I'll try to see if the Basic color mode works better, thanks! On the networking options, I always fly with Wi-fi off, the rest on. Wifi for me does interfere with the signal (maybe it's due to European standards on the transmission band) while 3g/4g do not. I also tried setting the flight mode to restrict everything else but it did have no effect at all this time. I also restarted the phone in case some other app was hanging.
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Bill in Ohio
  • >>>
United States

CuaC Posted at 2017-7-24 06:50
Hi Bill!
Thanks for your answer. I indeed have a newer version than yours. Play Store says it's 4.1.4 and it was launched on Saturday:

That is very interesting.  I am in the USA, and I just double checked with Play Store and my DJI Go 4 app is still the latest app version at 4.1.3.  ios for iPhones has been one number bigger.  I went to the mavic pro specifications page and they still haven't updated the info their on the "live view" apps.  The info is at the bottom of the page.  I'm going to delete it and then reinstall.  I'll see what happens.
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Bill in Ohio
  • >>>
United States

DJI Susan Posted at 2017-7-24 04:51
The camera and image transmission module are working independently. The video cache and original videos in SD card play well mean that the camera itself works well, no worries.

Can you double check the info on the DJI Mavic spec page is correct.  They appear to have the wrong info under "Live View" at bottom of page.  My dji go 4 app says it is v4.1.3.  CuaC says his in Europe is 4.1.4.
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Flight distance : 369626 ft
United States

Bill in Ohio Posted at 2017-7-24 12:20
That is very interesting.  I am in the USA, and I just double checked with Play Store and my DJI Go 4 app is still the latest app version at 4.1.3.  ios for iPhones has been one number bigger.  I went to the mavic pro specifications page and they still haven't updated the info their on the "live view" apps.  The info is at the bottom of the page.  I'm going to delete it and then reinstall.  I'll see what happens.

I have checked with other people and they're all still on 4.1.3! I deleted the app but when I install it again it still picks up 4.1.4! I guess somebody made a mistake by deploying it and i got unlucky to have it updated, now gplay knows I'm on 4.1.4 and sticks to it
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Flight distance : 369626 ft
United States

CuaC Posted at 2017-7-24 12:28
I have checked with other people and they're all still on 4.1.3! I deleted the app but when I install it again it still picks up 4.1.4! I guess somebody made a mistake by deploying it and i got unlucky to have it updated, now gplay knows I'm on 4.1.4 and sticks to it

I'm attaching the info from the store

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Bill in Ohio
  • >>>
United States

CuaC Posted at 2017-7-24 12:34
I'm attaching the info from the store

Just finished reloading DJI Go 4 app.  Still version 4.1.3.  Maybe in Europe you are under a different number system?  Or they are releasing it geographically.
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Flight distance : 369626 ft

Bill in Ohio Posted at 2017-7-24 12:41
Just finished reloading DJI Go 4 app.  Still version 4.1.3.  Maybe in Europe you are under a different number system?  Or they are releasing it geographically.

I don't know. I have my family coming over and i checked on my father's phone, still 4.1.3 asked to some guys online, still 4.1.3... Am i the only one on 4.1.4?

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Flight distance : 369626 ft

I've just found another guy on 4.1.4, he is also experiencing constant issues with the live image as I do.
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Flight distance : 369626 ft

DJI Susan Posted at 2017-7-24 04:51
The camera and image transmission module are working independently. The video cache and original videos in SD card play well mean that the camera itself works well, no worries.

Susan would you please provide an official statement regarding version 4.1.4 for Android? Has it been pulled back? Is there an official way to get 4.1.3?
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DJI Susan

CuaC Posted at 2017-7-24 14:24
Susan would you please provide an official statement regarding version 4.1.4 for Android? Has it been pulled back? Is there an official way to get 4.1.3?

The Android version 4.1.4 has not been released officially, only a small part of customers are available to download the test version in Google Play Store. We are working on it to improve the customer experience when it is officially released.
@Bill Thank you for your attention. Please refer the above information.
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Flight distance : 369626 ft

DJI Susan Posted at 2017-7-24 18:41
The Android version 4.1.4 has not been released officially, only a small part of customers are available to download the test version in Google Play Store. We are working on it to improve the customer experience when it is officially released.
@Bill Thank you for your attention. Please refer the above information.

Well then don't release it officially, it doesn't work properly. How (officially) can I get the 4.1.3 again?
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Flight distance : 1145472 ft

I can confirm the same download link stream problems on my Xperia Z screen with the new  Android 4.1.4 version.  Scrambled video feed on my phone screen (Checked the video cache on the phone and that is OK as is the actual video on the Mavic).  Even tried another USB-cable.
Also seeing some softer (more see through) transparancy for all the menu's what's making it harder to read.  Phone rebooted (not the app but the phone! ) after flying for 5 minutes (first time it has done that with the Go app) . Also the map window is not starting in the satelite view, I always have to change it manually now. It won't remember the last setting.
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Flight distance : 369626 ft

Chrasher Posted at 2017-7-24 22:09
I can confirm the same download link stream problems on my Xperia Z screen with the new  Android 4.1.4 version.  Scrambled video feed on my phone screen (Checked the video cache on the phone and that is OK as is the actual video on the Mavic).  Even tried another USB-cable.
Also seeing some softer (more see through) transparancy for all the menu's what's making it harder to read.  Phone rebooted (not the app but the phone! ) after flying for 5 minutes (first time it has done that with the Go app) . Also the map window is not starting in the satelite view, I always have to change it manually now. It won't remember the last setting.

Glad I'm not the only one! well, not glad for you as we're on the same boat... but it's good that it happens to more users, and that it also happens in more devices (So DJI cannot play the "use another device" card)
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Flight distance : 369626 ft

DJI Susan Posted at 2017-7-24 18:41
The Android version 4.1.4 has not been released officially, only a small part of customers are available to download the test version in Google Play Store. We are working on it to improve the customer experience when it is officially released.
@Bill Thank you for your attention. Please refer the above information.

Susan, as you can see, it's not only me. So far another user here and another two users on a different forum have reported having issues with 4.1.4. We need a solution as right now the drone cannot be safely flown. Would you please provide another download link for the official APK outside the store or ask your engineers to effectively rollback 4.1.4 on the store so we can get to the 4.1.3 as it was stable?

I have to suggest that in the future, if you want to test the application with more users, you use the BETA branch on Google Play. That way people can voluntarily download the updated/non-completely-tested version and opt-out to get back to the stable one if the want.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 639764 ft

Just to chime in: my iPhone updated to 4.1.4 tonight. Will be flying this evening, so fingers crossed.
One feature that I like in the new version is auto video cache size instead of the 16GB cap.
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Flight distance : 369626 ft

BumblerBee Posted at 2017-7-24 23:44
Just to chime in: my iPhone updated to 4.1.4 tonight. Will be flying this evening, so fingers crossed.
One feature that I like in the new version is auto video cache size instead of the 16GB cap.

Maybe on iOS you're lucky as it seems it has been rolled out for everybody. On Android everybody is still on 4.1.3 but a few of us have been granted with the "luck" of having a non-working app...
Use props
DJI Susan

CuaC Posted at 2017-7-24 22:29
Susan, as you can see, it's not only me. So far another user here and another two users on a different forum have reported having issues with 4.1.4. We need a solution as right now the drone cannot be safely flown. Would you please provide another download link for the official APK outside the store or ask your engineers to effectively rollback 4.1.4 on the store so we can get to the 4.1.3 as it was stable?

I have to suggest that in the future, if you want to test the application with more users, you use the BETA branch on Google Play. That way people can voluntarily download the updated/non-completely-tested version and opt-out to get back to the stable one if the want.

I understand your concern. If I were on your shoes, I felt the same as well. I have forwarded your issue to our engineers to review and confirm. The Android version will be released soon. We appreciate your attention and feedback. Thank you for your patience.
Use props
Flight distance : 1145472 ft

Small correction on my previous post:  Phone is a Sony Xperia X (not Z).
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Flight distance : 369626 ft

DJI Susan Posted at 2017-7-25 04:51
I understand your concern. If I were on your shoes, I felt the same as well. I have forwarded your issue to our engineers to review and confirm. The Android version will be released soon. We appreciate your attention and feedback. Thank you for your patience.

Thank you Susan, in the meantime, again, would you please provide an alternative download link for the 4.1.3 version? The direct link on your website is still 4.1.0 (I'm talking about this page ) so at least I can fly in the meantime?

There's no way to go back to 4.1.3 on Google Play.
Use props
Flight distance : 80138 ft
United States

New thread was made here with video of the exact issue going on here. Seems like it is effecting more and more people.
Use props
Flight distance : 310157 ft

CuaC Posted at 2017-7-25 04:54
Thank you Susan, in the meantime, again, would you please provide an alternative download link for the 4.1.3 version? The direct link on your website is still 4.1.0 (I'm talking about this page ) so at least I can fly in the meantime?

There's no way to go back to 4.1.3 on Google Play.

Going back to earlier versions of DJI Go

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Flight distance : 369626 ft

Nifty Posted at 2017-7-25 05:23
New thread was made here with video of the exact issue going on here. Seems like it is effecting more and more people.

Thanks for pointing it out, it's the same issue!
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Flight distance : 369626 ft

V_kingo Posted at 2017-7-25 05:27
Going back to earlier versions of DJI Go

Thanks. I know this methods, but I rather not download an application such as DJI Go4 (which requires nearly every possible permission on your phone) from an untrusted source. Even when they say it's safe... if it wouldn't ask for so many things I could think about it, but a malicious site could steal lots of information with such level of permission.
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Flight distance : 288366 ft
United States

have the 4.1.3 on a Galaxy S7 Edge and it could not be worse. Constant app crashes and choppy video feed. I've tried every possible fix posted but nothing helps. (two friends with similar Samsung phones are having the same problem). Inexcusable that the app should be so buggy. The app store reviews say it star from the majority of users.l
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 80991 ft
  • >>>

Easy downgrade... Don't stress
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Flight distance : 310157 ft

CuaC Posted at 2017-7-25 05:43
Thanks. I know this methods, but I rather not download an application such as DJI Go4 (which requires nearly every possible permission on your phone) from an untrusted source. Even when they say it's safe... if it wouldn't ask for so many things I could think about it, but a malicious site could steal lots of information with such level of permission.

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Flight distance : 369626 ft

Hmm... what?
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Flight distance : 369626 ft

I have just checked the google play store and they have pulled back the 4.1.4 at least for me! Wohoo! I have just installed 4.1.3 again
Use props

DJI Susan Posted at 2017-7-24 18:41
The Android version 4.1.4 has not been released officially, only a small part of customers are available to download the test version in Google Play Store. We are working on it to improve the customer experience when it is officially released.
@Bill Thank you for your attention. Please refer the above information.

So you chose a small number of your customers and, without informing them, used them as beta testers, using their own expensive equipment, which you sold them.

I'm currently on holiday. I brought my drone with specifically because there is something I wanted to film. Instead of that I've spent several hours of my day working as an unknowing, unpaid beta tester for DJI - exactly as you planned I would.

DJI have the best engineers, and the most contempt for their customers, of any company I have come across.
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Flight distance : 1145472 ft

Yes, also going back to 4.1.3. Will wait a bit longer now before I update to a newer version. Learned my lesson.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 639764 ft

BumblerBee Posted at 2017-7-24 23:44
Just to chime in: my iPhone updated to 4.1.4 tonight. Will be flying this evening, so fingers crossed.
One feature that I like in the new version is auto video cache size instead of the 16GB cap.

I flew just now with 4.1.4 on iPhone in WiFi mode. Weather was not as good as I hoped for, so was doing only a few backyard manoeuvres to test WiFi. Tried Active track. One thing that I noticed that the app issued short warnings about disconnecting, though it never lost control of the aircraft and the video feed. I was never higher than 4m.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 1382431 ft
United States

Tested the new firmware for about 45 minutes going through the intelligent flight modes, RTH, no drifting etc.. No problems at all. I hope it work for the rest of you guys #getoutanddrone
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